
You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

Wen 丨 Forest Mommy

Lost a child in a closed campus?

This is a real case, in a kindergarten, the teacher of the small class took the children out of the classroom and went to the small garden, the children disappeared, the teacher was in a hurry, but he couldn't find anything.

The school is a closed park, when the teacher took the children to the small garden to play, the small garden has no other exits, and there is basically no place to hide.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

When the teacher took the children into the small garden, the children were still there, but when they returned to the class, everyone sat down in their seats, and when they saw that there was one less person, they quickly went to find it.

However, the teacher searched several times on this path from the classroom to the middle passage to the small garden, but he did not see the child, and others also came to help find it, and also found nothing.

Everyone thought it was particularly strange, and even began to wonder if there was any parallel universe in this world...

So guess where the child went?

He was in another class.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

It turned out that when the child followed the teacher and classmates back to the classroom from the small garden, the children of another class lined up to follow the teacher through there, and then he walked into the class and followed the people into the classroom.

Because he just arrived at the kindergarten, he couldn't tell which was his classmate, he only knew to follow other children, the moment the two teams met, the monitoring was not filmed, he was mixed into another team, he didn't know that he had gone to the wrong class. Coincidentally, after the teacher of another class brought the children to the classroom, he began to play shadow puppets for the children, turning off the lights in the classroom, until the shadow puppet play was finished, the lights were turned on, and the teacher found a strange child sitting by the wall...

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

Therefore, the child is a lost existence if he is not careful, not only in school, but also around the teacher, even if he follows his parents, there will be a situation of loss.

In the mall, on the street, sometimes you blink your eyes, you can't see the child, not necessarily abducted by human traffickers, it may be that the child makes a mistake and follows others, and others don't find out, after a while only to find a child around, where to go to find the child's parents...

During last year's National Day, the police in a scenic spot in Guangxi recovered 41 lost children in 5 days...

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

This is just a scenic spot, think about it, if a trafficker runs to a crowded attraction during the holidays, he will stare at which child and his parents are lost, how many people can he take away?

In many variety shows, anti-abduction experiments have been done for children of different ages, simulating the scene of children and adults getting lost, sending people to use some candy, small animals and the like to trick children into following themselves, many parents who are very confident in their children, and finally found that children failed to remain vigilant in this experiment, and easily walked away with strangers.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

This year, the news of the reunion of Sun Haiyang's Sun Zhuo family has touched many people, although the final ending is satisfactory, but Sun Haiyang and his wife have experienced much pain and hopelessness in the process of finding their children, and parents should be able to feel empathy.

Therefore, parents must pay attention to their children when they look at them, their eyes are on the children at any time, and after the children can understand the adults' speeches, the first thing is to educate the children to prevent loss prevention and avoid tragedies in their own families.

So, once parents find that their children are lost, how should they act correctly and find their children as soon as possible?

1. Use broadcasting

If it is in a shopping mall, scenic spot and other public places, there is a service desk, if the child is missing, you should contact the service center at the first time, tell him the specific characteristics of the child, let the child go to the specific location, etc., or please see the person to contact the service center.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

However, there are also certain hidden dangers in this way, if the child is relatively old, can understand the broadcast by himself, can broadcast direct dialogue with the child, and can also use some techniques, such as replacing the name of the lost person with the name of the parent, changing the name of the parent to the name of the child, telling his parents to wait for him at the service desk.

If the child is not found within 15 minutes of the broadcast, you can ask the staff to help guard the door and avoid the child being taken away.

2. Alarm

Some shopping malls will have a set of anti-lost system, as long as they tell them that the child is lost, they will immediately start to investigate, usually in a short period of time can find the child.

But if it is not in the mall, there is no broadcast around, then we have to call the police at the first time, especially for children under 3 years old, do not have to wait, must be the first time to call the police.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

3. Ten people and four chases

At the same time as calling the police, parents should not be idle, and should enable the "ten people and four chase method" as soon as possible to increase the hope of finding their children.

The so-called ten people and four chase methods, that is, immediately contact the family, organize 1 person, 1 person to stay in place, one person to call the police to contact the police to cooperate with the police, the other 8 people, each direction at least 1 person, within 2 kilometers along the road to quickly chase, the other is the railway station, bus station, but also to line 4 people to quickly find.

4. Usually, children should be educated on anti-wandering safety

We usually have to educate our children on safety, so that children remember the names of their parents, grandparents, and when they are bigger, they must remember the mobile phone number of their father or mother and remember their home address.

You may not know how easy it is for children to lose! Don't think that getting lost doesn't happen to you

Also tell your child that if you accidentally can't see your parents outdoors, you should shout their parents' names loudly, instead of just shouting "mom and dad". If there is no response, don't run around, stay where you are, find a higher place to stand up, and don't walk with strangers. When you see a person in uniform (teach your child to recognize police clothes, firefighters' clothes), you can ask him for help.

Of course, the most effective way is for parents to always keep an eye on their children, especially in places where there are many outdoor people. In addition, if the child is still young, even if it is in a familiar place such as the community, do not take it lightly.

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