
The focus of elementary school is on reading! 5 tips to cultivate children's reading habits, the more they read, the more addictive

The focus of elementary school is on reading! 5 tips to cultivate children's reading habits, the more they read, the more addictive

The basis of the language discipline is reading, and the importance of the cultivation of reading habits in primary school is even greater than that of achievements, because reading ability is the basis of other abilities, and reading habits are the wealth of a child's life. How to make children fall in love with reading and cultivate good reading habits? In this article, I share five practical tips for parents, hoping to help you.

Create a good reading environment and atmosphere

The reading environment is really important. Personal experience, take the child to the library to read, his amount will reach more than 3 times the usual. Immersed in the ocean of books, surrounded by children who are seriously reading books, these positive external factors will stimulate children's interest in reading. Therefore, parents can take their children to the library to read books and participate in reading activities on weekends, so that children can get more influences.

Of course, the home is also the most important place to cultivate children's reading habits. Parents can buy their children a separate bookcase, prepare children's books of different types and styles, tell him that this is your book, and let him build a sense of belonging to the book. Of course, books are certainly not limited to bookshelves, and it is best to let children find suitable books to read anywhere at home.

I have seen a very good practice before: in order to encourage his daughter to read, a father has built an "exclusive reading space" for her, which is arranged like a fairy tale forest, and the child likes to sit alone in the fairy tale forest and read quietly.

Another mother gave such an example: "When my daughter was born, the living area of the family was small, there were many books, and her children's bed was covered with a thick layer of books, so that the daughter grew up on the pile of books day by day, and she did not dirty or fold a book." She seems to have a kind of attachment to books, when she grows up, she never picks and chooses to eat and wear, her beautiful clothes are less than others, but her collection of books is more than others, and she can select delicious dishes with different themes for you from the bookcase. ”

The focus of elementary school is on reading! 5 tips to cultivate children's reading habits, the more they read, the more addictive

Insist on reading and telling stories to your children every day

The seeds of reading are sown in the family. The Reading Handbook quotes a poem: "You may have unlimited wealth, boxes of jewelry and chests of gold." But you'll never be richer than I am, and I have a mom who reads to me. "Reading is an important source for children to have a rich spiritual life, and the cultivation of reading ability, reading interest and reading habits starts from the family."

The secrets of childhood are far from being discovered, and the value of children's books is far from being recognized. Children's books quietly hide the most beautiful things of human beings in the fate of individuals and animals, so as to build children's values. The initial reading is parent-child co-reading, which is read by parents to their children, because children do not recognize words, and reading is more from pictures.

Children first understand the world through pictures. Children's books not only have the role of valuable edification, but also have the effect of healing, what problems children want to solve, there are corresponding books, after reading it is more useful than saying 10,000 lessons.

Most importantly, once you have developed the habit of reading in childhood, you will take the initiative to find books to read in the future.

Reading is an appetite, at the beginning let the child eat KFC, McDonald's, slowly, other things do not like to eat, he is only interested in KFC, McDonald's, he does not know that there are other good things in the world. Reading is the same way, after reading some bad books, there is no appreciation for other good books.

TV movies adapted from classic original books can be "matchmaking"

Reading should not be forced, but should be properly guided. Although it was said earlier that parents try to take their children to watch TV as little as possible, it is still necessary to selectively watch some, especially some TV movies adapted from classic original works.

Of course, if possible, it is of course best for children to read the original book directly. But if the child is not willing, you can first use the more acceptable TV movie to "match" to attract the child to read the original work.

I have seen an example of a parent who wants to share with his child the joy of watching the Journey to the West comic strip when he was a child, but the child does not like to watch it. Later, he first showed a few episodes of the "Journey to the West" TV series, and the child's interest immediately came up. But he skillfully told the child that he needed to wait and wait for the back, and the child could not wait, so he grabbed the comic strip and looked at it first.

The focus of elementary school is on reading! 5 tips to cultivate children's reading habits, the more they read, the more addictive

Encourage your child to listen and read and speak his or her opinion

After the input, the output is also very important. After the child reads the book, parents can encourage the child to say his feelings and thoughts to enhance the child's thinking ability, communication and expression ability.

If the child just blindly reads, the books they read may just be piled up in the mind. If parents can encourage him to say his feelings after reading, he actually experienced a deep thinking before he expressed it; in the process of his expression, he also exercised his communication and expression skills to a certain extent. This was very important for him to develop his basic writing skills later on.

One dad did this: "Every time I let my child read a book, he refused to read it on the grounds that he was busy with his homework. But I found one of his weaknesses, which was his poor composition. Once before he wrote an essay, I first let him read a book, read it again, memorize it, and let him use all the words he could understand as appropriately as possible in the composition, and as a result, the teacher's judgment was 'vivid image of language'. So the child gradually found a way to write a good article in the process of reading, and he took the initiative to find a book to read. ”

The focus of elementary school is on reading! 5 tips to cultivate children's reading habits, the more they read, the more addictive

Reading cannot be rushed

Reading is a lifelong practice. Obvious or immediate effects may be seen in the short term, and many times it is a tacit skill. Therefore, parents must abandon the idea of quickly achieving a certain effect through short-term reading, and never think that children can write a good essay immediately after reading more books in the near future.

In fact, the effect of a lot of reading by children may be evident in middle and high school. The accumulation of reading cultivates children's clear logical thinking ability, and the improvement of this basic ability will greatly promote children's learning and writing.

The more a child reads, the more connections between knowledge and knowledge can be created, and perhaps one day there will be an explosion of bloom.

Therefore, let the child insist on reading, and one day the most beautiful flower will bloom.


Editor: Lv Xing

Editor-in-charge: Mao Wenhai

Editor-in-chief: Gong Yufang

Producer: Zhang Zhuo

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