
Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

This article is original by Xuan Pa Parenting, all rights reserved, infringement must be investigated

It is well known that women enter the confinement period after giving birth.

In the traditional cognition of Chinese, women's confinement after childbirth is very important, and many elderly people have said that the confinement is done well, not only can quickly recover the body, but also take away some of the original diseases.

Of course, there is no scientific reason for confinement to treat the disease, but it is very necessary for the mother to rest well in the 30 days after giving birth.

There are many things that need to be paid attention to during the confinement period, and there are also exquisite eating and drinking, and due to different concepts and customs, the confinement life of mothers in the north and south is also very different.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

Southern Mom's Confinement Meal VS Northern Mom's Confinement Meal, which one do you prefer?

Not long ago, I chatted with a colleague in the south, and when I talked about the topic of confinement, my colleague said that in my hometown, confinement should be stewed and drunk, and the types of soup are different every day.

Fresh stir-fry, delicious and nutritious soup, plus a bowl of rice, constitute the southern mother's confinement meal.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

The words of the colleague immediately aroused the interest of those around him.

One of them, Bao Mama from the north, said that when she confinement, dragon's whisker noodles, native chicken, millet porridge and brown sugar are the necessary ingredients for confinement meals.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

Indeed, due to the differences in diets between the north and the south, many women's confinement meals are also completely different.

For northern mothers, after general production, the family will prepare millet porridge or chicken soup for them, because northerners generally prefer noodles, so it is relatively single in soup, the most common is chicken soup, rib soup, followed by porridge for the stomach.

In addition, in daily meals, many northern mothers-in-law are very fond of giving their daughters-in-law noodles and putting meat and vegetables in the noodles, which can be called "ten complete noodles".

Southerners prefer rice and soup, so southern mothers rarely eat pasta when confinement, and instead have different kinds of nutritious stew soups, and from the soup point of view, southern mothers are happier.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

In addition to the confinement meal, there are many different places between southern mothers and northern mothers when confinement:

★ About dressing

Because the weather in the north is relatively cold, many northern mothers-in-law will let their daughters-in-law pay attention to keep warm during the confinement period, clothes can not wear too little, even if sweating can not take off clothes at will, otherwise they will get cold and sick, and fall ill in the future.

The southern mother is more comfortable and casual in this regard, due to the suitable temperature, many mothers directly wear short-sleeved shorts during the confinement period, and even blow fans or air conditioners when the weather is hot, which makes many northern mothers envious.

Tip: How pregnant women dress during confinement depends on temperature and comfort, "covering" and being cold are not the right practices, just wear seasonal clothes to ensure that they will not catch a cold.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

★ About the way family is spent

Many northern mothers-in-law are very tired during the care of their daughter-in-law's confinement, almost all-weather on call, and follow the principle of "eating less and eating more meals", preparing at least 5 confinement meals for their daughter-in-law a day.

In the south, although many mothers-in-law also take care of maternity, in addition to three meals a day and housework, they will also find some work to do after busy work, and will not always stare at the mother.

Tips: It is right to eat less and eat more meals during the confinement period, and the companionship and care of the family can also help improve the happiness of the mother, but the family should also pay attention to leaving some private space for the mother when taking care of the mother.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

★ About bathing

In the north, most elderly people will explain that they cannot take a bath and wash their hair during the confinement period, otherwise after catching a cold, they will have headaches and joint pain during confinement.

In the south, some mothers-in-law will cook a pot of mugwort water for the mother to help the mother clean, in the eyes of the southerners, the mugwort water has the effect of disinfection and sterilization.

Tips: Pregnant women can take a bath during confinement, as long as the indoor temperature and water temperature do not let themselves get cold, do not bathe during the confinement period and do not wash their hair is not conducive to physical health, and the mother herself does not pay attention to hygiene and it is easy to affect the health of the baby.

Southern mother's confinement meal VS northern mother's confinement meal, which one do you prefer?

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The same is the "confinement meal", the gap between the north and the south is large, which way do you prefer to sit in the confinement? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

I am Xiaoxuan's father, actively learning to take a baby "daughter slave", sharing the thoughts and feelings of the parenting process every day, if you like my articles, please pay attention to, forward, comment, your like is the biggest motivation for my writing!

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