
Quanzhou Psychology: How to judge whether a child is addicted to games?

Quanzhou Anshen Psychological Hospital: Is social function impaired – what is the state of study, social interaction, and physical condition?

What is impaired social functioning? When children play games, learning is still very good, and social functioning is still very good, including physical function. He still exercises, eats and sleeps on time. Don't worry too much about this situation.

If the child plays games, even if it seems that there are many games to play, but the functionality is not destroyed too much, parents should not worry too much for the time being.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to judge whether a child is addicted to games?

Are relationships affected – how are relationships with parents, classmates, and teachers?

It is important to observe whether the child's interpersonal relationships with those around him after playing games are harmonious. This interpersonal relationship mainly refers to his relationship with his parents, with his classmates, and with his teachers.

Some children may not have impaired their functions, but you will find that their interpersonal relationships with the people around them have changed a lot.

For example, he began to become very grumpy, or became very grumpy, particularly rebellious, but these are some of the characteristics of adolescence itself. But it is also necessary to distinguish whether these are brought about by the game or because of his own adolescent characteristics.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to judge whether a child is addicted to games?

If there is a lot of conflict surrounding the game itself, then to some extent, the game has become a vehicle for tension and conflict in the family or other relationships. It's time to test these relationships.

Have you ever developed a bad habit of staying up late and buying a lot of gaming gear?

For example, some children start to stay up late because of playing games, which is a very bad habit. There are also some children who have developed the habit of stealing money to buy equipment because of playing games. The emergence of these unhealthy trends is also a very bad state and needs to be paid attention to.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to judge whether a child is addicted to games?

Or is it a sudden change in temperament – can't get up in the morning, don't eat, talk violently?

For example, children do not get up in the morning, do not eat at all, including large changes in temperament, impatient speech, or wrap themselves up and respond in a very silent state. These are all states that need attention.

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