
Quanzhou Psychology: The Causes of Postpartum Depression in Men

Quanzhou Anshen Psychological Hospital: The cause of postpartum depression in men

1. Lack of adequate psychological preparation

Because men are not psychologically ready to have children, suddenly having one more child will greatly increase household expenses and increase men's financial pressure. For some low-income people, it is easier to cause shocks and keep them on the line. If you're unemployed, it's a bigger blow to men.

Quanzhou Psychology: The Causes of Postpartum Depression in Men

2, upset, physical and mental exhaustion

As a husband, in addition to earning money at work, he also has to take care of his wife and children when he returns home. If he doesn't have enough rest and sleep, he may feel restless and tired after a long time.

Quanzhou Psychology: The Causes of Postpartum Depression in Men

3. The wife's attention is diverted to the child

With children, wives usually divert most of their energy to children, and husbands may have a large psychological gap. Some wives ignore each other in terms of gender after having children, and do not handle it well, and men are easily depressed and frustrated.

Quanzhou Psychology: The Causes of Postpartum Depression in Men

4. The new role does not fit in

Because the baby is generally born within one or two years of marriage, but in these two years, the man is still adapting to the role of a good husband, and the sudden arrival of the child allows the man to adapt to the role of the father, so it may also be caused by the role of the role is not adapted.

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