
#如果有一次复活的机会, who do you want to resurrect #If there is a chance, I want to resurrect my grandfather, who died in the winter of my first year of college, although I was a child

author:The Master looks at all kinds of things

#如果有一次复活的机会, who do you want to resurrect # If there is really a chance, I want to let my grandfather resurrect, my grandfather died in the winter of my first year of college, although it was very difficult to grow up in the family, but my grandfather still thought of taking care of me in every way, my grandfather's death left me with a lot of regrets, my grandfather accompanied me to college, but I did not have the opportunity to see me graduating from college, starting a family, four generations in the same house, I have not had time to use my ability to do something for my grandfather, It feels really unfortunate!

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