
Accidentally brushed the video of Xinjiang Altay Hemu Village on Douyin, which was a paradise-like secret place many years ago, and now through the "Meet Hemu" stuck Mujiang video to make Hemu Village cheng


Accidentally brushed on the vibrato to Xinjiang Altay Hemu Village video, many years ago there is a paradise-like secret, and now through the "meet Hemu" stuck Mujiang video so that Hemu Village has become a beautiful place for autumn and winter Internet celebrities to punch cards, such a niche scenery is being known by more and more people, the impression of a corner of the big beautiful Hemu Village is finally on fire!

The role of vibrato in tourism promotion is really indispensable!

I went to Hemu Village before National Day in 2005 with a group of photography-loving friends, when this small mountain village was just developed. We lived in a woodcut, covered with a brand new Xinjiang long-staple cotton quilt, looking up through the wooden cracks, we could actually see the stars in the sky, and before dawn everyone collectively smeared and climbed the hillside to overlook

Hemu Wonderland, descending the mountain to meet herds of cattle and sheep on the small bridge of the Irtysh River, the village is full of cooking smoke, it is definitely a fairyland on earth!

Look at the report that today's winter tourism in Hemu Village is also very sound and colorful, and you must return to Hemu again when you have the opportunity!

#280 million people watched Xinjiang Snow Village#

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Accidentally brushed the video of Xinjiang Altay Hemu Village on Douyin, which was a paradise-like secret place many years ago, and now through the "Meet Hemu" stuck Mujiang video to make Hemu Village cheng
Accidentally brushed the video of Xinjiang Altay Hemu Village on Douyin, which was a paradise-like secret place many years ago, and now through the "Meet Hemu" stuck Mujiang video to make Hemu Village cheng
Accidentally brushed the video of Xinjiang Altay Hemu Village on Douyin, which was a paradise-like secret place many years ago, and now through the "Meet Hemu" stuck Mujiang video to make Hemu Village cheng

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