
A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

Parents with small babies will do their best to dress up the baby and buy a variety of beautiful clothes, such as those with sequins or small beads and accessories:

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

But this kind of clothing has potentially fatal harm!

Doctor's Reminder:

Children under the age of four are best to wear pure cotton and pure color, especially do not wear clothes with beaded beads...

Gadgets may be inhaled by your baby

The small accessories on the clothes are likely to be sucked into the trachea by the child, and the consequences are unimaginable...

There is a 9-month-old baby in Guangzhou who has been recruited:

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

Sending this circle of friends is Director Chen of the Department of Otolaryngology of The Zhujiang New Town Branch of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center:

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

He said in the circle of friends: 9 months of repeated pneumonia in the 3 months of the baby, CT suggests bronchoscopic foreign body of bronchial foreign body fiber bronchoscopy, located in the basal segment of the lower left lobe:

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

Attempting to pinch the foreign body was unsuccessful, turning to the bronchial hard mirror of our department to remove a 2mm size blue plastic bead, suspected to be a clothing ornament.

Parents holding babies are asked to be vigilant and eliminate safety hazards.

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

It's really scary, there are wood there! If the diameter of the plastic bead swallowed by the baby at that time is larger, it is likely to cause suffocation, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

Doctors remind: It is more common for 1-2-year-old children to have foreign bodies stuck in the throat, because the swallowing function of children is not very coordinated, and it is easy to choke into the lungs when eating large particles.

To prevent young children from getting stuck in the throat of foreign bodies, parents need to keep in mind:

1. When the child is crying, making trouble, playing, and laughing, it is recommended not to give the child something to eat. Under such circumstances, peanuts, cinnamon balls, jelly, melon seeds, grapes and other large particles of food are easy to enter the throat and even the trachea, resulting in foreign bodies stuck in the throat.

2. Usually some parents are accustomed to taking food to coax their children and make them quiet when their children are crying, which is not right. Because when the child has food or foreign body in his mouth, it is easy to suck the foreign body or food into the trachea when he is crying or frightened.

3. In order to ensure the nutrition of their children, some parents like to boil bone porridge, rib soup to make rice, fish soup to feed their children. From a security standpoint, none of this is worth advocating. The small bones and fish bones are hidden in the porridge and are not easy to see. Some parents always like to feed their children in large mouths, which makes it difficult for children to chew food fully, and the small bone spurs hidden in the meal are easy to get stuck in the throat or trachea.

4. When it is found that the child's throat is stuck by something, parents must react quickly. If parents can grasp and understand the first aid method, they should help the child to remove the foreign body as soon as possible, if not, the parent should send the child to the hospital for treatment in time.

Drawstring clothes are at risk of suffocation

The hoodie is the No.1 of dangerous clothes, and its danger is the pull rope on both sides of the hat, which netizens jokingly called "lifeline", which has the risk of death. There have long been a number of accidents in the mainland where children have died due to rope pulling:

■ In January 2007, when a 4-year-old girl from a kindergarten in Guangxi was playing with the slide, the drawstring buttons on the hat of her clothes were stuck by the gap in the slide, and the rope hung around her neck, resulting in suffocation and death;

■ In 2012, a 5-year-old boy in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, was stuck on a slide on a rope on his collar and strangled his neck, causing suffocation;

■ In 2013, a 3-year-old boy in Zhoukou, Henan Province, was also strangled by a rope on his hood while sliding on a slide, causing food to regurgitate into the trachea and suffocate to death.

On June 1, 2016, the National Standards Commission officially implemented the mandatory national standard GB 31701-2015 "Safety Technical Specifications for Infant and Children's Textile Products", requiring infants and children under 7 years old to not allow any ropes and belts in the head and neck of clothing. Because the rope is hooked or stuck by an active object, the child is easily strangled to death, so the child at this age is not allowed to have a rope belt on the clothing. If you have such clothes at home, please resolutely pull off the rope.

Which clothes should parents buy with caution?

1. Hoodie

Risk factors: The rope on the hat may be pulled by other children, and the slide may be stuck, causing strangles to the child.

A piece of clothing harms children with repeated pneumonia for 3 months, parents pay attention, these clothes are bought less!

2. Pantyhose

Risk factors: not breathable, no sweating, easy to cause inflammation in children.

3. Tights

Risk factors: difficulty in wearing and taking off, which is not conducive to the child's own defecation. If you move a little slower, you may get wet with urine.

4. Bring diamond clothes

Risk factors: The drill on the clothes may fall off, and it is easy for the child to swallow and choke or suffocate. Children who encounter sexual budding may also be stuffed into holes in their bodies.

5. Bring sequined clothing

Risk factors: easy to scratch the delicate skin of children, but also because of the easy to fall off by young children swallowing caused by many accidents.

6. Pants with zippers

Risk factors: often see boys because of the toilet by the zipper on the pants clipped, light need firefighters to help, heavy may need to be amputated, the impact on children is a lifetime.

7. Long skirt

Risk factors: Some parents like to wear long princess dresses for female dolls. This type of clothing is not conducive to children's participation in activities, and because the skirt is too long, it will be stepped on and trip, causing unnecessary injury.

8. Jumpsuit

Risk factors: The general jumpsuit is thin, especially in cold weather, the jumpsuit is worn inside, and others such as towels and coats are worn outside, once wet by urine, it is a big project to change it once.

9. Tie a scarf/silk scarf

Risk factors: similar to the hoodie is a dangerous hazard, a kindergarten once appeared that the silk scarf was inadvertently knotted by the child caused by strangulation, parents also think that it is the teacher's behavior. Is the teacher wronged?

10. Shoes with large dimensions

Risk factors: Large shoes are easy for children to drag their feet, which is not only inconvenient for children to participate in activities, but also very easy to wrestle.

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