
Halfway through a wedding, no one expected that when the rings were about to be exchanged, the groom ran away, leaving the bride alone at the wedding scene. And the truth of the matter also makes all of it

author:Dada emotion

Halfway through a wedding, no one expected that when the rings were about to be exchanged, the groom ran away, leaving the bride alone at the wedding scene.

And the truth of the matter also made everyone clap their hands. On an auspicious day, a couple was having a wedding ceremony at the hotel, and just as the wedding was halfway through, someone suddenly ran in and shouted, and the groom's name said that someone outside had drowned and was unconscious.

At this time, the groom, who was a doctor, was in the instinct of the profession and did not want to rush out immediately. He saw a little boy of about three years old drowning in a pool next to the hotel and unconscious. The groom quickly ran over, found that the little boy's situation was very urgent, and immediately pressed his hands on his chest to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the little boy. After more than a minute of struggling to rescue, the boy finally reacted, and the water in his mouth also spit out, slowly waking up. The mother of the boy next to her fell to her knees with a touched thud. Holding the hand of the groom, he kept saying, thank you, thank you for saving your life. The groom lifted up the boy's mother and said, "I am a doctor, and it is our duty to save lives and help the injured." Subsequently, the little boy was taken to the hospital. After all this, the groom realized that today was his wedding, and the bride was still waiting for him.

When he stepped into the wedding hall again, everyone stood up, gave the groom a thumbs up, and praised the bride for not marrying the wrong person, saying that this man is worth marrying, let us praise the groom together, and also wish the couple a happy marriage and a happy life.

Halfway through a wedding, no one expected that when the rings were about to be exchanged, the groom ran away, leaving the bride alone at the wedding scene. And the truth of the matter also makes all of it
Halfway through a wedding, no one expected that when the rings were about to be exchanged, the groom ran away, leaving the bride alone at the wedding scene. And the truth of the matter also makes all of it
Halfway through a wedding, no one expected that when the rings were about to be exchanged, the groom ran away, leaving the bride alone at the wedding scene. And the truth of the matter also makes all of it

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