
The wife ran away from home for 16 years, learned of her husband's death but came back to grab the inheritance, the court: not a penny

After her father died in a car accident in 2016, her mother, who had been away from home for many years, appeared at the funeral, opened her mouth to divide the family property, and later filed a lawsuit asking the court to share the inheritance with her.

Cai Bing thought of all this absurdity and still felt ridiculous.

Her mother abandoned him and her father for many years, and now after her father's death, her mother came back faster than anyone in order to snatch the inheritance, and what her mother did made Cai Bing, as a son, feel ridiculous.

One day, my mother knocked on Cai Bing's door, and as soon as she opened the door, her mother said: "I believe that you have received a summons from the court, and if you promise to divide the inheritance with me, I will withdraw the lawsuit." ”

Cai Bing's expression was serious and calm: "This lady, we will see you in court!" ”

After speaking, Cai Bing directly closed the door, without giving her mother the slightest chance to speak.

Then, for the matter of "the woman who learned of her husband's death and came back to grab the inheritance", the court finally made a judgment that did not give a point, so why did the court make such a judgment? After all, the woman and her dead husband were still married.

Also, what really happened 16 years ago? Why did the woman run away from home?

Why run away from home

This woman who has run away from home for many years, we temporarily call her Zhou, in 1987, Zhou's family entrusted a matchmaker to tell her about the family affair, when the matchmaker asked what the requirements were, Zhou's family said: "Honest and reliable, take care of the family." ”

After listening to the request of the Zhou family, the matchmaker's mind turned a thousand times, and she immediately determined the candidate for the matchmaking.

The matchmaker thought to herself: Cai Mou of Gengche Town, Suqian City, is extremely honest, is not it the right person in the population of Zhou Mou's family?

Therefore, the matchmaker introduced Cai to Zhou, and the two began to know each other under the mediation of the matchmaker, at first, the two just held the attitude of trying it out, and did not take it too seriously.

But what I didn't expect was that the two were very comfortable to get along, and the personalities were just complementary, Cai didn't like to talk and had a quiet personality, but Zhou was lively and had a gushing conversation with Cai.

In this way, the two gradually established a romantic relationship in the dating of one after another, and it did not take long to enter the palace of marriage.

It should be noted that many rural families at that time did not register marriages, and some did not even hold weddings, which was the case with Cai and Zhou.

In the eyes of the two of them, as long as they like each other, they can become husband and wife together, and as for what marriage registration and legal protection, in the hearts of the two, there is no such concept.

When the two first established a marriage relationship, they were in love with each other, and although the days were a little poor, they both felt that as long as they were accompanied by each other, they were happy.

But soon, the relationship between the two was crushed by the reality of poverty, and in 1990, after the two had their first child, life began to become difficult, and the two often quarreled over trivial matters such as milk powder money and diaper money.

Husband Cai Mou has no wife who can speak well, always quarrels with her, as soon as there is a tendency to quarrel, he will slam the door and come out, blowing the wind outside to calm down.

Cai Mou understands that after his wife followed him, he suffered a lot, and for some small tempers sent by his wife, he can understand that in order to better take care of his wife and earn more money, Cai Began to work far away.

He was strong, brute force, and willing to endure hardships, and the foremen on the construction site were willing to recruit him.

Under Cai's hard work, more and more money was earned, and the family completely got rid of the state of poverty and became a slightly richer family in the village.

After having money, Cai also bought motorcycles and other things for his family, you know, it was in the 1990s, rural families with motorcycles were rare.

In 1994, his wife Zhou gave birth to a son for Cai.

At this time, the family's economic conditions have changed drastically from a few years ago, coupled with the birth of their son, the atmosphere in the home has become more warm.

Cai promised his wife Zhou: "In the future, I will definitely let you live a better life." ”

At this time, Cai Mou's heart is all about making more money and letting his wife and children live a happier life, he imagined raising two children as adults, and after the children came out in the future, they could also honor their parents and enjoy the happiness of the world.

Therefore, Cai Mou, who has a self-motivated heart, has a new attempt and runs to a farther field to do marble processing work.

But helplessly, due to Cai's long-term departure from home, he and his wife gradually had less communication and gradually became separated.

In the recollection of her son Cai Bing, since her father went to work in a distant place, her mother's emotions have become extremely irritable, and she has been at one point, especially when her father returns home.

Whenever my father came back from work, what he got was not the love of his mother, but a new round of quarrels.

His mother felt that she had been snubbed, but her father felt that he had worked hard enough outside, and now that he was not only uncared for when he returned home, but also treated coldly by his lover, he also felt angry.

As a result, the gap between the two people became larger and larger, and the quarrels became more and more numerous.

From a warm and harmonious family, it evolved into a cold family, which made his son Cai Bing, who was sandwiched in the middle, feel very uncomfortable, he had advised his mother more than once not to argue with his father, but his mother not only did not listen, but also looked at him with cold eyes and scolded him as a white-eyed wolf.

In the end, the family broke up.

In 2000, when her son Cai Bing was six years old, his mother Zhou began to sell large pieces of value.

At that time, Cai Bing did not understand why her mother wanted to sell these furniture, but soon, Cai Bing knew her mother's intentions.

One night, Zhou put all the furniture money sold on these days into a bag, and while his son Cai Bing was sleeping, he quietly left the house with his daughter, and since then he has run away from home and has not returned for 16 years, which makes people sigh.

In addition, because Zhou sold most of the family's property, the father and son's lives fell into poverty and poverty.

Later, in an interview with the media, Cai Bing wiped away tears and said: "I will never forget the day my mother abandoned me." ”

At that time, Cai Bing was most afraid that his father would abandon him, but fortunately his father did not, and his father worked hard to make money by his own strength, and finally supported the family.

The mother came back to fight for the inheritance

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, 16 years had passed, and Cai Bing had grown up.

In these 16 years, he and his father depended on each other, encouraged each other to live, in order to take care of his son, his father worked harder, his career gradually improved, and he saved a lot of savings over the years; the son was also angry, had a stable job, and also married and had children.

At this time, his son Cai Bing no longer hated his mother, and his hatred had gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

What his son Cai Bing did not expect was that just when he was about to completely forget his mother, his mother returned to his side, but his mother's return this time was not out of guilt, but to compete for his father's inheritance.

In 2016, his father Cai Mou unfortunately died in a car accident, and his son Cai Bing did not know where his mother got the news and appeared at his father's funeral.

At that time, Cai Bing was on his knees and weeping, guarding his father's spirit.

While he was indulging in the memories of the past, when he was sad, a familiar female voice came from his ear: "Son, do you remember me?" ”

After hearing this voice, Cai Bing subconsciously turned his head to look at it, and in front of his eyes stood an elderly middle-aged woman, who looked at Cai Bing with a kind smile on her face.

At this time, the face of this middle-aged woman gradually coincided with the face of her mother in Cai Bing's memory.

After realizing that it was his mother, he busily wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Hello, Madam Zhou, thank you for coming to pay tribute to your father." ”

After speaking, Cai Bing stepped aside and asked her to complete the memorial.

Cai Bing's mother was shocked after hearing the cold cry of "Ms. Zhou", she just wanted to say something, but saw that everyone was looking at her, and in desperation, she had to pretend to be sad and put on the three pillars of incense to her former husband.

After this set of superficial kung fu was done, the mother began to lean over to her son Cai Bing's side and whispered a conversation.

"How much of your father's inheritance has left for you?"

"What do these do, you ask?"

"How should this inheritance be divided, but I am also your mother."


"Or buy your sister a house?"

After hearing these words, Cai Bing's heart suddenly fell into the ice cellar, and he never thought that his mother came this time not to be ashamed and wanted to make up for him, but to compete with him for family property.

Cai Bing smiled coldly, he did not want to disturb his father's spiritual hall, in the face of Zhou's unforgiving, he made a "please" gesture: "Madam Zhou, I will send you out." ”

After the two walked out, her mother also understood Cai Bing's meaning, and she asked, "You are really so cruel, but I am also your mother, and I also have the grace of nurturing you." ”

Cai Bing looked at his mother's posture and only felt a chill in his heart, the person in front of him, where is his mother, is clearly a cold demon!

After dealing with his father's funeral, Cai Bing only felt that his brain was chaotic, and the father who loved him the most left him, at this juncture, the mother who abandoned him for 16 years came back, although the mother came back, although she was fighting for the family property, but her mother also took care of him when he was young, so how should he deal with it?

After several days of ideological struggle, Cai Bing made the final decision, when his mother found him for the second time, he took the initiative to say to his mother: "I have thought about it for a long time, after all, you have the grace of childbearing to me, so you can live here, I will do my best to support you as a son, as for the matter of dividing the family property you said, I can take out 300,000 yuan to pay my sister a down payment for the house." ”

For this result of Cai Bing, her mother was not satisfied, in her opinion, Cai Bing gave too little, so her mother told him: "At least half of the family property should be divided among us." ”

Hearing her mother's words, Cai Bing was disappointed, if it was really half, her mother and sister would get seven or eight hundred thousand dollars of money, but why should they divide it between the two of them?

This money is the money that the father has saved after his mother ran away from home, and what does it have to do with the mother and sister, two people who have run away from home for many years?

Cai Bing, who wanted to understand this, categorically rejected his mother, saying: "Giving my sister 300,000 yuan as a down payment to buy a house is already my biggest concession, and the rest has nothing to talk about." ”

After this negotiation, the mother came to Cai Bing many times to discuss the division of the family property, but the final result ended in displeasure.

In the past, the relationship between mother and son broke down and went to court

What Cai Bingwan did not expect was that his mother could not negotiate with him, and actually sued him in court, intending to use legal means to solve the dispute over the family property.

On March 17, 2018, Cai Bing received a summons from the court, which stated that his mother sued him and demanded a share of the family property of 775,000 yuan.

At the moment of getting the court summons, Cai Bing couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, but she felt that the feeling of "bitterness" was "bitter" to the depths of her heart.

When he was a child, he and his mother were obviously the closest mother and son, but he did not think that the vicissitudes of the sea and the people's hearts were changeable, and more than ten years had passed, and the changes in his mother made him feel strange and terrible.

After this, her mother also went to cai bing and threatened that as long as Cai Bing divided her inheritance in half, she would immediately reach a settlement with him and withdraw the lawsuit.

This time, Cai Bing did not choose to compromise, in the face of his mother's request, he did not hesitate to refuse, and decided to take up the weapon of the law and fight with his mother to the end!

At the first trial, Cai Bing and her mother argued in court.

Cai Bing said that her mother abandoned her father and him since she was a child, and now that her father has just died, her mother is clamoring to divide the family property, which is obviously a purposeful return.

The mother argued that she was also forced to go back to the house for many years, and was forced to run away in a fit of anger.

It is said that it is difficult for Qing officials to judge family affairs, from the marriage level, Zhou and Cai are married, since the two are husband and wife, then the wife has the right to inherit the family property; but the problem is that Zhou has been away from home for decades, has not fulfilled any responsibility for this family, and it is not in line with human morality...

In the end, the court synthesized various factors and made a first-instance judgment, that is, it ruled that Zhou Mou received more than 210,000 yuan in the inheritance and more than 310,000 yuan for his daughter.

For the first-instance judgment, son Cai Bing is difficult to accept, in his opinion, his mother has never fulfilled his responsibility to support him, and in the more than ten years of running away from home, he has not returned to see his father, in his heart, his mother has long died, and Zhou Mou, who stands in front of him, is just a strange woman to him.

Now, asking a strange woman to divide her father's family property, he said he would not want anything!

Therefore, Cai Bing appealed again, and the case was transferred to the Suqian Intermediate People's Court for judgment.

Facts have proved that Cai Bing's insistence is correct, and the Intermediate People's Court made a second judgment, directly revoking all the contents of the first judgment and depriving Zhou of his right to inherit, leaving only 100,000 yuan for Cai Bing's sister to inherit, and the rest are inherited by Cai Bing.

For this result, Cai Bing felt satisfied, but Zhou felt unfair, but the verdict had been issued, the matter had become a foregone conclusion, and no matter how unwilling she was, she had to accept the court's judgment of "not giving her a single point".

I don't know if Cai Mou has regrets in his heart, regretting that he once left his son and husband, thus ending up with a whereabouts that did not inherit a single inheritance.

After this incident, Cai Bing said that he had married and had children, had a happy family, and in the future, he would care for his children and his wife, create a happy family for his children, and not let the tragedy of his childhood repeat itself.

For children, the greatest happiness is not how many awards have been won, nor how many friends have been made, the greatest happiness in the hearts of children is to have the company of parents and have a warm family.

I hope that every child can be treated gently and thrive in a healthy family environment!

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