
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing

author:Microscopic perspective

The United States boycotted the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeat, even the United Kingdom can not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and more Japanese media have a sharp vision, directly pointing out that the Beijing Winter Olympics, whether it is epidemic prevention, or standard tracks, or high-tech robots, etc., are impeccable;

The Chinese New Year is jubilant because of the great things that are just around the corner. Not only are there high-level Chinese from foreign countries greeting us in the New Year, but 32 international dignitaries have come to Beijing to prepare to participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in 2022. This is really good news! After all, at the time of the Winter Olympics last year, only 13 international dignitaries participated in the Tokyo Olympics. And now, our Beijing Winter Olympics will welcome Russian President Putin, Fernandez, and Ecuador: President Rasso, Egypt: President Sisi and Cambodia: King Sihamoni and all five Central Asian countries, etc., a total of 32 people, which is an affirmation of our Beijing Winter Olympics.

Previously, the United States tried its best to win over allies to boycott our Beijing Winter Olympics, the purpose of which was nothing more than to add chaos to us, and it did not want us to be successful and happy. Unfortunately, the punch came too quickly, and these 32 international dignitaries not only have high-level officials from all over the world, but also many American allies. It can be seen that the US boycott has failed.

Look at the fact that even the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak is openly shouting that he wants to cooperate with us for a win-win situation! In this case, the old face of the United States has long been red and blue!

According to the Daily Telegraph, Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is asking Treasury officials to resume the conversation and try to get the meeting to run smoothly within a few months.

Haha see no, the British people after many rounds of outbreaks, can not hold back, this is to find us in the economic field to cooperate. After all, the epidemic has kept the British economy in a downward phase, and seeing the United States take a hard line on China politically while continuing its economic dialogue with China, and even various American financial services companies continue to obtain important new licenses in China, which makes the United Kingdom extremely envious. That's why we made this move today. It can be seen that although the relationship between Britain and the United States is good, money is more fragrant, and Britain finally realizes that it has been taken into the ditch by the United States. Is this the rhythm of going ashore!

In fact, when the Countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics was entered, not only 32 international dignitaries participated, but also the Us ally Japan positively reported on the Beijing Winter Olympics in China.

For example, the Japanese television station's morning live broadcast comprehensive program "スッキリ" connected with the reporters of the Winter Olympics who had arrived in Beijing.

Well, when there is a map and the truth, when we are in it, whether it is epidemic prevention or various high-tech technologies, there is really no place to smear us.

1. Staff or volunteers are wearing at least one standard protective suit. Some even have to put another layer on the outside of the protective clothing. Because in Japan, I really can't do this kind of specification.

Second, "bubble type" epidemic prevention (closed-loop epidemic prevention). The "bubble" isolation layer between foreigners and the outside world after entering the country is very strict and cannot sneak out. In contrast, the "bubble" isolation during the Tokyo Olympics is full of loopholes.

Third, although we know that the competition venue is a standard track, the actual perception is much larger and more shocking.

Third, robots can be seen everywhere, sweeping the floor, serving dishes, and even bar bartenders are also machines.

In this case, the Japanese media also reported positively on the mainland's Winter Olympic Games. In fact, how much effort we have made, only we know, among the 2127 domestic technical staff participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics, 441 people from Heilongjiang Province alone participated, and they selected scientific research, medical treatment, venue services and other support personnel to serve the Beijing Winter Olympics. Heilongjiang was also the largest number of participants outside of Beijing.

On February 4, 2022, the XXIV Winter Olympic Games will open in Beijing. Through the Beijing Winter Olympics, 300 million people can participate in ice and snow sports. In order to welcome the arrival of the Beijing Winter Olympics, it is also to cheer up Chinese ice and snow athletes. The Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province created a short film "Land of Ice and Snow", which records the snow scenery and humanities of Heilongjiang, which can allow the audience to feel the hot land of Heilongjiang with vitality, running head and leisure at close range! #70% of the gold medals of the Mainland Winter Olympics are from Heilongjiang athletes#

In history, I believe most people do not know it yet! Our Heilongjiang delegation, the Chinese sports delegation to the Winter Olympics, the figure of Heilongjiang ice and snow athletes has attracted much attention, relying on their unique ice and snow resources and cultural heritage, giving full play to their advantages, inheriting development, reforming and innovating, and writing one ice and snow miracle after another. According to statistics, 9 of the 13 Gold Medals of the Chinese Winter Olympics were contributed by Heilongjiang athletes, who added a lot of color to the colorful chapter of China's ice and snow sports! This is the true style of China's Olympic athletes.

Now, on the occasion of the New Year of the Tiger, I wish the motherland's Winter Olympic Games a smooth, smooth, and complete success, and I wish all the Olympic athletes on the mainland good results. #Why Heilongjiang athletes contribute 70% of winter Olympic gold medals#

[I am the perspective, every day to analyze the new international dynamics, want to understand friends please pay attention, like, forward, thank you for your support]

The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing
The US boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics declared defeated, even the United Kingdom could not hold back, the finance minister requested dialogue with China and opened a mode of cooperation, and the Japanese media was sharp-eyed and directly pointed out Beijing

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