
What do you think is the hardest job in your company? The answer is not marketing or program development, but communication with others.   The joy of work lies in improving the quality of communication and building people

author:Ru Nian Nian

What do you think is the hardest job in your company? The answer is not marketing or program development, but communication with others.   

The joy of work lies in improving the quality of communication and building interpersonal relationships. 

———— [Japanese] Yataro Matsuura, "Beyond Expectations: Yataro Matsuura's Principles of Life Management" (People's Post and Telecommunications Publishing House)

Mr. Yataro Matsuura's words emphasize the importance of communication. Communication and exchange is the most primitive communication need of human beings, and the improvement of modern society's communication ability has led to people being more closely linked than ever before. Whether in the family, in the business, or in other areas of society, everyone is inseparable from communication and exchange, as the widely circulated saying in "The Island Bookstore" is that everyone is not an island.

One might say that my job is very professional, and I just have to bury my head in research and waste time without communicating. But what we need to note is that even if a person is professional and independent, he cannot be omniscient and omnipotent; even if he can be omniscient and omnipotent, his work life cannot be without the lubrication and nourishment of interpersonal communication, after all, no one wants to be a machine without emotional needs.

In the book "Beyond Expectations", Mr. Yataro Matsuura said in a word: "In the work, we have no choice to meet people, and it is inevitable that we will meet people who cannot communicate or do not like." Even so, we must convey the things that should be conveyed clearly, exceed each other's expectations, and come up with results, which is the work. ”

Exceeding each other's expectations is to achieve the best communication and communication. It is also the joy of work and the way to success. #Education Listen to Me # Meet Good Books # #沟通 #

Exceed expectations

What do you think is the hardest job in your company? The answer is not marketing or program development, but communication with others.   The joy of work lies in improving the quality of communication and building people

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