
Today, I would like to share what is the avenue to Jane! Write a part early! Avenue to Jane! The following content is not stored because of the phone. Lost part! Suggest writing about it again. Yes

author:Live a planned life

Today, I would like to share what is the avenue to Jane!

Write a part early!

Avenue to Jane!

The following content is not stored because of the phone. Lost part!

Suggest writing about it again. Sometimes things that flash in the air are not recorded in words, missed, and in memory, they will not be able to return to the original appearance. Like Socrates said, man cannot step into the same river at the same time. The years are passing, the time is passing! The last second and the next second are both different times! All fresh! Irreplaceable! Every day of your life is fresh! Each step taken is different from the previous one. There is no substitute for it!

(1) Avenue to Jane

It is that everything is the way it was before!

In fact, where you took the things in the house, you put them back to wherever you went! So things in the house will never be messed up, they will be found.

You come to this world with a slippery light! I'll go bare too! Can't take anything with you! Maybe only the soul belongs to you. If you recognize having a soul! The avenue to Jane is:

Material freedom, spiritual freedom, soul freedom!

The chairman said that our cadres come from the masses to the masses, and this is also the road to simplicity!

We are a speck of dust in the universe! That's why dust returns to dust. Only with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's and the light with the dust!

(2) The avenue to simplicity is to believe that you have a choice! You can choose a also, you can choose B. So you can live as you want to live! All the subsequent results of the choice are natural! So you have to accept him. That's why there aren't so many emotions! You also understand the ABC Law of Emotions! It turns out that life is not so complicated! We can have so many different values! Different values underpin us to make different choices. A different result!

Chinese writing can reach its peak. B is the abbreviation of English values!

We can call someone with very different values from ourselves 2B! This guy is a 2B cargo! Let's say a person is driving up and down the road.

We are more values people! We call it SB. Because he has so many values! It's not the same as ours!

Behind all this is our values being demonized!

Love planning ® cognitive model

It is a model a tool! Use this tool to make your life better! This is the core curriculum and asset! Follow me and let's build our own cognitive system together!

People come into this world naked! I can't take anything with me when I leave! Only the soul. If you believe there is. Then the highest state of cultivation in this lifetime, that is, what kind of soul is cultivated.

(3) The meaning of the road is not left behind, that is, if you see something that falls to the ground, everyone does not care. The owner will surely follow and retrieve what he has lost.

(4) Have a key word with yourself every day. This keyword can sometimes make you better. For example, during the Spring Festival, everyone eats more. There may be discomfort in the stomach. Just go on a diet. Eat more of the things that are consumed. Where does all the food come from? Where will you go! If you want to understand it, you won't eat so much. Reduce dependence on food! For example, people can eat very little food and can achieve a very good state! Fully satisfy your day's energy expenditure!

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