
People's life, want to understand, what is it for?

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

People's life, want to understand, what is it for?


In a person's life, if you want to understand it, it is a floating cloud.

Birth is accidental, departure is inevitable, and the decades in between are the practice of suffering.

When people reach middle age, what else do they feel besides not being easy? I also often wonder what is the meaning of human life? It seems that unsatisfactory and unhappy take up most of the time, and perhaps people live to suffer.

These ten years of non-stop hard work, just thinking that one day I will stop and enjoy life.

But when I calmed down and looked at myself in the mirror, I found that my dark hair had climbed up to my white hair, and I was naturally strong, and I was suddenly sad.

The older you get, the more you have the feeling of hardship in life, and only a few lucky people live a more valuable life and can enjoy the glory and wealth! Most people are much more bitter than happy!

As an ordinary person, if you can live a dull life, you will give up, the ordinary life of the partial life, but the experience is bumpy, the so-called wind and rain. The current mentality is to go with the flow, go with the flow, and resign yourself to fate.

People's life, want to understand, what is it for?


The eight sufferings of life, life, old age, illness and death, love and separation, resentment and hatred, can not be asked, can not let go must be experienced.

The gray and embarrassing of a lonely childhood, the torment and depression of middle age, and the old age that has not yet arrived. When you see through life, that's it.

Life affairs, eight or nine times out of ten are not satisfactory, think more about one or two, do not think about eight or nine, and think about the good side of everything. Life is not simple, but try to live it as simple as possible. If you think of anything, take advantage of the young and try to do it, go with your heart, and don't wait for the old to be sad.

As a teenager, he knew very little about the future and was full of hope, so he was fearless and never moved forward. As I learned more and more, I lost my temper after several twists and turns and even setbacks.

Most people are like the animals and plants in nature, but they appear in the world by chance and reproduce their genes. Not reluctantly, go with the flow, have moderation, is the real way to maintain health.

People's life, want to understand, what is it for?


Qingxuan said, "Spotless is not that there is no more dust, but that the dust makes it fly, and I make my own sunshine." ”

Everyone's life comes with everyone's joy and ends with everyone's sorrow.

Ancients Cloud: Fame and glory are all floating clouds, and everything is empty. The world is full of twists and turns, and everything is expected. In this colorful society, there are many temptations, and to be a person needs enlightenment, so that you can be a wise person.

There is such a wisdom in the Zhuangzi, the original text is: "If you are one-minded, you will not hear it with your ears, but listen with your heart." Listen to the heart, but listen to the breath. Listening stops at the ear, and the heart stops at the sign. Qi is also the one who is empty and treats things. The only way is to set the void. The void, the heart also. ”

People always have to learn to live in a simple way, so that they don't let complex ideas destroy the beauty of life. Looking down on life, people are indifferent, and the heart is not tired.

In this world, everything cannot be smooth sailing, there are always troubles and sorrows.

Don't dwell on the past, don't worry about your own sensitivity, and don't dwell on the faults of others. Don't always think about complaining about the world, don't be too harsh on yourself, and try to learn to love yourself.


Life, a year has a year of taste, a station has a station of scenery.

Mr. Yang Dai once said that the quiet years are a moment, and a place of chicken feathers is a daily routine. Even if the world is occasionally thin and cool, the heart must be full of flowers.

When people come into the world, they want to go through a practice. It is impossible for a person to live to be perfect, and one person cannot possess all good things and beautiful things. Feelings or careers are impermanent.

Life needs enlightenment, and it is even more necessary to understand the four words of fame and profit; gain and loss. When you understand, you will face everything calmly, and if you can't understand it, you can't put it down, and you feel very bitter.

Lao Ziyun: "The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without dispute." ”

Life is really difficult, don't push yourself too tightly. Peace of mind is home, and when you really calm down, you find your place of return.

On the road of life, the real winner knows how to settle down with the encounter, not to fight or grab. Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and live up to life!

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