
May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!

Text/Flying Fish

May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!


Time is a thief, unconsciously stole a lot of years, we came to a new May, I hope that in the new beginning of May, we can be good to ourselves, happy, live well, let the world be troubled, we all have to keep the years safe.

The arrival of May is the starting point, but also the hope, I hope you can still be well, I hope that everything can slowly get better.

May, I hope you are strong, even if life is difficult, we must also survive, life has no obstacles that cannot be passed, strong will have hope, life is always the harder you work, the luckier you are, survive the past, it will be better.

May, I hope you also live a little more indifferently, plain and plain, calm is the truth. Life comes and goes, in fact, it is not a long day, we must cherish the present and live optimistically.

May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!


In fact, many places have encountered the epidemic, some people have been trapped for a month, or even a few months, and we can move freely, in fact, we are lucky, we also hope that the epidemic will pass as soon as possible, in this year, how much money to make is not as important as safety and health, we all have to protect ourselves, abide by the rules, do not add trouble to ourselves, do not bother others, can be lucky to live, we all have to be good.

Because of the epidemic, in fact, even if there is a holiday, many people's dreams of going out have been shattered, some people can't go home to visit their parents, and some people plan to travel and cancel again.

Life is impermanent, the world is unpredictable, tomorrow and accidents do not know which will come first, so we must cherish the present, do not seek the water moon in hand, do not seek flowers and full of clothes, hope that the years are quiet, all peaceful.


In May, we continue to race against time, may all your efforts will get good luck, and hope that you can keep a quiet heart, guard your best world, and bloom your best self.

Sanmao once said: "The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passage." The most beautiful years, half bright, half indifferent."

In May, we must let go of the past, time will not stay for a certain person, the past, let it pass, life should look forward, step by step, even if stumbling, full of confusion, we also have to look up at the stars, down-to-earth life.

The future life is to fight for and create by yourself, life to live up to the time, laugh at life, want a better life, you have to rely on bit by bit to create, life depends on yourself, always live with confidence.

May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!


May, is full of creativity and productivity, is a passionate season, but also a green and hazy season, we must seize the pace of time, work hard, live up to every moment, with their own hands to create your own happiness, maintain the passion for life, in the busy work, we also have to always reward ourselves, let ourselves let go, grateful for everything that life gives.

Life is glorious because of labor, our life is created with our own hands, and our life has been achieved, no matter what industry we are in, we are the best.

Say a word to your hard-working self, thank you for not giving up, and only then have you achieved your current self.

May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!


In May, although the difficulties will be there, but don't worry, everything will slowly get better.

We must maintain a good attitude, do not complain when we are frustrated, control our emotions, precipitate ourselves more, cultivate a quiet mind, and let ourselves calm down and think about the way out.

When we gain or lose, we should not be proud, we must be low-key, and the low water is king, which is the great wisdom of being a person.

Life is impermanent, I hope that each of us can be good, safe and healthy, always be a strong person, do not blame in case of things, calm and self-assured, not in a hurry, look down on gains and losses, look down on success or failure, maintain self-discipline, let the hard work of their own, in the near future, meet a better self.

We must always believe that God will take care of everyone who lives seriously, so don't worry, everything will pass and will slowly get better.

May: May you be well and everything will slowly get better!


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