
The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

It was already spring, the weather was stubbornly cold, the rain often cried, and became a mischievous child. The playground is a broken melon, and there is nowhere to get off the feet with water stains all day long. For many days at the beginning of the school, the children have not been able to run freely, and more often, they only stick to the railing, looking at the rain curtain outside the window and thinking of spring. I miss the laughter of the spring bird, the running or flying back and forth without touching the ground, and the flickering eyes of the child that light up the spring.

Finally caught a sunny day, quietly delayed the teaching progress, eliminated homework, and flew on the playground with the children during the class.

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

The trees are still yellow, and occasionally they see the sun, and they shake left and right with excitement; the rose branches are still far away, encouraging each other with the iron railings of the campus; the birds are cursing, stopping on the wires for a hundred boredoms, there are no flowers and clouds for them to sing, only silence... Looking around, everything is not yet spring, only the green of the big bushes on the ground, explaining the belated spring with great emotion, like a red-faced child eagerly arguing - really, it is really spring.

The children can distinguish the spring the most, go downstairs, have run to the bushes of chic thick green, not much later, this side of a cluster of piles, squatting, lying down, kneeling, eager to pounce, want to roll inside... Cotton clothes were thrown in the classroom, they were dressed in various sweaters, and they wanted to put colorful edges on the thick green "flowers" - it was Spring who suddenly opened a few huge "flowers" in order to persuade everyone.

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

Attracted by the children, close to take a closer look, ah, the children are clustered, is the clover, the scientific name "purple pulp grass", often silent on the large pieces of long, described as urgent for attention, tenacious vitality. The open space on campus is infected by the hospitality of clover, which are layered and squeezed together, and the tender green neck has a big head, slightly tilted, trying to reach the sun, shaking, and winning the opportunity of spring. Some of them grinned with rounded leaves; some drew a naughty face for themselves along the petiole, squeezing their eyebrows and making eyes; some did not grow open, shyly hiding under their brothers and sisters, ready to go... Is it Spring's Honor Guard? They drove recklessly, they chased after me, full of vitality, opened breathlessly, steaming, drove to the surrounding dumb, and did not know what to do in the spring... I felt like a clover, green and asking about the fairness of the seasons... who? Who said the words that woke me up from a dream: Is there a clover? I've heard that people who find clover will be lucky.

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

The child turned the letter to his head in disbelief: "Teacher, is this true?" I smiled, unquestionably: "Of course it is true, the person who finds the clover will have good luck for the rest of his life." "Little children, because of all kinds, have too much unknown hardship, whenever they bow down to the homework, face the test, indulge in comparison, be deprived of curiosity and stubbornness, my heart, there will always be a vague and helpless pain. If there are fairy tales in life, then childhood should be the fullest and richest moment of fairy tales, why can't I use this beautiful weave to feel the happiness of imagination with children?

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

The children, happy to hear me say this, opened their palms and gently stroked the clover in front of them—this piece is not that piece or that. Will it be hidden under the leaves? Is it possible to hide? Don't let go of the top, where there will be the most neglected... The children looked for it excitedly and nervously, determinedly and hesitantly, secretly squinting at each other and feeling wasteful, not even chattering, as if whoever said more would scare the mysterious clover away... Looking for it, some children looked at me and suddenly smiled slyly--the wind was very light, the sun was just right, the birds began to chant softly, everything was so spring, what could be tangled and corrected? They simply asked for a few clovers, quietly plucked one of the leaves, glued it to the complete other, shouted and held it up: "Find the four-leaf clover, I found it, I am lucky..." There are children with red eyes to grab, so there are children running, there are children chasing children, laughing, children calling... The softness and quietness of spring are broken in an instant, and the lively spring mood comes joyfully, and the spring that I and the children miss is inadvertently greeted, making people full of eyes.

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

The days were hurried, I became more and more mediocre and even vulgar, and the cycle of labor made me tired. Fortunately, at this moment, the children and I experienced all the hard work, and at that moment, because of the sight, hearing, smell and feeling, they collapsed violently. Suddenly, I felt that I was light and flying with this spring, this child, and this clover.

Neither the child nor I found the four-leaf clover, but that didn't stop us from laughing. We all believe that there really is a clover in this world. We are all willing, and we will be really lucky in each other's lives. Together we bless the message of this increasingly youthful spring.

The night words of the sentence | lucky four-leaf clover

After returning to class, I issued a good news to the children and told them very seriously: those who work hard will always be happy, and one day, Clover will take the initiative to come to you.

Borrowing a place of clover, I have the greenery of the whole spring.


Readers/Specially Appointed Night Reading Columnists:

Feng Zhijun

(The photo of this article comes from the Internet)

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