
Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

Opening Remarks:

In the evening, when I was leaving work, walking on the overpass, suddenly the beautiful scenery in front of me made people want to stop.

A round of sunset hung in the western sky, red and brilliant, it seemed to drive out all the gray and dark between heaven and earth, and several low buildings under the sunset were reflected gently and beautifully, making people reluctant to look away.

"The sunset is infinitely better, just near dusk". Unfortunately, the moment I got home, the sunset went into the darkness, and the moment I opened the door, I suddenly felt a little lost, and suddenly thought, When was the last time I noticed the sunset?

But I couldn't remember anything.

Most of us, every day, go out early in the morning, return home at night, rush and toil, rarely can really look at the sky, look at the beauty around us, the trimmed trees, the blue sky, the fragrance of flowers in the air... Every scene, like the setting sun, is only a brief appearance, and we rarely pay attention to them.

People always care too much about the wind and rain, but ignore the "beauty".

Only because, when you are in the wind and rain, it will expand the sadness of the heart, just like you run in the storm, you will always worry that you will be shaky, so you will amplify the inner emotions, and cling to sadness, anger, resentment ... , but forget that there is a lot of beauty around you.

Therefore, life is in a hurry, don't always stare at your feet, look up at the sky, don't live so tired, and wide, and slow, and quiet, and pity.

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

And wide, in order to live out the "ruyi" of life

Red dust is noisy, and there will always be many unsatisfactory.

I don't know when, many people are eager to escape the city, to find a quiet place in the countryside, all hope to be able to live in the green waters and mountains, escape from the world.

But if your mind is troubled, you will never be able to live up to inner peace. The mobile phone rings non-stop, the work never ends, all kinds of interpersonal relationships, need to be opened, all kinds of relatives and friends, need to be taken care of... The quiet you want is just a surface.

True peace of mind should be the breadth of the heart, which has nothing to do with the outside world; the real quiet is that you are not impetuous, not calculating, not busy, not throwing a tantrum, and not tangled in distress.

Therefore, wide, we can eliminate the unsatisfactory, one by one.

Life is a practice, wherever you go, there will be tempering, the more peaceful you are, the more you can see the high and low, the more tolerant you are to people, the more you can live your own smooth path.

Don't release emotions at will, don't be irritable with a little thing, and don't want a grumble from others, you won't be happy... Live a little more atmospherically, you can resolve the conflicts around you, and you can get along well with others and not be entangled in bad people and bad things.

The road of life is your "heart" out.

The larger the heart, the wider the road; the smaller the heart, the narrower the road.

Face everything calmly, take the good in your pocket, throw out the unpleasantness, keep your inner breadth, and don't freeze your emotions on joy and sorrow.

This life, and wide, can live out the "wishful thinking" of life.

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

And quietly, in order to see their true "heart"

Do you have a feeling:

At home, would it be more comfortable to drink a cup of oolong tea quietly than to attend a noisy party?

Would a vegan dinner be more comfortable in a restaurant than in a hotel?

In a bookstore, would it be safer to read a book quietly than in a crowded mall?


Only because, the human heart, the more you can get "washing", the more comfortable.

And what we seek is this true quiet, there is no joy in life, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon", but a kind of silence of "a lonely boat, fishing alone in the snow of the cold river".

Every day, walking on the street, the sound of cars, the sound of people boiling; every day at work, the sound of telephones, the sound of talking, non-stop; every day at home, the sound of television, the noise of children, more than ... It's hard to find a moment of silence.

Even if you go hiking on the weekend, there will be stall vendors peddling to you, and there will be loudspeakers that will keep reading to you, as if there is no quiet place in this world for you to enjoy.

But, stillness, not the outside, is the heart.

Zhuangzi once said: Between the heavens and the earth, like a white colt crossing a gap, it is suddenly over.

Only when you have a calm breath can you feel at ease, and you can also find the fragrance of the deep valley orchid in the downtown area, and find the inner waves in the chaos of the world.

Therefore, for people, for things, don't be anxious, don't be impatient, shallowly like, deeply love, in silence, find the joy of the heart.

Only by being quiet can we see our true "heart".

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

Only slowly can we accept the "arrangement" of fate

In this life, people are really tired.

It's like, you want to have no quarrel with the world, but there are always people who provoke you; you want to be quiet, but there are always people who come to exclude you; you are generous, give in for a day, others think you are good bullying, but they will have to make progress; you have to ignore it, it is not good to provoke a little, others say that you are stingy behind your back...

In short, what you do, is not right, how to live, there will be people to pick and choose you.

So, don't care about others, live your own life is already good.

Road, don't go so fast, slow down, feel your inner solidity, just fine.

In fact, we live, it is not so difficult, but for the sake of the word "peace of mind", the more you live out your own quality and upbringing, the more others can not help you.

The so-called "do not do bad things, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door", if there is warmth in the heart, it is not afraid of cold; if there is light in the heart, it is not afraid of darkness.

Walk a little slower, look at the beautiful scenery around, no disputes, no noise, no noise... Live the day as a cup of tea, there is bitterness, there is also sweetness, faintly, watching the clouds in the sky, quietly, enjoying the flowers before the court.

In this life, we can live happily, really not because of how much wealth you have, but only about how much happiness you can harvest in your heart, how much you can not care about, how much you can look down upon.

It doesn't matter if you're a village man or a high-ranking person; whether you're pampered or you're suffering... Only by living with the encounter can we always have a heart as brilliant as when we were born, and can we go through the rest of our lives naturally.

So, don't worry, living a life is about experiencing, no matter what fate gives you, good, bad, happy, unhappy... Don't rush, accept it calmly.

In this life, slowly, you can smile and accept the "arrangement of fate".

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

And it is a pity that you can live out the "indifference" of life

In this life, people are really windy and rainy, cold and warm intertwined.

You don't know when, the person who was still laughing and talking with you yesterday, turned and left; you don't know when, the life that was as calm as water, suddenly, came a terrifying wave, beating your head and bleeding, and you couldn't come back to God.

Although we are passers-by in the world, we are also: bitter, spicy, sour and sweet, we must taste them one by one; we must experience them one by one.

Therefore, the years are easy to grow old, people's hearts are easy to chill, only know how to cherish, with a normal heart, look at the world, can make all the troubles, there is an antidote.

There is a saying in "Jin Ping Mei": The calamity has not been grudging, and the troubles are unbearable.

This means that if you cling to it, fight with the heavens and fight with the earth, then you will have endless troubles and will cause many misfortunes for yourself.

Therefore, look open a little, look down a little, do a good job of yourself, cherish the people around you, and everything will be safe.

In the journey of life, there will always be many lights and greenery, sounds and colors of dogs and horses, there will always be people who approach you for "profit", there will also be people who alienate you for "profit", don't panic, don't be afraid, fate comes and goes, it is just a calm.

The wonderful thing about life is that you are constantly eliminated around you.

Believe that time is like a sieve, it will always leave the sincere people by your side, and it will always let you know that true affection is not only sending charcoal in the snow, but also affectionate companionship.

Love, affection, friendship... It is all necessary for you to move forward, meet, and see clearly as you go forward.

Don't complain to others, don't always talk about your troubles with others, find your inner balance, and you will find that all your past experiences, when you look back, will be "a panoramic view of the mountains".

Life rises and falls, just like flowers blossom and fall, there will always be brilliant romance, and there will also be disappearances. Learn to be a wise man, pat the dust on your body, smile and move forward.

Don't live so troubled, don't linger in the gossip of others, if you don't know how to do it, then "laughing at it" is the best arrangement for yourself.

Know that the person who truly loves you, no matter how you are, he will not leave you.

Life is long, and it is a pity that you can live out the "indifference" in life.

Life is short, wide, quiet, slow, and pity...

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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