
Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

[News-Oxcart Network]

Although it is not very adaptable, it has to accept the fact that it is now 2022. Even if the current automobile market has gradually been surrounded by new energy layers, it is undeniable that fuel vehicles are still the mainstream of the market, and I know that for many small partners, models equipped with internal combustion engines are what they really want. In fact, after a careful inventory, you will find that there are still many fuel vehicles worthy of our attention and expectations in 2022, and the following is a few heavy models for everyone in the SUV field.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022


As the first model of the tank brand, the tank 300 is definitely a phenomenon-level product, and after the tank 300, the higher level tank 500 has once again become a popular fried chicken. Although everyone's expectations for the tank 500 are partly based on the success of the tank 300, but in terms of its own strength, the tank 500 is definitely carrying everyone's expectations.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

The exterior design of the tank 500 hardcore brings more interest and freshness to the boring market, the gorgeous cabin atmosphere makes it elegant at the same time, the powertrain of 3.0T+9AT is quite rare in domestic brand models, and the maximum power of 354 horsepower and the peak torque of 500 Nm are difficult to find in the SUV at the same price. Just by virtue of its unique presence in the market, it is worth everyone's expectations.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022


Before the launch of SUV models by a number of ultra-luxury brands, the Land Rover Range Rover had been at the top of the pyramid in SUVs, so the launch of the new Range Rover was naturally in the spotlight. Even though everyone says that the exterior of the new Range Rover has changed too little compared to the current model, I insist that the excellent design is very worth inheriting, especially for the flagship model of the Range Rover, which symbolizes the brand façade, and it is really unnecessary to innovate for the sake of innovation.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022
Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

Like the exterior, the new Range Rover is also optimized and adjusted on the basis of the current model, keeping up with the trend of the times and showing the new understanding of luxury by Range Rover, full of a "high-end sense of technology". The new Range Rover still offers standard wheelbase and long wheelbase models, in addition to the regular 5-seater and prestigious 4-seat layouts, it is worth mentioning that the long wheelbase version also offers an additional 7-seat version of the model.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022
Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

In terms of power, the new Range Rover will offer three petrol models, the P360 and P400 models are equipped with 3.0T inline six-cylinder twin-supercharged engines and equipped with 48V motors, with a maximum power of 360 hp and 400 hp, respectively, and a peak torque of 500 Nm and 550 Nm; the P530 model is equipped with an N63 4.4T twin-turbo V8 engine from BMW, with a maximum power of 530 hp and a peak torque of 750 Nm, and the transmission system is matched with an 8-speed automatic transmission. It is also equipped with a four-wheel drive system. In addition, the new Range Rover is also available in diesel and petrol plug-in hybrid models.


Time forward a few years, I can not imagine that the BMW X5 will be divided into imported versions and domestic versions. Perhaps the domestic market is too big, BMW and want to make more money, simply directly the once million-level luxury car "close to the people", and the 2.0T four-cylinder engine still feels that it is not beginner enough, simply use the domestic way to try to touch the hearts of the people.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022
Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

BMW X5 in 2021 with more than 50,000 sales won the championship in the field of imported medium and large SUVs, the strength is not small, and the domestic BMW X5 is to make up for the biggest shortcoming - space, so the future BMW X5 sales will inevitably be able to go to a higher level.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

Even if the domestic identity is bound to make the X5's high status decline, and compared to the old rivals Mercedes-Benz GLE and Audi Q7, the face bonus it brings to the owner may not be so high. However, with the passage of time, the "good quality and low price" domestic BMW X5 will certainly be sought after by more and more consumers, and in the face of low enough prices, it does not matter whether imports or domestic products are imported.

#全新本田CR-V & new Toyota Prado

The reason why these two cars are put together is because they are currently exposing only imaginary pictures and spy photos, and there is less information, but as a new car that will be unveiled in 2022, they can definitely lead to a lot of new hot topics.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

Although it is about to be replaced, the current Honda CR-V still has an annual sales volume of 220,000 vehicles in 2021, so the new CR-V is obviously more worth looking forward to. Judging from the hypothetical drawings and spy photos, the new CR-V will adopt a design language similar to the new generation of Honda Binzhi, the front face will become sharper and tougher, the side profile will still be the traditional shape, and the tail light group is expected to be much more refined. In terms of power, the new Honda CR-V is expected to still be available in fuel version, hybrid version and plug-in hybrid version, and may launch a pure electric version in the future.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

The popularity of the new Toyota Land Cruiser believes that everyone has also seen, the four-year waiting time is terrifying, and as its little brother, a generation of classic Prado will inevitably become another financial artifact. It is understood that the new Toyota Prado will be built based on the TNGA-F platform and officially meet with consumers in August 2022. In fact, the hypothetical drawings currently exposed do not see too many specific details, but it is foreseeable that the new car will adopt a similar interior and exterior design to the new Land Cruiser.

Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022
Continue to enjoy the roar of the internal combustion engine in the fuel SUV worth looking forward to in 2022

Summary: In general, the above models without exception have their unique shining points, some occupy a very high degree of heat (domestic BMW X5), some are the market hits (tank 500), and some represent the development and direction of the brand (Range Rover), in these cars, which one do you most expect? Of course, in addition to these fuel SUVs, I will also take stock of the cars and new energy models that will be met with you in 2022, so stay tuned.

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