
Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

For every woman, after surviving the October pregnancy and the extremely painful birth experience, it can be said that the end of victory is just around the corner.

In fact, postpartum mothers can not relax in the next confinement period, confinement diet is very important, what is good to eat? It's about whether the body can get back to health.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

Whether it is a natural birth or a cesarean section, the mother will feel weak and have a poor appetite at the beginning of the postpartum birth. If you reluctantly eat greasy food at this time, it will only make your appetite more reduced!

Therefore, in the early postpartum diet should be light, good digestion is easier to absorb! According to the physical condition of the postpartum mother, the daily meal recipe is customized, which is more suitable for nutritional needs.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

Week 1 "Removal of Edema and Lochia"

In the early postpartum period, it is necessary to supplement the mother with nutrition and water, and it is necessary to supplement protein and fat in consideration of lactation needs. However, it should be noted that the food should be light and should not be too greasy.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

Week 2 "Tune"

This week, the mother's appetite has returned, and it is necessary to increase the intake of crude fiber foods. Eat some warm fruits in moderation, you can put it in hot water and then eat it, supplement vitamins and prevent constipation.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

Week 3 "Moderate Supplement"

The mother's body is still recovering, the nutritional needs are further increased, and the nutrition of the new mother should be strengthened, so that a reasonable diet and meat and vegetarian combination should be achieved.

Week 4 "Balanced Nutrition"

The mother's body is basically restored, the amount of activity increases, the appetite increases greatly, the baby grows faster, the milk volume increases, and the new mother's diet focuses on balanced nutrition.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

What to eat during the confinement period

During confinement, you can eat peanuts, black sesame seeds, lettuce, loofah, enoki mushrooms, peas, pork bones, grass, silver carp, crucian carp and other foods, which can play the role of ventilating milk. But during the confinement period, diet also has certain principles.

It is not advisable to eat until gastrointestinal function is restored

It takes about 24 hours after postpartum surgery for gastrointestinal function to be restored, and eating is not recommended until gastrointestinal function is restored. After the mother's gastrointestinal function returns to normal, it can be slowly increased from liquid food, such as egg soup and rice soup, but avoid flatulent foods.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

The lochia period should not be greatly supplemented

The first week after childbirth is the period of new mothers to discharge lochia, diet should not be supplemented, large supplements can easily lead to a rise in blood pressure of expectant mothers, vasodilation, aggravation of bleeding, prolong the recovery period of the uterus, resulting in lochia. You should keep a light diet, eat some chicken, millet porridge, soup noodles, etc., desserts can also help excrete lochia.

Want plenty of milk and fast recovery? You can eat this way during the confinement period

Consume prolactin foods appropriately

Promoting milk secretion is a major problem for mothers after childbirth, in addition to factors such as mood, work and rest rules will affect milk secretion, food supplements during the confinement period can also play a big role. Crucian carp, peanuts, pig's trotters and other foods are quite effective in this regard.

Nutrient-rich calories should be sufficient

The diet during the confinement period needs to follow the principle of rich nutrition and high calorie content to supplement the energy and physical strength of the mother during the arduous childbirth process. Especially for mothers planning to breastfeed, it should be noted that expectant mothers need more than 3,000 calories per day.

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