
The three principles of postpartum supplementation, eat more milk and body sticks!

There are often mothers in the background to ask, how to eat after childbirth to be scientific, we combined with past experience, summarized some postpartum diet precautions for the new mother's reference.

In short, eating comfortably, increasing milk, and recovering the body as soon as possible are the main goals of our postpartum diet, and at the same time, we must also take into account the taste of the dishes and be happy to raise the body well.

The three principles of postpartum supplementation, eat more milk and body sticks!

1, promote wound healing - should not be supplemented, to light and soft as the principle

In this critical period of lochia discharge, pregnant women should not make up for it, and their diet should be diversified in the principle of light and soft, and they should eat less tonic foods such as guiyuan and ginseng. Because postpartum supplementation can easily lead to vasodilation, blood pressure rise, easy to aggravate bleeding, prolong the recovery period of the uterus, resulting in lochia. You can eat some eggs, chicken, millet porridge, soup noodles, beans and soy products.

During wound healing, you should avoid eating burned, roasted, fried, fried and irritating foods, and excessively heavy seasonings such as chili sauce, mustard, and pepper must not be eaten. In addition, sugary drinks, carbonated drinks, etc. should be avoided. You can eat some foods rich in carbohydrates, high-quality protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, such as lean meat, milk, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, etc., but should not eat peppers, curd, onions, garlic, leeks, garlic and other foods, these foods are not conducive to wound healing, easy to cause infection.

2, the body deficiency supplement - in stages to supplement, step by step to take into account the taste of maternity

Stage 1: The first week is the golden period for maternal lochia, and prenatal edema and excess water from the body are also excreted at this time. Therefore, do not eat too much for the first week, so as not to make up for the lochia.

Stage 2: Lochia gradually decreases in the second week and is less bright red in color than in the first week. In addition, the postpartum period will be accompanied by symptoms of back pain, traditionally known as what to eat what to supplement, therefore, it is recommended to eat sesame oil waist flower to alleviate the discomfort of back pain.

The third stage: lochia has been drained at this time, it is time to replenish qi and blood, that is, the time to supplement, the most commonly used recipe for supplementation at this time is sesame oil chicken.

The three principles of postpartum supplementation, eat more milk and body sticks!

3, postpartum prolactin - different physique, prolactin recipes are also different

Hepatic depression type of women: Plain introverted or postpartum depression of women, it is recommended to drink more roses, jasmine, bergamot and other flower teas, can soothe the mood. In addition, cooking soup with crucian carp, tongcao, loofah or pig's trotters can achieve the effect of draining the liver and rationalizing the qi network.

Qi and blood deficiency type of women: such as flat body deficiency, or due to postpartum hemorrhage and lack of milk new mothers can use pig's trotters, crucian carp to cook soup, and can also add ginseng, astragalus, angelica, jujube and other qi and blood tonic herbs.

Sputum damp obstruction type of women: obese, spleen and stomach disorders can drink more crucian carp soup, less pig's trotter soup and chicken soup. In addition, you can eat some traditional Chinese medicines such as tangerine peel, Cang Shu, Bai Shu and other traditional Chinese medicines with the effect of strengthening spleen and wetting.

In short, we must pay more attention to the diet of our postpartum mothers. Nutritious at the same time take into account the taste, but also suitable for their own body to nourish.

As we say: medicine is not as good as food supplement, so it is necessary to eat something good.

The prolactin master is always by your side

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