
The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

This article is original 丨 good mother

From the moment they found out they were pregnant, almost every parent would constantly speculate about whether the round belly was a male or female treasure, but not a son preference.

On the contrary, some young parents prefer to have a daughter, but cute love or intimate little cotton jacket, do not need to fight as hard as their sons. In order to know the sex of the fetus earlier, many people will secretly ask the doctor during the obstetric examination, and some pregnant women have encountered B ultrasound flips.

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

A second-born mother posted this:

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

The first time I went to the maternity check-up, I learned that I was pregnant with my daughter, and I was so happy that I almost cried. Wanwan did not expect that soon to give birth and said to be a boy, maybe the first child is also a son, this flip can not be complete children, the second child mother is so sad!

Bao Mom's words are complaining about the doctor, originally she planned to have a daughter, the result of the doctor said that the fetal position during the examination was wrong, which directly caused the baby's gender ratio to "flip", no matter who will be unable to accept it for a while.

Under BaoMa's post, netizens spontaneously began to transfer hot comments:

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

From the comment area, it can be seen that many young parents are willing to have girls, even if the doctor determines that it is a boy, they are also commenting on "male to female". Modern society does not value sons over daughters, parents instead look forward to their daughters, but they rarely hurt the fetus because of gender.

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

How to scientifically determine the sex of the fetus? Don't just trust the charlatan, it will be 40 days before you can really see it

The good mother once had a female friend, especially wanted a son, and the mother-in-law also found a "master" for her, gave 200 yuan and said that it must be a son. As a result, several sets of male treasure clothes were prepared, but it was a daughter who was born.

It is recommended that mothers do not casually believe in the jianghu warlock, the real fetal sex can be measured after 40 days of pregnancy, and it is useless to directly turn "male to female".

1. 40 days pregnant, DNA can measure sex

Junior high school biology books have learned that the chromosome of boys is XY and the chromosome of girls is XX, which is the essential difference.

Within 40 days of pregnancy, the fetus is not yet formed, and it is impossible to distinguish between male and female by physical characteristics, but it can be determined by DNA, which is relatively rigorous and accurate.

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

2. 4 months pregnant, ultrasound B can measure gender

As the month gets larger and larger, when the pregnancy is more than 4 months, the pregnant mother does the obstetric examination B overtime, if the baby's fetal position is correct, it can also distinguish the gender of male and female.

However, this way of observing with the naked eye is relatively rough, and the fetus is not easy to confirm in the stomach, which is prone to misdiagnosis and misjudgment.

In fact, no matter whether the belly is a boy or girl, as long as the baby is healthy is the biggest wish of parents, the hospital generally does not allow to tell the gender, and when the baby is born, it is natural to know, and there will be more expectations during pregnancy!

The second pregnant mother's obstetric examination B ultrasound "flipped", complained about the doctor, and triggered netizens to "transfer" hot comments

PS: The pictures in this article are from the sea area network, and the infringement can be deleted.

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