
A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

author:Xiaomeng cuisine

Creamy pumpkin pie

Ingredients: 500 grams of pumpkin, appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour, 20 grams of milk powder, 1 gram of salt, 2 spoons of sesame seeds, bean paste filling.

Directions: Peel and wash the pumpkin into slices and steam in a steamer basket. Boil water in a pot, put the water in a steamer basket and steam over high heat, then remove and mash. Add salt and sugar and stir well.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Then add glutinous rice flour and milk powder and stir well to form a ball, divide the pumpkin dough into small portions and knead into rounds. Divide the bean paste into the same small portions and roll them into rounds.

Press the pumpkin balls flat, put the bean paste filling to tighten the mouth, put it in the sesame seeds and stick it to the flattening for later. Brush the pan with oil, heat the pan and fry the pumpkin pie over low heat until the surface is golden brown, remove and plate and serve.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Tricolor hair cake

Ingredients: 50 grams of white cornmeal, 100 grams of flour, 2 grams of yeast, pumpkin puree, 10 grams of sugar. 50 grams of black rice noodles, 100 grams of flour, 2 grams of yeast, 10 grams of sugar. 50 g of sticky rice noodles, 100 g of flour, 2 g of yeast, 10 g of sugar, 2 tbsp of barley wakaba flour, dried fruit to taste.

Directions: Place the white cornmeal in a pot, add flour, yeast powder, pumpkin puree and sugar and stir to form a paste. Place the black rice noodles in another basin, add flour, sugar, yeast and stir well, then add warm water and stir to form a paste.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Place the sticky rice noodles in another basin, add yeast, sugar, flour and barley wakaba flour and stir to form a paste. Cover the three kinds of paste with plastic wrap and ferment it twice as large in a warm place.

Brush a layer of oil in the mold, pour in the fermented yellow batter, sprinkle a layer of dried fruit, then pour in the black batter and sprinkle a layer of dried fruit, and finally pour in the green batter, sprinkle a layer of dried fruit into the steamer for a second fermentation for 1 hour. Bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for 45 minutes. Remove from the mold and cut into pieces and serve.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Sesame cake

Ingredients: 150 grams of black sesame seeds, 50 grams of glutinous rice flour, 50 grams of sugar, 30 grams of sesame oil, water to taste.

Directions: Pour the black sesame seeds into a wok, stir-fry over low heat for 10 minutes, sauté until fragrant, pour into a blender and beat into powder. Stir-fry the glutinous rice in a wok over low heat until slightly yellow, turn off the heat and beat into a blender to form a powder and pour into the black sesame powder.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Add sugar and sesame oil and stir well, pour into the mold to press out the shape, upside down on the plate and serve.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Five white cakes

Ingredients: 25 grams of white lentils, 20 grams of white lotus seeds, 70 grams of white poria, 70 grams of white yam, 15 grams of white chrysanthemum flowers, 160 grams of glutinous rice flour, an appropriate amount of sugar, and an appropriate amount of gold leaf.

Directions: Wash and dry all the ingredients in a blender, beat the powder into a bowl, add glutinous rice flour and water and stir evenly into balls, put them on the board, roll into long strips, cut into small portions, and let stand for 20 minutes.

Put the kneaded balls in the moon cake mold and press out the shape and steam them in a steamer basket, put them in a pot and bring to a boil over high heat, steam for 10 minutes, remove and plate and serve.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Beef patties

Ingredients: 500 g beef, 1 green onion, 3 slices of ginger, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of salt, 2 spoons of sesame oil, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 300 g of flour, 1 spoon of pepper.

Directions: Place the flour in a basin, add warm water and stir well, knead into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 30 minutes. Wash and chop the beef, chop the green onion into flowers, chop the ginger into minced pieces, add soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, cooking wine and pepper and stir well.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

Take out the standing dough and divide it into small portions and roll it into a round cake shape, wrap it in the mixed beef filling and tighten the mouth, and press it upside down on the board to form a round cake and set aside.

Heat the pan with oil, bake the cake blanks until golden brown on both sides, turn off the heat and serve on the plate.

A delicious dish of creamy pumpkin cake, pan-color hair cake, sesame cake, five-white cake, and beef cake

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