
The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Your symptoms are not ordinary skin allergies, there may be problems with the pancreas." The doctor said to Lao Li with a serious face.

On this day, 61-year-old Lao Li had just returned from the hospital, and his mood was heavier than missing dinner.

Last weekend, Lao Li and a few friends made an appointment to go fishing at a lake on the outskirts of the city. Lao Li is a veteran fisherman, who worked as a laboratory technician in a food factory when he was young, and knows the ecological habits of various fish well. Friends call him the "Fish Fairy", and every time he goes fishing, he returns with a full load. After returning from this fishing, he felt itchy all over his body, and at first thought that he had been bitten by mosquitoes, but he didn't pay much attention to it. However, as a few days passed, the itching not only did not lessen, but worsened. At the urging of his wife, he had to go to the hospital.

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

Lao Li is a retired food factory laboratory technician who usually gets up at six o'clock every morning, drinks a cup of fried black sesame paste, and then goes out for a walk. He believes that black sesame seeds are good for the body and can strengthen the body. After school, he likes to play chess with his old friends at the community center, go to bed at 9 p.m. punctually, and hardly have the habit of staying up late. However, the results of this hospital examination surprised him.

The doctor explained in detail: "Lao Li, your situation is not good. We preliminarily diagnose that you have a pancreatic problem, possibly chronic pancreatitis. Your symptoms are not ordinary skin allergies, but itchy skin caused by impaired pancreatic function and the accumulation of metabolites in the body. ”

When Lao Li heard this, he said incredulously: "I usually live so regularly, how can I get this disease?" ”

The doctor continued, "There are many triggers for pancreatic disease, and in addition to alcohol consumption and a high-fat diet, the lack of essential nutrients in the diet is also a very important factor. Although the black sesame seeds you usually eat are beneficial, a single diet can lead to nutritional imbalances. Coupled with the fact that there may be some unhealthy foods in your usual diet, over time, it takes a toll on the pancreas. ”

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

Lao Li's wife sighed on the side: "I said a long time ago that he shouldn't eat black sesame seeds every day, but he just didn't listen." Now something is wrong. ”

Seeing this, the doctor added: "In fact, many people mistakenly think that as long as they eat some so-called 'health foods', they can ensure good health. In fact, it's the nutritional balance in the diet that is key. In particular, the following three foods are very important for pancreatic health. ”

Lao Li felt a little nervous: "What are the three kinds of food?" ”

The doctor patiently replied: "First of all, foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can help scavenge free radicals in the body and reduce damage to pancreatic cells. Blueberries, strawberries, spinach, and carrots, among others, are rich in antioxidants. This is followed by fiber-rich foods. High-fiber foods can improve digestion and reduce the burden on the pancreas, such as whole grains, legumes, and various vegetables. Finally, there are foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce inflammation in the pancreas, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts. ”

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

Hearing this, Lao Li felt a little remorseful: "Then what should I do?" ”

The doctor patiently replied: "First of all, you need to adjust your eating habits, eat less high-fat, high-sugar and processed foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a balanced diet. Secondly, moderate exercise helps the body metabolize. The most important thing is to have regular pancreatic function tests to detect problems and take measures in time. ”

Lao Li nodded, secretly determined to change his lifestyle. However, the doctor's words did not end there.

"I'll tell you one more case. There is a patient who is in a similar situation to you, he usually likes to eat high-fat foods, especially all kinds of fried foods. Later, because the pancreatic function was found to be abnormal, the doctor advised him to quit these unhealthy foods and eat more foods that help the health of the pancreas, such as foods rich in antioxidants and fiber. After a period of adjustment, his pancreatic function gradually returned to normal. Therefore, the impact of diet on pancreatic health is very large. ”

After listening to this, Lao Li sighed with emotion: "It seems that I also have to learn from him and get rid of these bad habits." ”

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

The doctor nodded in agreement: "Yes, the pancreas is an important organ of the human body, which is responsible for secreting pancreatic juice and regulating blood sugar. Once there is a problem with the pancreas, the whole body is affected. We need to take good care of our daily routines to prevent pancreatic diseases. ”

After returning home, Lao Li began a series of life adjustments. He reduced the frequency of drinking black sesame paste, instead ate more foods rich in antioxidants and fiber, exercised every day, and paid attention to a balanced diet. His wife is also very supportive, preparing healthy meals for him every day and urging him to rest on time.

As time passed, Lao Li's physical condition gradually improved, and the itching disappeared. He felt relaxed and refreshed. After this lesson, he deeply realized the importance of health and understood the doctor's words: small habits in daily life often have a big impact on the body.

However, the story doesn't end there. One day, while walking in the park, Lao Li met an old friend and talked about his health experience. After listening to this, my friend asked thoughtfully, "You say, does pancreatic health really have so much to do with diet?" I also eat some high-fat foods regularly, but my body has always been fine. ”

Lao Li smiled and replied, "It's like it's okay for someone to smoke, but it doesn't mean that everyone can." Everyone's physical condition is different, and their tolerance is also different. It is important that we understand our bodies and find the lifestyle that suits us best. ”

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

The friend nodded, and then asked, "Then what do you think we should pay attention to besides these?" ”

Lao Li thought for a moment and said, "I think there are still a lot of things we need to pay attention to. For example, you should eat a variety of foods and not be picky. Another example is to maintain a good attitude, don't overwork, and learn to relax. The most important thing is to have regular medical check-ups to detect physical problems in time and prevent them from occurring. ”

After hearing this, my friend thought it was true: "You are right, health really needs to be maintained by ourselves." Thank you for sharing these experiences, I will pay attention to it as well. ”

Since then, Lao Li has not only paid attention to his health, but also actively spread health knowledge to his friends. He hopes that through his own experience, more people can realize the importance of health and avoid taking the same detour.

However, there is still a question in Lao Li's mind: if pancreatic health is closely related to diet, then what should be done in diet? So, he found the doctor again.

"Doctors, in addition to eating less high-fat, high-sugar and processed foods, what are some specific dietary recommendations that can help us keep our pancreas healthy?" Lao Li asked.

The 61-year-old uncle eats black sesame seeds all year round, and after half a year of physical examination, the doctor: If you want the pancreas to be good, you still have to eat these 3 things

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question." In fact, the impact of diet on pancreatic health is indeed very significant. Studies have shown that eating more foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants can effectively reduce the risk of pancreatic disease. For example, eat more green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, oranges, etc., which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene, which can help strengthen immunity and promote the repair and regeneration of pancreatic cells. ”

Lao Li nodded in understanding: "Is there anything else that needs to be paid attention to?" ”

The doctor went on to explain: "Of course, there are some foods that need special attention. For example, long-term intake of high-salt foods can increase the burden on the pancreas, leading to the risk of high blood pressure and pancreatitis. Another example is foods containing artificial additives, such as fast food and canned food, which will produce a large number of harmful substances during the metabolism process in the body, increasing the detoxification burden of the pancreas. In addition, alcohol is the worst enemy of the pancreas, and long-term drinking can lead to pancreatitis and other serious diseases. ”

Lao Li nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that healthy eating really needs us to pay attention to it at all times, and we can't be sloppy." ”

The doctor laughed, "Yes, health is something that each of us needs to pay attention to. Only by maintaining good lifestyle habits can you have a healthy body. ”

Lao Li was once again full of emotion and determined to pay more attention to healthy eating and maintain good living habits in his future life. He also hopes that through his own efforts, more people can realize the importance of health and have a healthy life together.

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