
Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Your symptoms are not simple geriatric symptoms, and they need to be carefully examined." The doctor said to Lao Wang with a serious face.

On this day, 65-year-old Wang had just returned from the community hospital, and his mood was heavier than losing his wallet.

Recently, Lao Wang always felt tightness in his chest and panting, and he felt out of breath after walking a few steps. At first, he thought it was the hot weather, and the age made his body unbearable. However, as the days passed, the symptoms did not improve, but worsened. At the urging of his wife, he went to the community hospital for consultation. The doctor recommended that he do a full body physical examination, and the results surprised Lao Wang.

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

Lao Wang is a retired bus driver who usually lives a regular life, getting up at six o'clock every morning, drinking a cup of weak tea, and then going out for a walk. He thinks he lives a healthy life with no major problems. But the results of this physical examination showed that Lao Wang not only had cardiovascular problems, but also showed obvious signs of aging on his skin. The doctor explained in detail: "Lao Wang, your situation is not good. Your cardiovascular system is a little clogged and your skin is a bit of a problem. Do you bathe often? ”

Lao Wang looked puzzled: "I take a bath every day, how can there be a problem?" ”

The doctor continued: "After the age of 65, the body's ability to self-regulate decreases, and frequent bathing can disrupt the skin's natural barrier, leading to dryness, itching, and even infection. Moreover, frequent bathing can lead to poor blood circulation, which is not good for cardiovascular health. ”

Lao Wang's wife sighed on the side: "I said a long time ago that he shouldn't take a bath every day, but he just didn't listen." Now something is wrong. ”

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

Seeing this, the doctor added: "In fact, many people ignore the special needs of the elderly. Studies have shown that once you pass the age of 65, taking less baths and doing more of the following three things is more beneficial to your health. ”

Lao Wang felt a little nervous: "What are the three things?" ”

The doctor patiently replied, "The first thing is moderate exercise. After the age of 65, the body's metabolism slows down, and moderate exercise can help maintain weight, promote blood circulation, and enhance cardiopulmonary function. For example, walking for 30 minutes a day and doing some simple stretching exercises can help maintain health. The second is a balanced diet. The digestive system of the elderly is weakened, so they should pay attention to less salt and less oil in their diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and consume enough protein and fiber. Finally, keep a good mindset. Older people tend to feel lonely and depressed, so it is good for good health to participate in more social activities and keep a good mood. ”

Hearing this, Lao Wang was a little remorseful: "Then what should I do?" ”

The doctor patiently replied: "First of all, you need to adjust your lifestyle habits, reduce the frequency of bathing, change to two to three times a week, avoid using excessively hot water and harsh soaps. Secondly, it is necessary to conduct regular physical examinations, find problems in time, and take measures. The most important thing is to maintain a good attitude and face life positively. ”

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

Lao Wang nodded, secretly determined to change his lifestyle. However, the doctor's words did not end there.

"I'll tell you another case. There is a patient who is in a similar situation to you, who usually likes to bathe every day, but as a result, his skin is getting drier and drier, and even cracks. Later, after our advice, he reduced the frequency of bathing and strengthened the moisturizing care of his skin, and the situation gradually improved. Therefore, moderate bathing is very important for the skin health of the elderly. ”

After listening to this, Lao Wang sighed with emotion: "It seems that I also have to learn from him and get rid of these bad habits." ”

The doctor nodded in agreement: "Yes, the physical condition of the elderly is different from that of the young and requires special care. Moderate bathing, proper diet, and moderate exercise are the keys to staying healthy. ”

After returning home, Lao Wang began a series of life adjustments. He reduced the frequency of bathing and switched to twice a week, using warm water and mild bath products, taking daily walks, and eating a balanced diet. His wife is also very supportive, preparing healthy meals for him every day and urging him to rest on time.

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

As time passed, Lao Wang's physical condition gradually improved, and the symptoms of chest tightness and asthma were also alleviated. He felt relaxed and refreshed. After this lesson, he deeply realized the importance of health and understood the doctor's words: small habits in daily life often have a big impact on the body.

However, the story doesn't end there. One day, while walking in the park, Wang met an old friend and talked about his health experience. After listening to this, my friend asked thoughtfully: "You say, does taking less baths really have such a big impact on health?" I also take a lot of baths, but I've always been fine. ”

Lao Wang smiled and replied, "It's like someone smoking is fine, but it doesn't mean that everyone can do it." Everyone's physical condition is different, and their tolerance is also different. It is important that we understand our bodies and find the lifestyle that suits us best. ”

The friend nodded, and then asked, "Then what do you think we should pay attention to besides these?" ”

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

Lao Wang thought for a moment and said, "I think there are still many things we need to pay attention to. For example, you should eat a variety of foods and not be picky. Another example is to maintain a good attitude, don't overwork, and learn to relax. The most important thing is to have regular medical check-ups to detect physical problems in time and prevent them from occurring. ”

After hearing this, my friend thought it was true: "You are right, health really needs to be maintained by ourselves." Thank you for sharing these experiences, I will pay attention to it as well. ”

Since then, Lao Wang has not only paid attention to his own health, but also actively spread health knowledge to his friends. He hopes that through his own experience, more people can realize the importance of health and avoid taking the same detour.

However, there is still a question in Lao Wang's mind: if it is said that taking a bath after the age of 65 is good for health, do other living habits also need to be adjusted? So, he found the doctor again.

"Doctor, in addition to taking less baths, what other lifestyle habits need to be paid special attention to after the age of 65?" Lao Wang asked.

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question." In fact, the physical condition of the elderly is very different from that of young people, and their lifestyle habits need to be adjusted accordingly. For example, to maintain a moderate amount of sleep, the elderly do not need to sleep 8 hours a day like young people, too much sleep can easily lead to poor blood circulation, a moderate nap can replenish energy.

Research shows that once you pass the age of 65, remember to take less baths and do more 3 things, many people don't pay attention to it

For example, regular mental activities, such as reading, playing chess, and learning new knowledge, can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to cold protection and warmth, the elderly have a weak ability to adapt to temperature changes, especially in winter, special attention should be paid to cold protection. ”

Lao Wang nodded in understanding: "It seems that the health of the elderly needs to be paid attention to in many aspects, and it cannot only rely on one or two habits. ”

The doctor went on to explain: "Yes, health is all-encompassing. Diet, exercise, mentality, and lifestyle habits all need our attention. Only with comprehensive conditioning can you truly stay healthy. ”

Lao Wang was full of emotion again and determined to pay more attention to healthy life and maintain good living habits in his future life. He also hopes that through his own efforts, more people can realize the importance of health and have a healthy life together.

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