
As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

author:Shanghai Jiading
As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)
As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

As the temperature rises day by day, the demand for air conditioning cleaning is also strong, and many office buildings and residents' homes have started air conditioning "cleaning" to spend a comfortable summer.

Recently, in an office building in Malu Town, the air-conditioning cleaner opened the air-conditioning shell and removed the filters one by one for cleaning. Subsequently, the high-temperature and high-pressure steam engine was turned on to preheat for half a minute, accompanied by the humming sound of the high-temperature and high-pressure steam engine, and the uniform and fine water mist was sprayed on the air-conditioning evaporator, bringing down a lot of deposited dust.

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

"The dust accumulation in the air conditioner unit can be cleaned more thoroughly with professional equipment. The water mist sprayed in the high-temperature and high-pressure steam engine is a professional air conditioner cleaner, and the temperature is as high as 145°C-150°C. Through high-temperature disinfection and steam cleaning, it not only disinfects and sterilizes, but also reduces the failure rate of air conditioners. Yan Jie, the person in charge of an air conditioning cleaning and maintenance company, said.

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

It is understood that air conditioning cleaning is divided into fine washing and general washing. The difference between general washing and fine cleaning lies in whether to use a high-temperature and high-pressure steam engine, and the air conditioner that is regularly cleaned and maintained can choose general washing, and the air conditioner that has not been washed for many years is recommended to choose fine cleaning to ensure a better operating state. "The cleaning links of wall-mounted, vertical and central air conditioners are different, for example, vertical air conditioners need to clean the turbine underneath." Yan Jie introduced.

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

It is understood that after entering May, the number of orders for air conditioning cleaning has increased significantly. For example, Yan Jie's air-conditioning cleaning and maintenance company has more than doubled its orders compared with April, with an average of eight door-to-door orders per day. "The schedule of the air-conditioning cleaning service has been scheduled until the end of May, and the workers and masters have begun to rotate continuously." Yan Jie suggested that it is best to clean the air conditioner that is used all year round more than twice a year.

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

In addition to inviting professional companies to clean their homes at home, many citizens also choose to clean their air conditioners at home. Mr. Jiang, who lives in Malu Town, washes the air conditioner filter before using the air conditioner every summer, and buys air conditioner cleaner from the Internet to spray the air conditioner. "Even if you clean it every year, it is inevitable that there will be places that you can't clean yourself, so every three years or so, you will ask someone to come to your door to clean it." Mr. Jiang said.

"Before cleaning the air conditioner by themselves, the public must first disconnect the power supply, remove the air conditioning filter and clean it, and then spray the air conditioning cleaning agent." Yan Jie reminded that it is best to ask professionals to come to the door for deep cleaning, so as to avoid damage to the machine caused by improper operation.

Which air conditioning cleaning companies are reliable? Recently, Shanghai announced the list of 149 trustworthy air-conditioning cleaning companies and the contact information of the two city-wide service platforms of Shanghai Household Appliance Service Hotline and Suning Bangke Technology Service Company, which can be inquired by telephone 962512 or login

2024 Shanghai Air Conditioning Cleaning Festival Trustworthy Enterprise Recommendation List

(Jiading area)

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Correspondent: Jiang Tianyue

Editor: Zhou Yanjie

As the temperature climbs, is your home's air conditioner "bathing"? (List of recommended enterprises for air conditioning cleaning is attached)

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