
A 16-year-old girl burst the bath screen when she took a shower, and more than 20 stitches were stitched! The manufacturer agrees to replace the glass

author:Yunlan decoration
A 16-year-old girl burst the bath screen when she took a shower, and more than 20 stitches were stitched! The manufacturer agrees to replace the glass

▲ Picture material © from Qiantu

Harbin, Heilongjiang Province recently staged a thrilling home accident. A 16-year-old girl, enjoying the tranquility of a shower in her bathroom, was struck by a sudden disaster.

The seemingly sturdy bath screen burst open without warning, and the glass shards flew like sharp swords to the girl's body in an instant, stabbing multiple wounds.

At the time of the incident, the girl's frightened and painful cries for help pierced the bathroom door: "Mom, you save me!" I'm scared...... I'm sorry. ”

The girl's mother heard a loud bang in the bedroom, followed by the child's exclamation. She immediately rushed to the bathroom, only to see her daughter surrounded by shards of glass, and all parts of her body were instantly pierced with wounds. The mother's response was swift and resolute, she tried her best to remain calm, covered her daughter's wounds with a towel and called the emergency services.

In the hospital, the doctors carried out emergency treatment for the girl. Because the wounds were all over the body, the doctors had to carefully stitch up more than 20 stitches. The girl's mother recalled the horror afterwards and still had lingering palpitations: "I really didn't expect such a thing to happen in the bathroom at home. I hope other families will take this as a warning and keep an eye on home safety. He also said that he would fight unscrupulous merchants to the end.

At present, the girl's mother has contacted the merchant, but the merchant has agreed to replace the bath screen glass given by the merchant, and the girl's mother has decided to take legal measures to go through legal proceedings.

A 16-year-old girl burst the bath screen when she took a shower, and more than 20 stitches were stitched! The manufacturer agrees to replace the glass

This bathroom glass burst incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion on the Internet. Many netizens expressed sympathy for the injured girl and expressed concern about the safety of the bathroom glass. Some netizens commented: "This incident made me re-examine the safety of the wet and dry separation bathroom, which is really chilling." There are also voices questioning: "Shouldn't the partitions of modern bathrooms be tempered glass?" How could such a burst happen? ”

Experts explain this, pointing out that despite the higher strength of tempered glass, it is not without risks. Tempered glass can also self-detonate if the edge of the glass is damaged during production or installation, or if the glass has been used for too long and is affected by temperature fluctuations and changes in water pressure.

In order to effectively prevent the self-explosion of the bath screen, the key is to choose high-quality decoration building materials and take appropriate preventive measures. First of all, tempered glass with explosion-proof film or laminated should be preferred, because even if the laminated glass is broken, the fragments will adhere to the middle layer, thus greatly reducing the risk of splash injury. In addition, an explosion-proof film can be applied to the surface of the glass to provide an additional layer of protection for the glass, which prevents debris from scattering even if the glass breaks, improving safety. When choosing glass, it is important to check whether it has 3C certification or other relevant quality certifications, which is the basic guarantee to ensure product safety and quality.

A 16-year-old girl burst the bath screen when she took a shower, and more than 20 stitches were stitched! The manufacturer agrees to replace the glass

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A 16-year-old girl burst the bath screen when she took a shower, and more than 20 stitches were stitched! The manufacturer agrees to replace the glass

Proper installation is also one of the key factors in preventing self-explosion, so it is necessary to consult with a professional during the purchase and installation process to ensure that the selection and installation meet safety standards. Yunlan has 99 gold and diamond processes to create ten anti-reliable technologies, anti-leakage, anti-damp mold, anti-cracking, anti-noise, anti-temperature difference, anti-interference, anti-deformation, anti-fire, anti-risk, anti-aging, avoid the legacy of ills, and fully guarantee high-quality delivery.

Yunlan has been specializing in Shanghai home decoration for 21 years, and now the repeat customers and referral business have accounted for more than 4% of the total business. Shanghai Home Improvement is leading in repeat customers, Shanghai Home Improvement is leading in customer satisfaction, and it is a leading word-of-mouth brand. We have always adhered to the principle of free door-to-door measurement, free 360° effect design, free list quotation, fixed construction team, and no subcontracting or contracting of the project. Good decoration> looking for Yunlan, reliable!

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