
The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

author:Ploughing and reading time

Dog's self-care ability: An interesting fact about a dog that has become a 'sperm'

First, let's talk about this 'smart' dog who is amazing in his ability to take care of himself. One day, the dog was covered in mud after playing outside. However, it did not return to its owner's arms and ask for help like other dogs. Instead, it chose an unusual path - to go to the pet store to bathe itself.


When the dog walked into the pet store, the clerks were stunned by its presence. A small animal, alone, without the company of its owner, walked into the store. It was covered in mud and looked like it had just returned from a big adventure. However, the dog did not show any fear or uneasiness, but instead seemed quite at ease, as if this was his home.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

The clerks only reacted at this time, it turned out that this dog was here to take a bath! They immediately began to prepare bathing equipment for it, hot water, towels, shampoo, everything was available. With their help, the dogs began to enjoy this rare bathing experience. It closes its eyes as if enjoying the tranquility and comfort of the moment. Such a picture deeply moved everyone present.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

When it took a bath, the clerks took a picture of it and sent it to its owner. When the owner saw the photo, he was both surprised and amused, he did not expect his dog to behave like this.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

Dog Wisdom: How to show understanding of the owner through behavior

First, let's go back to that pet shop scene. The dog's choice to go to the pet store instead of returning to the owner to ask for help shows that it understands the owner's expectations. It knows that every time it soils itself, its owner will reprimand it and take it to the bath. This series of behaviors makes the dog understand that it needs to be kept clean to avoid being reprimanded.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

But how do dogs know where to take a bath? This may be because the owner has taken him to the pet store to bathe before, or the dog has smelled a familiar smell near the pet store. In either case, the dog's ability to meet the owner's expectations through his actions is a testament to his intelligence and understanding.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

In addition, the dog's behavior during the bathing process also shows its understanding of the owner. It knows that if it comes home too late, its owner may reprimand it. Therefore, it appears very urgent in the bath, as if in a hurry. This behavior shows that the dog not only understands the owner's expectations, but also knows how to meet those expectations through its own behavior.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

Overall, the dog managed to understand and meet the owner's expectations through his actions. This fully demonstrates the dog's intelligence and understanding.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

Responsibilities of the owner: how to raise a dog correctly and civilly

No matter how smart a dog is, no matter how much they understand our expectations, as owners we always have a responsibility to teach them the right behavior. Raising a dog is like raising a child, it requires patience and love, but it also requires guidance. With this understanding, we can better meet the needs of dogs while also protecting the safety and harmony of the community.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

First of all, owners need to understand that dogs are not human, and their behavior and reactions may be driven by instinct. For example, a dog may chase because it sees a moving object or bark when it sees a stranger. These behaviors can cause distress to those around them and may even be dangerous to the dog itself. Therefore, owners need to train their dogs responsibly and teach them how to behave when, where and under what circumstances.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

Secondly, the owner needs to teach the dog to understand and follow the rules. For example, dogs need to know that they can't defecate in the open, can't run around, can't bite, etc. These rules are not only for the dog's own safety, but also for the benefit of others and the harmony of the community. In order for the dog to understand these rules, it may take a lot of time and effort for the owner to train them, but it is worth it because it not only improves the dog's quality of life, but also strengthens the relationship between the owner and the dog.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

Dogs' emotions: they are not only pets, but also our good friends

The emotional world of dogs is rich and deep, and their emotions are no less than those of humans. They can feel happy, sad, lonely, and fearful. As owners, it is our responsibility to understand and respect our dog's emotions. We need to take the time to build a deep relationship with them and understand their needs and expectations so that we can better meet their emotional needs.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

At the same time, we also need to teach dogs how to express their emotions. Dogs may express their emotions through behaviors such as barking, wagging their tails, scratching, etc. As masters, we need to learn to recognize and understand these signals so that we can better meet their needs.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

No matter how hard we try to understand and care for our dogs, we must remember that they are not just pets, they are our best friends. We need to respect them and care for them as if they were our friends. In this way, we can truly enter the world of dogs, understand their feelings, and share their joys and pains.

The dog ran out to play in the mud for fear of being scolded, and actually went to the pet store to take a bath by himself, and he couldn't laugh anymore

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