
The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

author:Extraordinary Life Artist


In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the online live broadcast industry has gradually entered the public eye, and various types of anchors have opened live broadcast rooms on online platforms to interact with the audience and share their lives, knowledge and emotions. In order to attract more attention and rewards, they do not hesitate to carry out various extreme and indecent behaviors in the live broadcast, bringing instant stimulation to the audience, but also invisibly eroding the public's soul and moral bottom line.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

Recently, an online anchor named "Xiaoting" has aroused widespread public attention and heated discussions because of an indecent tongue kiss with a dog in the live broadcast, and many netizens have expressed great dissatisfaction and condemnation of its behavior, believing that such vulgar hype has seriously hurt the public's aesthetics and morality, and has also brought great unfair competition to other anchors who really create with heart and connotation. In the face of public doubts and criticism, some anchors engaged in online live broadcasts still go their own way, continue to carry out all kinds of bad hype in live broadcasts, and even regard it as a kind of "characteristic" and "personality", which is undoubtedly promoting vulgar culture and making the audience have a great negative impact on the online live broadcast industry.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

As a webcast practitioner, how should you view the current phenomenon of vulgar hype? And how to stand out among the many online anchors and win the recognition and support of the audience? How can we make live streaming content more attractive and positive, and become a clear stream in the online live streaming industry? This article will discuss this from multiple perspectives, and I hope that through my own small point of view, I can better guide myself to treat various online content rationally while paying attention to online live broadcasting, and also contribute to the development of the online live broadcast industry.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

Vulgar hype, hurting the audience and themselves

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

In order to attract more viewers and fans, many anchors do not hesitate to carry out various radical behaviors in the live broadcast, dress themselves up as "glamorous" and "hot" images, or perform some extreme and indecent performances, or even openly talk about some unhealthy topics, hoping to attract the audience's attention in this way, so as to get more rewards and fan support.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

And such vulgar hype will undoubtedly have a great negative impact on the audience, especially some teenagers and minors, their minds are not yet mature, they lack sufficient recognition ability for everything they see, and they are easily induced by bad content and have wrong values and outlook on life. Long-term exposure to vulgar content will also make their minds gradually distorted, unable to correctly recognize and understand society, and will also cause great harm to their physical and mental health.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

In addition to the negative impact on the audience, the anchors who engage in vulgar hype are actually victims, in order to earn more money and attention, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their respect and moral bottom line, and dress themselves up as a "vase", just to satisfy the audience's "lustful" psychology, or through various extreme behaviors to win attention, such behavior is undoubtedly a harm to themselves, and it also makes them gradually lose their original intention and direction, and do not know what is the real meaningful live broadcast content.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

Maintain the quality of life and stay away from vulgar content

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

In the face of the vulgar hype that is rampant in the current online live broadcast industry, how should we look at and deal with it? As an anchor engaged in online live broadcasting, she should be soberly aware that vulgar hype is not a correct way to open, although this can get some attention and rewards in the short term, but it cannot win real recognition and support, and the audience will only regard it as a "passing cloud", and will not have long-term memories and emotional connections with it.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

On the contrary, only by focusing on the real creation and dissemination of content, and sharing valuable knowledge and emotions with heart, can we attract the long-term attention of the audience, and can we stand out among many online anchors and become a truly influential "Internet celebrity". During the live broadcast, she should also always keep in mind her social responsibility, should not talk about some unhealthy topics at will, let alone perform indecently in public, and should use her own actions to guide the audience, convey positive energy and correct values, and become a "sunshine anchor" in the hearts of the audience.

For the audience, they should also maintain rational judgment and viewing when choosing objects of attention and support, stay away from vulgar content and bad hype, and should learn to use a pair of eyes to discover beauty to discover those anchors who really create with heart and connotation, and give them more encouragement and support, which is also a beneficial promotion for the online live broadcast industry, so that high-quality content can be more disseminated and concerned.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?

How to do a good job in online live broadcast and become a "clear stream" existence

In the current online live broadcast industry where vulgar hype is rampant, how to do a good job in your own live broadcast content and become a "clear stream" is also a difficult problem in front of every online anchor. She should have a loving and curious heart, be passionate about life, and keep an open attitude towards various knowledge and skills.

The live broadcast is out of control: the beautiful anchor has no lower limit for gifts, and the live broadcast and the dog stage a taboo show?


Although vulgar hype can attract the attention of the audience to a certain extent, it cannot leave people with truly good memories, nor can it nourish and improve the audience's soul. To do a good job in online live broadcasting, it is not to attract audiences through some extreme behaviors and words, but to touch their hearts with sincerity and wisdom, bring them positive energy and beautiful thinking, and let them find the strength of courage and confidence in their live broadcasts.

I hope that among the many online anchors, there will be more people who love life from the bottom of their hearts, and are willing to spread hope and warmth in their own way, become a beam of light in the lives of others, and bring endless beauty and courage to the audience. I also hope that the audience can remain rational and sensitive, stay away from vulgar content and bad hype, use a kind and beautiful heart to discover the beauty around them, and also give more attention and support to truly valuable content, so as to jointly create a healthy and positive online environment, so that the online live broadcast industry can radiate a gorgeous and colorful light.

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