
North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

author:Hot topic king

On the flight from North Korea to China, Kim Ji-ah nervously and excitedly packed her luggage. Her eyes flashed with a longing for the unknown. She has always had a great interest in Chinese culture, from classical Chinese literature to traditional drama. This time, she finally mustered up the courage to embark on a journey to explore China on her own.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

After arriving in Beijing, a cool autumn breeze rushed in with a faint fragrance of osmanthus flowers. Zhiya got off the plane and stood at the exit of the capital airport, surrounded by a busy and unfamiliar scene. Just when she was at a loss, an enthusiastic Chinese young man greeted her. He is her netizen Xiao Li, and the two met at an online cultural exchange meeting. Xiao Li waved the "Jin Zhiya" brand in his hand and said with a smile: "Zhiya, welcome to China!" I will be your guide and friend, taking you to the real Chinese style. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

In the next few days, Xiao Li took Zhiya to shuttle through the streets and alleys of Beijing. From the resplendor of the Forbidden City to the antique flavor of Nanluoguxiang, every place amazes Zhiya. Xiao Li explained the historical background of each attraction to her in detail, and took her to try the authentic Peking duck, Zhiya sighed while eating: "This is really delicious, completely different from the taste of our North Korea." ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

One night, Li invites Ji-ah to a family party. The party was held in a typical courtyard house with red lanterns hanging in the courtyard and a strong family atmosphere. Zhiya got her first glimpse of Chinese family life, with a table full of all kinds of home-cooked dishes, and Xiao Li's family sat around enthusiastically, chatting while eating. Zhiya was deeply attracted by this warm atmosphere and felt the warmth of home and the affection of Chinese.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

At the dinner, Xiao Li's father said to Zhiya: "Zhiya, we are glad that you can come to our house. There is an old Chinese saying that 'it is a pleasure to have friends from afar', and we hope that your trip to China will be enjoyable. Zhiya nodded movingly, and she replied in slightly rusty Chinese: "Thank you, I have been deeply attracted by everything here." ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Through constant communication with Xiao Li and participation in daily life in China, Zhiya began to gradually understand and experience the sense of responsibility, gentlemanly demeanor and family values of Chinese men. Each day's experience is like a puzzle, gradually piecing together a new image of China, which left a deep impression on Zhiya's heart.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

For Zhiya, this journey is not only an exploration of a country, but also a spiritual journey. She feels that she is constantly being infected by the culture and enthusiasm of the people of this country, and her affection for China is growing day by day.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

As the journey deepened, Kim Ji-ah communicated with more Chinese, and her understanding became more in-depth. Xiao Li took her to several famous tourist cities, including Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai, and each stop had different surprises and stories.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

In Suzhou, they wander through the thousand-year-old gardens. Walking through the bamboo forest path and coming to a delicate bridge, Zhiya couldn't help but admire: "It's so beautiful here, it's like a scene in a painting." ”

Xiao Li replied with a smile: "Yes, the gardens of Suzhou are a model of Chinese garden art, and this kind of design pays attention to 'seeing the big from the small', which has far-reaching implications. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhiya asked curiously, "What does it mean to 'see big from small'?" ”

This refers to the creation of infinite artistic conception and imagination in a limited space. Just like life, although it is limited, the inner world can be infinitely broad. Xiao Li's explanation made Zhiya think deeply, and she began to appreciate the beauty of this Eastern philosophy even more.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Afterwards, they traveled to Hangzhou and visited the West Lake. The willow trees by the lake gently brushed the water, and Zhiya was deeply attracted by this picturesque scenery. When the boat gently swayed on the lake, Xiao Li pointed to the broken bridge and remnant snow in the distance to tell the story of the "Legend of the White Lady", and Zhiya was fascinated to listen.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

"Xiao Li, your Chinese love story is always so moving, full of loyalty and sacrifice." Zhiya said with emotion.

Xiao Li replied with a smile: "Yes, these stories teach us to cherish the people in front of us, and love requires courage and perseverance. ”

During their conversation, Zhiya felt the deep emotion and sense of responsibility of the Chinese towards emotions. Behind every story, there is the pursuit of a better life and respect for the partner.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

After that, they went to Shanghai together to experience the modern face of China. While walking along the bustling Bund, Zhiya saw vivid pictures of China's reform and opening up, and she was amazed by the speed of China's development. In the evening, Xiao Li took Zhiya to a famous jazz bar and enjoyed a wonderful live performance. At the bar, Zhiya meets several of Xiao Li's friends, and one of them, a man named Zhang Hao, particularly catches her attention.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhang Hao is a urbane businessman with a deep interest in art and culture. The two had an in-depth exchange with the accompaniment of jazz music. Zhang Hao said to Zhiya: "I heard Xiao Li mention you and say that you are very interested in Chinese culture. This kind of cross-cultural exchange is very precious. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhiya replied, "Yes, every day my experience in China is very precious, and I feel that I know more and more about the country. Your warmth and sincerity warm me. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhang Hao smiled and said, "I'm glad to hear this. There is a saying in China: 'There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor'. Even though we come from different countries, we can understand and appreciate each other through cultural bridges. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Through a conversation with Zhang Hao, Zhiya discovered that Chinese men not only have a traditional sense of responsibility and family values, but also have an open mind and an international vision. She had a very good impression of Zhang Hao, and felt that he was an ideal man who was both traditional and modern. This exchange undoubtedly deepened her love for China and the Chinese.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

During his time in Shanghai, the relationship between Zhiya and Zhang Hao gradually deepened. Together, they participated in a number of cultural events, from historical explorations in museums to graffiti art in the city's alleys, each of which gave them a greater understanding of each other's worlds.

One day, Zhang Hao invited Zhiya to a traditional tea ceremony held in the city center. There, Zhiya not only experienced Chinese tea culture, but also learned some basic tea art. Zhang Hao gently explained to her the characteristics of each tea and the technique of making tea, and Zhiya listened intently, occasionally trying to imitate it, and the atmosphere between the two gradually became relaxed and pleasant.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhiya said to Zhang Hao: "Zhang Hao, you teach me so well, I never thought that tea culture is so profound and wonderful. ”

Zhang Hao responded with a smile: "Yes, tea is not only a drink, but also an art of life. I'm excited to share this with you. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

As time passed, Zhiya began to feel that Jang Hao's place in her heart was becoming more and more important. He is not only a guide, but also a partner who can share deep culture and emotions. She found herself looking forward to every encounter with him, whether it was at a busy market or a quiet tea room.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

As the end of Ji-ah's journey draws nearer, she begins to feel a faint sense of melancholy. She realizes that she already has a deep affection for Zhang Hao, but she also knows that she will soon return to North Korea, and the future of the two is uncertain.

On the last weekend of the trip, Zhang Hao took Zhiya to the Bund in Shanghai, where the lights of the Huangpu River were shining at night. The two walked quietly on Binjiang Avenue, and Zhiya felt an unprecedented peace and happiness. Zhang Hao suddenly stopped and turned to her with a serious expression.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

"Zhiya, during this time with you, I have felt a lot of emotions that I have never felt before. I know there are a lot of difficulties and challenges between us, but I really wish we could spend more time together. There was a hint of nervousness in Zhang Hao's voice.

Zhiya's heart was twisted when she heard this, she knew that she felt the same way, but she was also worried about the difficulties that might come in the future. She looked at Zhang Hao's eyes, and her heart was full of complicated emotions.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

"Zhang Hao, I also feel your sincerity, and I cherish every moment with you very much. But I'm also afraid, our future ......" Zhiya's voice gradually deepened, almost choked.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhang Hao held her hand and said softly, "Zhiya, I don't want you to be afraid." Whatever our future holds, I want you to know that you are special in my heart. I'm willing to wait, I'm willing to face all the challenges just so that we can spend more time together. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

At that moment, the depths of the hearts of the two touched each other, and Ji-ah felt an unprecedented emotional impact, and her heart was deeply moved. She held Zhang Hao's hand tightly, tears flashing in her eyes. The two hugged each other in the brightly lit Bund, allowing the torrent of emotions to be completely released.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

On the last day in Shanghai, Zhiya and Zhang Hao spent an unforgettable time together. In the morning, they walked together in the park in the heart of the city, reminiscing about the past few weeks, with every smile and every eye contact etched into their hearts. Zhiya knew in her heart that even if the parting was imminent, this experience would become a precious memory for her life.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

On the way to the airport, Zhang Hao held Zhiya's hand, and both of them were in an extremely heavy mood. After arriving at the airport, at the moment of parting, Zhiya looked deeply into Zhang Hao's eyes, and her heart was full of gratitude and reluctance.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

"Zhang Hao, thank you for giving me so many good memories, I don't know what the future holds, but I hope we can keep in touch, no matter how far away we are." Zhiya's voice choked with tears in her eyes.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

Zhang Hao hugged her tightly and whispered, "Zhiya, no matter where you are, my heart is with you." Our story doesn't end there, and I believe that one day, our paths will converge again. ”

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

The figure of the two hugging each other became the most moving scene in the airport. When Zhiya walked into the boarding gate and looked back, Zhang Hao was still standing in place, waving goodbye. Although her heart was full of reluctance, she also felt an inexplicable strength, because she knew that this cross-border emotional journey had deeply changed her.

North Korean beauties came to China to play, and two weeks later cried and said: Chinese men are too suitable for marriage

The plane slowly lifted off, and Zhiya leaned against the window, looking at the land of China that was gradually moving away, and her heart was full of deep nostalgia. She whispered to herself, "Chinese men are too suitable to marry." This sentence is not only a compliment to Zhang Hao, but also a recognition of the cultural and humanistic feelings she feels in China.

When the plane passed through the clouds, Zhiya closed her eyes and secretly made a wish in her heart, looking forward to meeting Zhang Hao again, and looking forward to more exploration and discovery in the future.

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