
No matter how close the relationship between husband and wife is, these 3 sentences are also "taboo" and can only rot in the stomach

author:Art Scene
No matter how close the relationship between husband and wife is, these 3 sentences are also "taboo" and can only rot in the stomach

Socrates once said, "A happy married life requires the joint efforts of both husband and wife, and a failed marriage often results from some avoidable mistakes." ”

If you want to run a good marriage, you need to be careful with your words and actions.

In particular, the following 3 sentences are "taboos" in the relationship between husband and wife.

No matter how good the relationship is, it can't be said, it can only rot in the stomach.


Compare words

Lin Yutang said: "Marriage is to call two different people to live the same life. ”

There has never been a competitive relationship between the two people.

It is not the east wind that overpowers the west wind, nor the west wind that overpowers the east wind.

There are no two people who are naturally suitable, only two hearts that accommodate each other.

Actor Lu Yi is handsome, became famous at a young age, and has gained many female fans.

And his wife Bao Lei, in order to take care of the family, is willing to retreat behind the scenes.

When the two got married, it sparked overwhelming discussions.

Many fans attacked Bao Lei's appearance, such an ordinary-looking girl is not worthy of the tall and handsome Lu Yi at all.

Some people also say that Bao Lei's reputation is not as good as Lu Yi, and the gap between the two is too big.

But for these rumors, Lu Yi is very open.

In the face of gossip from outsiders, Bao Lei was also very inferior at first.

But soon, it was dissolved by Lu Yi's gentleness and understanding.

Lu Yi comforted her: "Outsiders can say whatever they want, life is what the two of us can do." ”

Although outsiders feel that the careers of the two are unbalanced, in fact, for Lu Yi, Bao Lei's home is the key to his success.

He said: "How tiring it is to go out to film, just be tired of me alone."

I think Bao Lei is happy at home, and nothing else matters. ”

When husband and wife live their lives, there is no higher or lower at all.

People are chosen by yourself, and when you get married, don't compare yourself with each other and feel that the other party is not worthy of you.

Men have good faces, women want faces, and comparing them will only affect the relationship between husband and wife.

No matter how close the relationship between husband and wife is, these 3 sentences are also "taboo" and can only rot in the stomach


Uncover the short words

"Disciple Rules" has a saying: "People have shortcomings, don't expose them." ”

No one is perfect, and everyone has their own shortcomings.

Husbands and wives are the closest and closest to each other, so they naturally see these shortcomings clearly.

At any time, you can't poke the other person's scars or expose the other party's shortcomings.

Zhang Youyi was born in a scholarly family and also received advanced Western-style education.

However, at that time, in the era of trendy everywhere, she had a "stain" that could not be erased: when she was three years old, she had wrapped her little feet for three days.

For this reason, she has been sarcastically ridiculed by her husband Xu Zhimo many times.

The first time Xu Zhimo saw Zhang Youyi's photo, he said very contemptuously: "Soil buns in the countryside." ”

Zhang Youyi was dissatisfied with her husband's attitude, but she could only endure it silently.

However, Xu Zhimo refused to give up, he deliberately brought a woman home.

The man wore dark lipstick and a woolen suit.

Under the foreign dress, a pair of small feet wearing embroidered shoes and entanglement were revealed.

When Zhang Youyi saw it, she felt very uncomfortable, and felt that Xu Zhimo was deliberately sarcastic about herself.

"This lady looks good, but her little feet don't match her suit," she said. ”

Xu Zhimo said in a weird way: "I knew it, that's why I want to divorce." ”

In 1922, Xu Zhimo and his original wife Zhang Youyi signed a divorce.

Xu Zhimo's reason for filing for divorce is: How do small feet and suits match?

Of course, the suit refers to himself, and the little feet refer to Zhang Youyi.

The marriage of the two has also come to an end.

As the saying goes: you don't hit someone in the face, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you scold someone.

Between husband and wife, there must be scruples when speaking, and never open which pot is not opened.

If there are too many hurtful words, it is easy for the other party to be dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction accumulates to a certain extent, and no matter how good the relationship is, it will gradually drift away.

No matter how close the relationship between husband and wife is, these 3 sentences are also "taboo" and can only rot in the stomach


Words to vent anger

One day, Queen Elizabeth of England had a big fight with her husband, Prince Philips.

In the evening the queen went to the bedroom door and found it closed.

So she raised her hand and knocked on the door, and her husband asked, "Who is it?" ”

Elizabeth said angrily: "Queen of England! ”

Her husband didn't open the door, so she had to knock again.

The husband asked again who it was, and this time Elizabeth calmed down.

She replied with a straight face: "It's Elizabeth," but her husband still didn't open the door.

At this point, Elizabeth seemed to realize something.

She thought for a moment and raised her hand to knock on the door again.

Without waiting for her husband to ask, she took the initiative to soften her tone and said, "My dear, I am your wife Elizabeth!" ”

The door opened.

No matter how much husband and wife quarrel with each other, don't say some disrespectful cruel words with emotion.

In anger, even if the quarrel is red-faced, there will be no result.

It's better to wait for calming down and then communicate calmly, it's not a big deal.

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