
To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

author:Gluttonous dog food

Pay attention to [gluttonous dog food], healthy and scientific pet raising

Original article, please do not plagiarize.

Sometimes, our dogs will suddenly become excited, as if driven by some mysterious force, to "run wild" around the house. This sudden "crazy run" behavior always makes us scratch our heads, but in fact, these behaviors have their own reasons behind them.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Pure excitement too

Dogs can sometimes get excited about small things, such as seeing their long-lost owners, smelling their favorite food, or hearing the barking of a friend outside. At this time, they will suddenly "run wild" and release their joy and energy.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

There is excess energy in the body

Dogs are energetic animals, and if they stay at home all day and don't exercise enough to burn off the energy in their body, then they can feel restless. In order to release this excess energy, dogs will choose to "run crazy" to burn their physical strength.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Seek the attention of the owner

Dogs are very dependent on their owners, and if they feel that their owners are neglecting them, they will find ways to attract their owners' attention. And "crazy running" is a common means they use, they hope to attract the attention of their owners and interact with their owners.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Driven by curiosity

Dogs are very curious, and they are full of desire to explore everything around them. Sometimes, they will suddenly "run wild" after something because they have a strong interest in it. For example, a butterfly, a squirrel, or even the owner's slippers can be the object of their chase.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Feeling scared or upset

While dogs usually release excitement and energy by "running wildly", sometimes they do so because they feel scared or upset.

For example, suddenly hearing a loud noise, seeing an unfamiliar animal or person, the dog may feel uneasy, so it chooses to escape this uneasy feeling by "running wildly".

If the dog feels scared and uneasy, the pet owner must calm its emotions as soon as possible to avoid the dog's stress reaction, and can give it delicious snacks to divert its attention.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Estrus, hormones

If your dog is a female dog and has not been spayed or neutered, it may be in heat that he is suddenly running all over the house. in heat can become extremely excited and agitated, and they will walk around frequently looking for a suitable partner.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Dogs in estrus have serious nutrient loss, so it is recommended that pet owners supplement their nutrition and choose a nutritious dog food for their staple food.

To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

Conclusion: Does your dog like to run wildly?

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To tell you a secret, it turns out that the dog suddenly "ran crazy" because of these points

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