
Stopping production to make way for a new brand to partner with Huawei? Cyrus: The news is not true and will continue to accept orders

In response to the recent uproar in the suspension of production, Xilis finally issued an official statement.

On January 5, in response to the "discontinuation" of Cyris SF5, Cyrus released a letter to Sf5 users of Cyris SF5. The letter first thanked users for their support for the new brand of Céris, and then pointed out that SF5 will continue to accept user orders, "after the user places an order, we will arrange for someone to follow up and assist in delivery."

For users who have already been delivered, Celis promises that the first owner of the SF5 series, in addition to enjoying the 8-year / 160,000 km warranty of the three-electric system, will also be upgraded to enjoy the lifetime warranty of the vehicle and range extender. In addition, if the first owner changes other models of vehicles under the company within four years, he can also get a discount of 10,000 yuan on the basis of the current rights and interests of the new car to be purchased.

Stopping production to make way for a new brand to partner with Huawei? Cyrus: The news is not true and will continue to accept orders

"International Finance News" through the Cyrus official found that the current SF5 does book the channel normal, prepayment of 10,000 yuan can be determined normally.

However, on the evening of January 5, some sales consultants of Xilisi still insisted to reporters that the decision was not supported before the Spring Festival, and what arrangements would be made after the year needed to wait for the manufacturer to arrange. It also said that the sales of the SF5 were normal, but after the release of the new car (AITO Q&A M5), the supply of new cars was given priority, so even if the SF5 support was determined, the specific delivery time was not determined.

Earlier, some media quoted Cyrus insiders as saying that due to the need for AITO to ask for the listing of M5, it temporarily closed the booking channel of Cyrus SF5.

On December 2 last year, Xilis released a new high-end brand - Aotu, which is a brand jointly built by Xilis and Huawei, and its first model, AITO Q&I M5, was also officially released at Huawei's winter new product launch conference on December 23 last year, with a pre-price of 250,000-320,000 yuan, a total of 3 models.

Stopping production to make way for a new brand to partner with Huawei? Cyrus: The news is not true and will continue to accept orders

Huawei Smart Select Celis SF5. (Xiao Yisi/Photo)

The Cyrus SF5 is the first model jointly built by Huawei and Cyrus, which was officially launched at the Shanghai Auto Show in April 2021 and landed in the Huawei Smart Select store.

It is reported that since Huawei released the AITO Q&I M5, some car owners have found that the Xilis store is being renovated, and the store logo has also been replaced by the logo of "AITO".

In this regard, the owner consulted the sales of Cyris, but got the news that "the SF5 of Cyrus has stopped accepting reservations because it has been discontinued". At the same time, other sales also said, "AITO Q&I M5 is a car led by Huawei, and Xilis will only be the role of foundry in the future."

In response to the above issues, Cyrus first issued an upgraded warranty policy on December 25, 2021 in response to the owners' doubts. The upgrade warranty policy includes that the first owner of the Cyrus SF5 can upgrade the lifetime warranty of the vehicle and range extender for free, and enjoy exclusive discounts when purchasing or exchanging AITO brand models.

However, this compensation plan seems to some car owners to be more solid news of the suspension of Cyrus SF5, and many car owners expressed "no recognition" and bluntly said that "leeks were cut".

Later, on December 31, 2021, Xilis parent company Xiaokang shares also responded by denying Huawei's "foundry" statement. It said that Xilis is a long-term partner of Huawei, and has been responsible for research and development, manufacturing, delivery, service, etc. in the whole value chain of the AITO M5 model, and new cooperation is not ruled out in the future.

In fact, the reason why the industry has made the speculation that the Cyris SF5 is an "outcast" is not unfounded.

According to the association data, the sales of the Cyris SF5 from April to August were 129, 204, 1097, 507 and 715 respectively. As of the end of November, the cumulative sales of the Cyrus SF5 had not yet exceeded the 7,000 mark, at 6997 units.

It is reported that after 5 days of listing, the order volume of AITO Q&I M5 exceeded 6,000.

With low sales and limited stacked production, it is not difficult to understand that the Cyrus SF5 will "make way" for the more optimistic AITO M5.

However, on January 5, Xilis insiders denied the above allegations to the "International Finance News" reporter, which pointed out that Xilis did not actually stop production of SF5, but only because of the chip supply crisis and other reasons, in order to ensure the timeliness of user delivery, it suspended the subscription. At present, the procurement and order status of core components has met the conditions for restarting subscription, and the subscription work of SF5 four-wheel drive version has been restarted.

Reporter: Xiao Yisi Intern: Gao Xiuxiu

Edit: Zuo Yu

Editor-in-Charge: BiDandan

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