
Experience your child's feelings first-hand

Concern the child

Concerns education

Case replay: Before lunch, the children are listening to my story. As I spoke, I noticed that Jiajia's chair was moving forward more and more. I said a little angrily, "You see, the other children are listening carefully, just move the chair around, quick, move back." Jiajia reluctantly moved the chair back to its original position, and I continued to tell the story. But in the blink of an eye, when I wasn't paying attention, he moved the chair forward a little bit. I couldn't resist walking over to her and asking, "Why move the chair?" She looked at me for half a day before she said, "I want to see Teacher Tu." Jiajia's words made me feel a kind of emotion in the moment of trembling. Sitting in her seat, I realized that she could only see the child's head, not me at all. At that moment, I understood what she had just done. So, I adjusted the seats of the whole class so that every child could see me. After that, they listened particularly attentively.

Teacher's Testimonial: I am glad that I can understand my child's feelings through personal experience. If I subjectively think that Jiajia is undisciplined and accuse her and do not give him a chance to explain, not only will I lose the child's love and respect for me, but more seriously, the door of the child's soul will henceforth be closed to me. After passing this event, no matter what activities I organize, I will put each child in a position that I can see, because I want to use my eyes as a tool for me to communicate with my children, to enter their innocent and beautiful spiritual world.

Expert opinion: The child's heart is beautiful and innocent. Adults may be incomprehensible at times, but you will be surprised and delighted when you discover how pure and innocent the world is in their eyes. Be a person with a heart in life and get to know the cute children better!

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