
Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

Pregnant mother, are you still staying up late?

Before pregnancy, some pregnant mothers already have the habit of staying up late, after pregnancy, there is not too much attention, or insist on staying up late, if it is you, then you must quickly develop the habit of going to bed early.

Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

You should know the harm of staying up late during pregnancy, because you are not alone in staying up late, and you are still staying up late with your baby, which is not good for your baby.

1. Pregnant mothers are prone to qi and blood deficiency

Ordinary people who stay up late for a long time will also be deficient in qi and blood, not to mention pregnant women. During pregnancy, the blood supply demand is higher than that of ordinary people, and our hepatobiliary hematopoiesis is generally around 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., if you don't sleep, then your liver and gallbladder can't work.

Over time, your qi and blood are insufficient, your body is weak, how can you provide enough blood oxygen supply to the fetus?

2. Affect the development of the fetus, often sick after birth

Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, you must go to bed early, because this stage is the critical period of cell division and development, and staying up late often can easily lead to endocrine disorders of expectant mothers, and then easily lead to abnormal fetal development.

After the baby is born, the constitution is weak, the resistance is low, it may be shorter than its peers, and it is easy to get sick.

3. It is easy to raise "sleeping scum" babies

Many mothers find this problem after giving birth, the baby does not sleep in the middle of the night, often get up to play, although some mothers also have the habit of going to bed early, but the high probability is that the mother sleeps late, and the baby is also "sleeping scum".

Although this is not a particularly serious situation, but from the physical health of pregnant mothers and babies, it is not recommended to stay up late, remember to go to bed early.

Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

Do you have insomnia during pregnancy?

Some pregnant mothers are exceptions, and they don't want to stay up late but can't sleep! It's so uncomfortable!

When you are pregnant, do you also have times when you can't sleep? Why do I have insomnia? There are three main reasons for this.

First, the increase in the level of progesterone

Pregnancy is a special period, there will be a big change in the hormones in our body, and the fluctuations of hormones will affect our emotions, psychology and spirit. Most obviously, you will find that after pregnancy, you become crying and becoming sensitive.

In other words, our emotional control and physical regulation ability at this moment are weakened by the increase in hormones, and the fluctuations of mood are related to our sleep state.

Second, I slept too much during the day

Sleeping too much during the day, naturally can't sleep at night. So, if you sleep more during the day, you can adjust it and sleep less during the day to improve your sleep at night. For example, go for a walk after eating during the day, and ensure a 1-2 hour lunch break at noon.

Third, the state of the body in the third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the stomach is already quite large, the inconvenience of movement, the compression of the fetus, are easy to lead to our poor sleep, the sleeping position is constantly adjusted, or will feel very tired of sleeping, coupled with frequent urination, easy to rest badly.

I myself was in this state at that time, constantly adjusting my sleeping position when I slept, and I had to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

After pregnancy, always insomnia, what to do?

Pregnant mothers who want to sleep and can't sleep and have insomnia can experience this pain. How can we improve?

Combined with their own personal experience, share a few small ways, hoping to help pregnant mothers.

1. Walk around more every day and consume excess energy

Proper exercise during the day can make pregnant women fall asleep better at night, do not sleep too much during the day, otherwise it is difficult to fall asleep at night. For safety reasons, the most suitable exercise for us during pregnancy is walking. Take a 30-minute walk after a meal, which can not only consume excess energy, but also help the development of the fetus.

Of course, if you have the habit of swimming during pregnancy, you can also try swimming in the second trimester with a professional swimming instructor present. Late in the case, the stomach is too big, or not recommended.

2. Drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed

Milk contains a substance that can inhibit the nerve center of the human body, this substance is called cysteine, when you are upset at night, you may wish to try to drink a cup of warm milk, which can play a good role in calming and calming the mind.

In addition, you can also comb your hair with your fingers and wash your feet with warm water to promote blood circulation and improve blood oxygen in the brain, thereby promoting sleep.

3. With the help of maternity pillows

Pregnant women's pillows are really a lifesaver for pregnant mothers, especially in the third trimester. The stomach becomes larger, the fetus becomes heavier, it will compress our limbs, making it difficult for us to find a comfortable sleeping position, with the help of pregnant women's pillows, it can relieve the pressure on our limbs and make us more able to fall asleep in a relaxed state.

Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

How to sleep well for your baby during pregnancy?

In the group of pregnant mothers, from time to time, some people will wonder how to sleep well for the baby, when they can't sleep flat, and so on.

We divide the pregnancy into three stages, the first trimester, the second trimester, and the third trimester.

First trimester (1-3 months): do not sleep on your stomach.

In the early days, the fetus was still small, basically no impact, how comfortable can sleep, as long as you do not sleep on your stomach, do not compress the stomach can be.

Second trimester (4-7 months): Side sleep is better.

In the second trimester, the fetus is relatively large, and our stomachs are already very obvious, especially for second-born mothers. At this time, when lying flat, you will feel the belly tightening, there is a sense of pressure, it is recommended to sleep on the side.

As for the left side or the right side, depending on personal habits, but both sides are rotated to sleep, and the situation of numbness in the hands and feet can also be avoided.

Pregnant mom do you have insomnia? Share 3 small ways to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy and sleep soundly

Third trimester (8-10 months): Sleep better on the left side.

Late and mid-stage are not suitable for lying flat, have a feeling of pressure, and are difficult to fall asleep.

The difference is that the stomach is larger in the third trimester, and sleeping to the left side can correct the right rotation of the enlarged uterus, reduce the compression of the uterus on the abdominal aorta and the iliac artery, improve blood circulation, and increase the amount of blood supplied to the fetus.

Of course, if you feel uncomfortable lying on the left side, you can sleep on the right side, as long as there is no discomfort.

This is just a suggestion, or according to each person's own specific situation, do not say that lying on the left side of the sleep is good for the baby, even if the left side is uncomfortable, it is not worth the loss.

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