
Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

Wen | Jingma

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

2021 is about to turn the page, but the melons of the melon eating masses are not stopping.

In November, Big S and Wang Xiaofei, who have been sprinkling dog food on the Internet, actually broke the news of divorce!

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

Big S also because of the need to have a child to fatten up and adjust the body, when giving birth to a child is more dangerous, gave birth to two children, and even pregnant with three children later, but because the fetus stopped, finally had to shed the child.

In December, Wang Lihong announced his divorce, and his wife Li Lianglei had already helped him have three children at this time!

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

These two pairs of stars were often shown to love dog food before they divorced, and both had already had children.

If you are married and have not yet had children, then divorce is a matter of two people, but if you have children and then divorce, then divorce will involve more things!

Li Meijin once mentioned in a lecture that the birth of a child is his own choice, he is brought to this world by his parents, and the biggest harm from parental divorce is the child, after all, the divorce of parents is the choice of two people, but the birth of the child and the separation of the parents are not the children can choose!

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

Li Meijin also mentioned that if parents divorce their children at this time when they are in elementary school, that is, at the age of about six or seven years old, the harm to their children is particularly great.

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

If parents want to divorce, avoid the age of the child as much as possible, which is very sad

Reason one: The child has just entered primary school, and the environment has changed a lot

Generally, children go to elementary school when they are about 6 to 7 years old, and children go from having a life with teachers in kindergartens to primary schools that are completely their own lives.

Children will re-acquaint themselves with a group of friends and re-adapt to the education methods of different teachers, which is a big impact for children.

His life has undergone great changes, which will make the child's psychology produce some uncomfortable symptoms in the process of adaptation, if the parents divorce at this time, it is easy to make the child in school all day long, it is more difficult to adapt to the new primary school life.

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

Reason two: Children's comprehension ability is limited

When the child is six or seven years old, he still can't understand that his parents are divorced if they don't have a personality, and he will find reasons for what he can't understand.

So if the parents do not clearly tell the child that the reason for the divorce has nothing to do with him, he will think wildly every day, thinking that it is because of me, the parents will divorce, which will make the child have a very strong sense of guilt, such a sense of guilt will also lead to the child's inferiority and cowardice.

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

Reason three: Children begin to learn to contrast

When you go to primary school, you need parents to pick up, and when you see that others are sometimes picked up by dad, sometimes by mom, and even when mom and dad come to pick up, and they are always dad or mom to pick up, the child's heart will have a gap.

He thinks why do my classmates have mom and dad, and I only have dad or only mom, is it that I'm not doing a good job? Am I being too bad? The child will have a gap in his heart and will be hurt.

So if parents want to divorce, try to avoid this time when the child is in elementary school, and can do it when the child is younger, or when the child is slightly older.

Li Meijin: Parents divorce at the age of the child, which is extremely harmful to the baby, please try to avoid it

And parents must communicate with the child when divorcing, tell the child that the parents of the divorce is not because of him, whether the parents are together or not, they will always be his parents and will always love him.

And such words should be said to the child often and repeatedly, so that the child can slowly recognize himself, know that he is worthy of love, and the divorce of his parents has nothing to do with himself!

Every child is an angel, don't let the divorce of the parents cause this angel to be sad and sad, or even become an angel with broken wings that can't fly.

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