
Radish boiled shrimp slip, vermicelli garlic minced broccoli, beer fragrant pork, teppanyaki eggplant to prepare

author:Had eaten good food

Shredded radish boiled shrimp slippery

Ingredients: shrimp, white radish, green radish, grass mushrooms, parsley, fungus, sugar, chicken powder, green onion, ginger, salt, broth.


1, shrimp to clean, absorb dry water, chop into puree, add salt, chicken powder seasoning, made of shrimp glue for later;

2, white radish, green radish peeled, cut into thin strips for later;

3, the pot into the oil heat, green onion, ginger pot, stir-fry fragrant white radish shredded, green radish shredded, grass mushrooms, parsley, wood ear shredded, add broth to boil, add shrimp glue, add salt, chicken powder, sugar to taste.

Radish boiled shrimp slip, vermicelli garlic minced broccoli, beer fragrant pork, teppanyaki eggplant to prepare

Vermicelli garlic broccoli

Ingredients: broccoli, vermicelli, minced garlic, steamed fish soy sauce, cooking oil

1. Break the broccoli into small flowers, wash and set aside, prepare the minced garlic, soak the vermicelli in advance, or put it in a pot to cook soft, cook the soft vermicelli evenly into the plate, and then spread the broccoli.

2. Heat the appropriate amount of cooking oil in the pot, then pour it into the minced garlic and stir it with chopsticks while pouring. Then pour in the appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce and stir well.

3. Pour the minced garlic onto the broccoli, put it in the steamer and steam, steam for five or six minutes after opening the pot.

Radish boiled shrimp slip, vermicelli garlic minced broccoli, beer fragrant pork, teppanyaki eggplant to prepare

Beer flavored pork

Ingredients: 500 g pork belly, 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce, rock sugar, 1 handful of green onion, 1 star anise, 1 teaspoon peppercorn, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 piece of beer, 1 can of curd milk, 2 tablespoons of fragrant leaves, 2 pieces of vegetable oil to taste;

1. Wash and drain the fragrant pork, cut into large pieces of about 3 cm, cook in cold water until the water boils, fish out the fragrant pork and flush out the foam;

2. Add a little vegetable oil to the bottom of the pot and stir-fry the fragrant pork, fry the dried water, add the curd milk, fry the curd milk to make the aroma, add the amount of beer without meat, add the seasoning package;

3. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and rock sugar according to taste, bring to a boil and reduce the heat until the meat is crispy and flavorful

Radish boiled shrimp slip, vermicelli garlic minced broccoli, beer fragrant pork, teppanyaki eggplant to prepare

Grilled eggplant on an iron plate

Ingredients: eggplant, steak, barbecue sauce

1, after the eggplant is washed, cut off the roots, cut into about one centimeter thick eggplant slices, the slices should not be too thin, after cooking there is no taste of meat, but also can not be too thick, too thick and not easy to cook.

2, steak machine preheating, brush a thin layer of cooking oil, no steak machine can use pan, or electric cake bell, put the eggplant on the steak machine, the eggplant surface also brush a layer of edible oil, eggplant is more absorbent, only brushed oil, eggplant is more tender and juicy, this is the first key point.

3, cover the lid, the eggplant is slightly soft, you can turn it at 90 degrees, so that the heat will be even, and then cover the lid until the eggplant becomes soft.

4, brush a layer of original barbecue sauce, you can also use your favorite other flavors of barbecue sauce, as well as spicy, Orleans, black pepper taste, the boss said: sauce is very important, directly determine the taste of the finished product, so the choice of sauce is very important, this is the second key point. Sprinkle with a layer of sesame seeds and cumin powder, and finally sprinkle with green onions and millet pepper segments.

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