
Homemade fried chicken fillet secret pickling recipe!1. Pickling recipe ratio 1, 30 grams of shredded shallots, 20 grams of carrots 2, 20 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of oyster sauce 3, 10 grams of chives, 1 garlic

author:North Drift Kitchen

Homemade fried chicken fillet secret pickling recipe!

First, the proportion of pickling formula

1. 30 grams of shredded shallots and 20 grams of carrots

2. 20 grams of soy sauce and 15 grams of oyster sauce

3. 10 grams of chives and 10 grams of garlic

4. 10 grams of green onions, 10 grams of Huadiao wine

5. 5 grams of ginger and 2 grams of thirteen spices

6. 2 grams of matsutake seasoning and 1 gram of five-spice powder

7. 0.2 grams of white pepper and 1 egg

8. 750 grams of chicken breast

9. 200 grams of corn starch, 100 grams of flour, 8 grams of baking powder (mixed together to make crispy fried powder)

Second, the secret formula of sprinkler powder

1. 100 grams of ground chili pepper

2. 25 grams of monosodium glutamate and 25 grams of pepper

3. 25 grams of thirteen spices and 25 grams of cumin powder

4. A little refined salt and 30g sesame seeds

5. 20g of cooked peanuts and 2g of sugar

Put them all together and put them in a food processor and break them up.


1. The chicken breast must be soaked in water for 30 minutes in advance to soak out the blood water, which can reduce the fishy smell.

2. Drain the chicken breast, then remove all the fascia on the surface, and then cut it into long strips with a width of about 2-3cm.

3. Put all the seasonings from steps 1-7 above together with the chicken breast. It is best to rub it repeatedly with your hands, and then seal it and marinate it for 2 hours.

4. Prepare a clean basin, put in cornstarch, flour and baking powder, put the marinated chicken fillet into the adjusted crispy fried powder, and evenly coat it with a thin layer of crispy fried powder.

5. The temperature of fried chicken fillet oil is the key!

The oil temperature is hot to 7 (the chopsticks are bubbling around): fry the chicken fillet for about 30 seconds, and then remove it immediately; Continue to raise the oil temperature to 7 when it is hot, then add the chicken tender, fry for about 1 minute, and the surface is golden and can be removed. Finally, sprinkle in the sprinkler powder while it is hot and mix well.

3. The main reason for the dry and hard fried chicken tender

1. The crispy fried powder is not well prepared: you can buy ready-made crispy fried powder, or you can prepare it according to the above proportions.

2. The oil temperature is too low: the chicken fillet can't float up for half a day, it absorbs too much oil, and it is easy to dry and hard when fried;

3. Frying time is too long: The chicken fillet is easy to cook, put it in the oil pan, and fry it for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. If the frying time is too long, the chicken fillet will lose moisture and will dry and hard when eaten.

4. Oil temperature control: The oil temperature should be controlled at 160-180 °C for a long time, and it is better to have a thermometer. If not, use chopsticks to approximate the temperature of the oil.


Homemade fried chicken fillet secret pickling recipe!1. Pickling recipe ratio 1, 30 grams of shredded shallots, 20 grams of carrots 2, 20 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of oyster sauce 3, 10 grams of chives, 1 garlic
Homemade fried chicken fillet secret pickling recipe!1. Pickling recipe ratio 1, 30 grams of shredded shallots, 20 grams of carrots 2, 20 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of oyster sauce 3, 10 grams of chives, 1 garlic
Homemade fried chicken fillet secret pickling recipe!1. Pickling recipe ratio 1, 30 grams of shredded shallots, 20 grams of carrots 2, 20 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of oyster sauce 3, 10 grams of chives, 1 garlic

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