
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice

author:Scarlett's kitchenette

#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, meaning the four happy events of life "blessing, lu, longevity, happiness", the traditional method is too greasy, I have improved it, adding tofu to the meat filling, so that the taste is softer and glutinous, the nutrition is more balanced, and the use of steaming instead of frying, healthier. This dish is simple, only steamed, the taste is fragrant and soft, the color is red and bright, meaning auspicious, and it is a must-have dish for Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and hospitality.

【Sixi Steamed Tofu Balls】Ingredients: minced meat, old tofu, broccoli, minced ginger, light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, oil and salt

Production:1. Prepare raw materials; 2. Add diced tofu to the meat filling, add salt, starch, minced ginger, light soy sauce and cooking wine and other seasonings; 3. Wear disposable gloves and keep beating the meat filling to make the meat filling stronger; 4. Divide the meat filling into quarters, then put in the left and right hands to keep changing hands, let the surface of the meatballs smooth, and then put them in a large bowl. Add an appropriate amount of water, put it in an electric steamer and steam it over high heat for 20 minutes to steam it; Add a little salt and oil to the boiling pot water, blanch the small broccoli in the pot and remove it for later use; Pour the soup into the pot and heat the tofu balls, add a little salt, light soy sauce, pepper, Thicken the starch with water, take out the steamed tofu balls and put them in a large bowl, place the broccoli and carrot slices, and finally pour the sauce over the steamed tofu balls.

#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice
#天南‮北地‬大拜年#年夜饭必备吉利菜——四喜丸子。 This dish is a traditional famous dish of the Spring Festival, which means the four happy events of life, "blessing, luck, longevity, and happiness", a traditional practice

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