
Iron plate squid secret brush sauce recipe 1, purified water 150 grams 2, spicy girl chili sauce 100 grams 3, spicy beef sauce 80 grams 4, sugar 60 grams 5, homemade chili powder 60 grams 6,

author:North Drift Kitchen

Teppanyaki squid secret brush sauce recipe

1. 150 grams of purified water

2. 100 grams of hot girl chili sauce

3. 80 grams of spicy beef sauce

4. 60 grams of sugar

5. 60 grams of homemade chili powder

6. 60 grams of salad oil

7. Chop 40 grams of garlic into minced pieces

8. 16 grams of flavored powder

9. 12 grams of homemade cumin powder


1. After pouring salad oil into the pot, pour in the minced garlic first, and simmer over low heat to bring out the fragrance;

2. Then pour all the other ingredients into it, stir-fry the fragrance over low heat, and then pour in water directly

3. After the fire boils, turn to low heat and boil slowly, stirring while boiling, don't stick the pot;

4. Finally, when the soup is viscous, you can turn off the heat directly.

The boiled secret sauce should be cooled naturally, and then sealed and preserved, and used as much as you want each time you use it. In this way, the sauce can be eaten for about 10-15 days.

Secret Sprinkler Recipe:

1. 50 grams of Erjingtiao chili pepper (stir-fried until fragrant)

2. 10 grams of cumin

3. 10 grams of star anise

4. 10 grams of Sichuan peppercorns

5. 10 grams of soybeans

6. 5 grams of refined salt

All the above ingredients must be slowly fried over low heat, then poured into a food processor to break, and finally put 5g of monosodium glutamate and mix well, and it is also used after cooling.

Reasons why sizzling squid is not tender:

1. Squid is easy to cook, so don't bake it for too long;

2. When buying, it is best to choose fresh squid, the meat of squid is loose and not delicious after being frozen for a long time;

3. The iron plate squid should be fierce, but it should be turned over constantly to speed up the ripeness, and the heat will be uniform and the taste will be better.

4. You can make electric baking pans at home, find a shovel and press it, and the taste is exactly the same as that sold outside.


Iron plate squid secret brush sauce recipe 1, purified water 150 grams 2, spicy girl chili sauce 100 grams 3, spicy beef sauce 80 grams 4, sugar 60 grams 5, homemade chili powder 60 grams 6,
Iron plate squid secret brush sauce recipe 1, purified water 150 grams 2, spicy girl chili sauce 100 grams 3, spicy beef sauce 80 grams 4, sugar 60 grams 5, homemade chili powder 60 grams 6,
Iron plate squid secret brush sauce recipe 1, purified water 150 grams 2, spicy girl chili sauce 100 grams 3, spicy beef sauce 80 grams 4, sugar 60 grams 5, homemade chili powder 60 grams 6,

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