
Share my own #Peony Parrot##Bird Food#Ratio: 500g of shelled millet - staple food multi-dimensional element tablets (21) 2 capsules - supplement trace element yeast tablets 3 tablets - help

author:Get a bird as a pet

Share my own #Peony Parrot# #Birdfood# Ratio:

Shelled millet 500g – staple food

Two multivitamin tablets (21) - supplement trace elements

3 yeast tablets - aids digestion

More than 10 dried banana chips - supplement nutrition, can relieve diarrhea, and are available in supermarkets

White sesame 10-20g - supplement oily feed, put less in summer and more in winter.

Multidimensional element tablets and yeast tablets are beaten into a fine powder,

Dried banana slices are beaten into slags, and the size is about the same as millet grains.

Finally, mix all the ingredients together and mix well.

My little bird has been eating like this for more than a year and loves it.

Every day, hang a chili pepper in the cage for it to nibble and play.

Share my own #Peony Parrot##Bird Food#Ratio: 500g of shelled millet - staple food multi-dimensional element tablets (21) 2 capsules - supplement trace element yeast tablets 3 tablets - help
Share my own #Peony Parrot##Bird Food#Ratio: 500g of shelled millet - staple food multi-dimensional element tablets (21) 2 capsules - supplement trace element yeast tablets 3 tablets - help
Share my own #Peony Parrot##Bird Food#Ratio: 500g of shelled millet - staple food multi-dimensional element tablets (21) 2 capsules - supplement trace element yeast tablets 3 tablets - help

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