
From September, primary and secondary school students have to learn to cook, netizens: the labor class of many years ago is now back

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Recently, the Ministry of Education officially issued the "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan", which completely separates labor from the original comprehensive practical activity curriculum, and issued the "Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)". That is to say, from the beginning of the school year this autumn, the labor class will officially become an independent course in primary and secondary schools.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of a group of parents, and the topic of children doing housework was also once rushed to the hot search list of major platforms, for this change in the new program, many post-70s and post-80s netizens called out directly: Labor class many years ago, and now it is back!

In fact, housework is not unfamiliar to our generation of parents, because when we were young, family conditions were generally limited, and many things, including housework, were done independently, which also developed the habit of doing housework from an early age.

But in our children's generation, the situation has found some changes, on the one hand, the living conditions are good, with the help of some convenient tools, the housework is relatively not as heavy as before, many families with conditions even hired a nanny; on the other hand, now they are generally one-child families, even if the second and third children are opened, but the children in a family are only one or two, they are all treasures in the family, who is willing to let the children work? As a result, many children now do not even know the basic life skills of cooking and cooking, which is inevitably a little worrying.

Parents should not underestimate the matter of housework, which is actually a way to educate their children. Tim Seldin, chairman of the Montessori Foundation in the United States, once commented on the importance of doing housework:

Teaching children to do it themselves, whether it's washing, dressing, preparing a snack or pouring a drink, can help your child move toward independence. When children cultivate a considerable degree of independence, they also lay down good work habits, self-discipline and responsibility for a lifetime.

Many examples also prove that it is essential for children to become good and involve them in housework.

Why let your child learn to do housework?

Harvard University once conducted a survey that confirmed:

Children who do not like to do housework have an employment rate of only 1/15 compared with children who regularly do housework, and the crime rate is surprisingly 10 times higher!

Marty Rossmann, emeritus professor at the University of Minnesota, has also done a study and found that:

Assigning chores to children at an early age can help them develop a lasting sense of ownership and responsibility and become independent.

The Harvard Grant study also found that

The success we want our children does not come from how many words they learn, how many tutoring classes they attend, etc., but from "getting them to do seemingly trivial or even useless things from an early age, and the sooner they start, the better." And such trivia, the simplest is to do housework.

In the process of participating in housework, through the child's personal practice, he realized that housework is not easy, developed his own empathy, and will know how to respect his parents more and cherish the fruits of others' labor. It will gradually be understood that individual efforts can promote the collective to become better, not only cultivate children's teamwork ability, but also make children become more independent and confident, and help cultivate children's concentration and sense of responsibility, which are the soft power of children in the workplace after adulthood.

At the end of the day, life is the best teacher for children.

We want our children to become responsible, people who can live, may wish to start with these basic housework around us.

A list of chores for children of different ages

American child educator Elizabeth Pantry, for the characteristics of children of different ages, designed a "Children Learn to Do Housework Age Table", parents who do not know what stage of their children should do housework may wish to refer to.


Housekeeping content

9-24 months

Give your child some easy instructions, such as having your child eat with a spoon by himself, throwing a dirty diaper in the trash, etc.

2-3 years old

Parents can ask their children to help them pick up some things, such as helping their mother hang clothes on hangers; using the toilet, brushing their teeth, watering flowers, and tidying up their toys before going to bed at night.

3-4 years old

In addition to the above skills, you should also learn to help your mother make a bed before going to bed, put the dishes and dishes in the kitchen sink after eating, and help your mother put the folded clean clothes back into the closet, put your dirty clothes into the basket of dirty clothes, etc.

4-5 years old

Learn to prepare the table, prepare the clothes you'll wear the next day, hang up your used towels, and put your toothbrushes in order.

5-6 years old

Prepare your own bag and shoes to wear for the next day's kindergarten, and learn the skills to clean up your room.

7-12 years old

Learn to cook simple meals, help wash cars, wipe the floor, clean the bathroom, sweep leaves, sweep snow, and use a washing machine.

13 years old and above

Changing light bulbs, cleaning up refrigerators, stoves and other complicated chores are also included in the list.

Do you have any other thoughts on today's topic? Welcome to leave a comment and communicate with us.

#雨滴医生说育儿 #

#教育部要求9月起中小学生要学煮饭 #

#9月起中小学生要学煮饭 #

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