
New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Author | Mo Li

See an uplifting news:

From September onwards, primary and secondary school students will learn to cook rice and stew, repair home appliances, grow vegetables and raise poultry!

The Ministry of Education has officially issued the "Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)", and from the beginning of the school this autumn, labor classes will officially become an independent course for primary and secondary schools.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Content includes:

Finishing and storage, cooking and nutrition, agricultural production labor, household appliances use and maintenance, etc.

Students of different grades have given different standards, third- and fourth-grade students should be able to mix cold dishes, and fifth- and sixth-grade students should be able to cook 2 to 3 home-cooked dishes, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried eggs, stewed bone soup, etc.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

I have seen a report before that the average daily working hours of primary school students in the United States is 1.2 hours, that of primary school students in South Korea is 0.7 hours, and that of Primary School students in China is only 12 minutes.

Our children really need to make up for labor education classes.

You know, the difference between children who do housework and children who don't do housework is not a little bit.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

How good are children who can do housework?

In the variety show "The Boy Who Opened His Heart", He Yike, an 8-year-old boy, was taken care of by his parents since he was a child.

In the morning, dad would hand the bottle to his son's mouth and wait for him to finish drinking it with his eyes closed. The mother would help her son wash up, pack his school bag, wear shoes and tie his laces.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Due to his lack of self-care ability, he was ridiculed by his classmates. In the show, the boy said his heart: he wanted to learn to change, and hoped that his parents would give him this opportunity.

Self-care is crucial for children. Self-care can be self-reliant, self-reliance can be self-reliant, and self-improvement can take care of one's own life.

The benefits of children doing housework are much greater than we think.

● Academic performance will be 27 times better

The China Academy of Educational Sciences conducted a family education survey of 20,000 primary school students. The results found:

Children who can do housework have 27 times better academic performance than children who do not do housework!


Child psychologist Piaget said that children first develop their minds through movements, and the more they like to use their hands, the more conducive to brain development.

The process of children doing housework is a process of exercising limbs, improving hand-eye coordination and hands-on ability.

This will make their brains more active, their thinking more agile, and their academic performance will naturally get better and better.

● It can make children more able to express love

Only when children participate in family labor can they truly appreciate the hard work of parents and know how to be grateful.

One mum received a Mother's Day gift from her 5-year-old son: roses and cards. There was also a special gift that the son had bought with a month of housework.

It turned out that the child's school had launched an activity whereby by helping the mother with housework, points could be earned, and finally a gift could be exchanged for the mother.

As a result, the child often rushes to do housework at home: "Mom, you sit, I will take the bowl!" "Mom, you rest, I wash my shoes myself."

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

The child is very proud to be able to share the housework and often shows the fruits of his labor to his grandmother.

The most gratifying thing is that through doing housework, the son feels more about his mother's hardships and will "hurt" his mother more.

● Employment rate and happiness index are higher

A Harvard University study showed:

Compared with children who love housework and children who do not love housework, the employment rate is 15:1 when they grow up, the crime rate is 1:10, and the average income is 20% higher.

Moreover, children who love to do housework have higher mental health index and family happiness index.

The researchers explain that a child who is involved in housework from an early age is more likely to understand when he grows up: My individual efforts can contribute to a better collective.

Such children will have more teamwork skills in the future, and will be more independent and reliable.

Children will one day have to live alone without their parents, as parents, the most important thing we should teach our children is the ability to survive independently and take good care of themselves.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Age comparison table for children doing housework

In fact, children naturally like to do housework.

However, many parents may be reluctant to use their children, or they may feel that their children are not doing well, and intentionally or unintentionally obliterate this nature of their children.

If you want your child to develop a good habit of doing housework, you must start from an early age, do not be reluctant to let your child work, and do not fear that your child will help you.

So how old can a child start doing housework?

People's Daily suggests: From the beginning of the child's 9 months, you can guide him to do some simple "housework".

The following "Age List of Children Learning to Do Housework" is worth collecting by parents:

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child
New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child
New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

It should be noted that children have a "sensitive period of housework", and at a certain stage, they are particularly interested in a certain housework, such as sweeping the floor, choosing dishes, washing clothes, etc.

Children in this period, as soon as they see adults doing housework, like to rush to do it.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, parents can let their children do it and experience the joy of labor.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

How to help children develop the habit of "doing housework independently"?

To let children develop the habit of doing housework independently, we not only need to be psychologically willing to use children, but also need to be tactically "able to use".

Keep in mind the "three wants, three don'ts" principle.

● Be weak and praiseworthy

Properly showing weakness in front of children can stimulate children's self-confidence and motivation.

For example, I would take a broom and pretend to have a low back pain, sighing, "Oh, this waist hurts so much that I can't get strong!" "When my son saw it, he would rush up to sweep the floor and mop the floor."

After finishing the matter, I sincerely boasted: "You cleaned too clean, and my mother was comfortable watching!" ”

After this wave of operation, children can clearly realize their own value, and while their self-confidence is bursting, they will gradually fall in love with doing housework.

● Be specific and detailed

When arranging housework for your child, try to be as specific and detailed as possible.

For example: put your toys back in place;

Put the socks in the dirty clothes basket;

Get dressed, tie your shoelaces...

It starts with the child's personal work and then gradually extends to the common housework of the family.

You can also design a housework schedule with your child, so that your child has a certain choice, a clear division of labor, and each performs his or her duties.

● To make it more interesting

Through the design of the game session, let the child realize that doing housework is not a boring and laborious thing, but full of fun and attraction.

You can use the lottery to let the child choose which chores to do.

Can play role-playing. For example, let the child play the role of cook, cleaner, or swap roles with the child, let the child be the parent, responsible for stir-frying, cleaning, washing clothes, etc.

● Don't blame too much

Even if the child does not do well, do not break the mouth and scold, hit his enthusiasm.

● Do not be tied to money

In the variety show "Upward Bar Teenager", the little girl Xi Xi's remarks were shocking:

"Rub a table for a dollar, no matter how big or small, and if there's something on the table, that's another price."

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Mom feels that this requirement can be met, and the fee is not expensive anyway. However, this can easily make children form the wrong value of "everything looks at money".

Of course, everything cannot be generalized, and if the child uses his skills or strengths to bring help and value to the family, he can also be appropriately rewarded.

● Don't give your child a bad example

A father who does nothing at home will subtly affect his child's participation in family labor.

When the boy grows up, he may also be a hand-throwing treasurer;

When a girl grows up, she may take the initiative to take care of all the housework and feel that it should be so.

Tolstoy said: "All education, or nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths of education, comes down to example, to the integrity and perfection of the parents' own lives." ”

A father who often does housework will convey to his child the idea that housework is not a matter for the mother alone, but requires the participation of all the family members.

Fathers hurry up and move, the children will see in the eyes, learn in the heart.

—— End ——

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

Author: Mo Li, a tired and happy second-child mother, feels life with her heart and records life with a pen. Uncle Kai tells stories, unites 60 million families, brings good hope to parents, and allows more children to have a happy childhood. Some of the pictures are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

New regulations of the Ministry of Education: Implemented in September, it is related to the future of every child

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