
Let the child do housework, not to increase the burden, but to achieve the child, do you support?

Wen | condensed mother's understanding

The Ministry of Education issued the "Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)", which sets corresponding labor requirements according to different school segments:

First and second graders develop a sense of doing their own things, complete personal belongings, participate in home cooking, etc. The third and fourth grades understand the principle of "one point of hard work, one point of harvest", have the awareness of home appliance installation, and make daily meals. Fifth and sixth grades understand the principle of "karma is good at diligence and absurdity", safe operation and use of commonly used utensils, making simple family meals, etc.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, parents boiled, the vast majority of particularly supportive, but some raised some questions.

A platform launched a vote, with more than 20,000 people participating, 14,000 people supporting, and 6,851 people hoping to put it in place and avoid being a formality.

Parents are worried that their children's electricity and fire are not safe and are not suitable for independent operation. I also feel that I have assigned tasks to parents, following the busy work to take pictures, take videos, make ppts, and fill out housework records.

This exposes the problem of parents: there is no confidence in the child's ability, and it is impossible to interpret the original intention of the curriculum design head-on.

It is not that the child does not want to learn to do housework, nor does it not learn to do it, but that the parents are overly worried and arranged, which affects the normal development of the child.

Why did the Ministry of Education introduce this curriculum? Mainly because the children's ability to do housework is too weak and they are not forced not to do it.

In fact, to solve the problem of children doing housework, there are not too many obstacles at the technical level, and the first thing to be solved is the psychological problem and the parent's awareness.

Children enjoy doing housework from an early age

Once wrote an article "Children like to play with the pots and pans of the kitchen, there is a hidden psychological motivation behind it, parents do not stop to support", which caused a lot of resonance.

At that time, Erbao was 2 years old, and he liked all kinds of cooking utensils in the kitchen, and always wanted to learn to cook, which is what we know as a family. This situation not only occurs in Erbao, but also in other children. Parents said that no matter how many good toys they buy for their children, their children still like the pots and pans in the kitchen.

Some parents especially respect the interests of their children, and specially prepare some kitchen toys for their children, so that children can be released under the premise of absolute safety, and children have fun.

Some parents simply give their children a set of real cooking utensils and let their children practice it themselves. Don't look at the little age, the children are not ambiguous at all, and they have really become small kitchen experts.

2-year-old Cute Baby makes a variety of fancy pastries, 2-year-old Cute Baby fried potato shreds, fried dried tofu, and 3-year-old children have a look of spoon, so that adults are extremely impressed.

After watching the children's performance, who dares to doubt the child's ability? As long as the child is given a chance, the child will be eager to try and impress.

According to Piaget's theory, children aged 2-7 have reached the pre-arithmetic stage and began to like pretend games, and can distinguish between reality and fantasy. Allowing children to experience doing housework is an effective way to help them build reality, which is indispensable.

Children learn to do housework, as long as it is not too late to start

If when the child likes to do housework, it is naturally the best to let the child do it. If the child accidentally misses the critical period, it is not incurable, as long as the child is given a chance, it is not too late to start.

When my son was very young, he was not keen on pots and pans, and he was interested in cooking from about the age of 6, but he did not do it every day.

At that time, I watched a children's cooking show "I CAN COOK", and he liked it and slowly began to imitate learning. Make some bread, cakes, grilled fish, etc., and use plastic bags as a chef's hat, pretending to be a chef, playing purely as a game, and making one every three to five.

In the 6th grade, I was very busy at work, I couldn't go home at noon, I had to work overtime at night, and my son needed to solve the problem of lunch and dinner by himself, so he learned to cook by himself. He makes it relatively simple, like fried eggs, fried steak, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, etc., there is no technical difficulty.

My son was in junior high school, and I had time to cook for him, and he started to enjoy his leisure. However, this cooking skill has not been lost. When I reported to high school, the school asked to make 4 dishes and a soup. The son went home, then dried up, washed vegetables, cut vegetables, stir-fried vegetables, plated, all completed independently, in one breath to make 4 dishes and a soup, the taste is still very good. Usually I don't practice, but I actually master the heat and saltiness very well.

Usually school is very busy, there is really no time to cook, only during the holidays, to complete the cooking task will be done, but every time like a skilled worker.

Judging from the son's performance, we really can't underestimate the child's ability to do housework, and it is easy to learn to let the child stir-fry and cook. Believe in children, as long as you give some sunshine, you can be brilliant.

Let the child do the housework, not to increase the burden but to achieve the child

As soon as they see that their children are required to learn to do housework, some parents feel that their heads are big, thinking that their children have learned too much and the task is too heavy. If you look at this problem from another angle, do not equate housework with learning tasks, relax your mind, recognize it, and accept it, you will find that doing housework is really the content that children should learn at the top of their minds.

The University of Virginia in the United States has analyzed the academic performance and housework of 9971 school-age children around 9 years old, and the results show that children who often do housework have stronger self-confidence, better academic performance, and higher scores in math, reading and science tests; children who rarely do housework are 30% more likely to be dissatisfied with life, are more likely to lack confidence in learning ability, and are prone to poor relations with their peers.

In other words, in elementary school, children's housework promotes the development of self-confidence, academic performance, and social skills.

It also makes sense to think that the child can do housework by himself, feel like a small adult, and have a sense of accomplishment. When interacting with classmates, there is talking, closer to the relationship between classmates, but also to get appreciation, so that you can be more confident in the sunshine. While doing housework, it can increase insight, exercise hands-on ability, and move the body, which in turn promotes learning.

Professor Chu Yin said that letting children do housework is the best way to cultivate children's sense of responsibility.

From an early age, children pack their school bags, tidy up their rooms, and learn to cook a few specialties, that is, to participate in normal family activities and know how a home works. In the process of participating in housework, children's basic abilities are exercised, and they can also subtly learn to take on family responsibilities.

Of course, the child's personality, academic performance, responsibility, to see the after-effects, parents may feel far away, the reality in front of them is that the child to solve the problem of survival. If there is an emergency, if the child has to live alone, he must learn to cook for himself.

I agree with a sentence said by teacher Wang Renping: Cooking, for a person, is not only a survival skill, but also a kind of joie de vivre. People who love to cook are usually people who love labor and love life.

Under the premise of solving the problem of food and clothing, the child can still love life and enjoy life, and when he is in adversity, he will not be helpless and collapse, and we do not need to worry too much about him.

There is a very hot 9-year-old girl on the Internet, dancing while stir-frying, the action is flowing, the fried dishes are also full of color and flavor, comparable to the chef, see if she enjoys the state of cooking, is it particularly beautiful!


Let children do housework, in fact, is not to embarrass children, let alone embarrass parents, but to improve parents' awareness, let go at the right time, and cultivate children's abilities. Allowing children to do housework from an early age is actually to respect the child's growth rules, and children will not have a burden, but it is fun. Don't doubt your child's ability to learn, they learn to do housework easily and effortlessly, which will impress you.

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