
Beware of the three signals of height into a freeze frame, puberty "stop growing tall", parents please pay attention

Height has undoubtedly become a great influence on children's work, mate selection and the like in school, or in the future into society, so parents especially hope to help children have an ideal height, nutrition has become a must for many parents. Of course, at the critical moment of the child's growth and development, supplementing enough nutrition does help the child grow, once this time is missed, no amount of supplementation will help.

Beware of height into a freeze frame, three signals of puberty "stop growing tall"

Beware of the three signals of height into a freeze frame, puberty "stop growing tall", parents please pay attention

1. Fast weight gain

To put it bluntly, it is overweight, the essence of overweight is overnutrition, in the final analysis, the nutritional structure is single, resulting in an increase in bone age, many children are the height of junior high school is basically the current height, if parents find that children are strong and fat, they must look at the child's diet structure or bone age.

2. Outstanding youth characteristics

If the child likes to stay up late and has a fondness for junk food, these foods can easily cause the child's precocious puberty, which means that there will be some changes in endocrine, of course, these also indicate that the child is about to enter a period of relative stagnation.

Beware of the three signals of height into a freeze frame, puberty "stop growing tall", parents please pay attention

3. The long speed is less than 2 cm per year

Basically adolescent boys and boys in more than 5 cm is more normal, after this period of rapid progress, it will enter a relatively stagnant period of time, since then, the space for a long time will be less and less, if you find that the speed slows down, you must make up for nutrition and seize the last round of opportunities.

In addition, the three time periods when the child develops relatively fast, parents must remember it, which are 4-6 years old, 10-16 years old, 17-25 years old, these three golden periods are more important for children.

If you want to grasp the three golden segments, you need to do three jobs:

1. Exercise diligently

But this exercise refers to moderate intensity, if too strong exercise, but will hurt the child's joints, here more suitable for children's sports is jump rope, play basketball, swimming, etc., to help children grow up.

Beware of the three signals of height into a freeze frame, puberty "stop growing tall", parents please pay attention

2. Reasonable nutritional structure

Do not let the child develop a picky eater or partial eating situation, this kind of can easily lead to the child's single nutrition, especially protein, trace elements and vitamins to supplement.

3. Sleep well

Because after going to bed at night, it is the time period when growth hormone begins to be secreted, so parents still have to urge their children to have a reasonable schedule and develop a good habit.

Want to learn more about how to give children a reasonable combination of nutrition through food, specific nutrition collocation and dietary attention can also be found in the following books, hoping to help parents who want to help their children grow up.

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