
Regarding "great aunts", adolescent girls and parents need to know this, regardless of it will only hurt their bodies

Regarding "great aunts", adolescent girls and parents need to know this, regardless of it will only hurt their bodies

Regarding "great aunts", adolescent girls and parents need to know this, regardless of it will only hurt their bodies

In the gynecology clinic of Hunan Guangxiu Hospital, parents often bring adolescent girls to see "menstrual disease".

Moms and daughters have common questions, such as is irregular menstruation in adolescence normal? Can minors regulate menstruation and eat hormones? What are the best ways to relieve menstrual cramps?

Regarding these questions of "great aunt", Mao Fen, director of the gynecology department and chief physician of Hunan Guangxiu Hospital, was invited to popularize science.

Assessment indicators of normal menstruation in adolescents:

1. Cycle:

1. Refers to the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstrual period

2. It is normal for the first year cycle of menarche to be irregular

3. Menarche 1-3 years, the cycle is 21-45 days

4. 3 years after menarche, the cycle is 21-35 days

2. Menstrual period:

1. Refers to the number of days of menstruation

2. Normal range: 3-7 days

3. Menstrual flow:

1. Refers to how much menstruation comes

2. The normal range is 5-80ml, and if it exceeds it, it is menorrhagia

3. Normal menstruation is a self-feeling judgment

Menstrual characteristics in adolescents:

1. Adolescent girls have immature hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, no ovulation, and are prone to abnormal uterine bleeding;

2. Easy to occur dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension syndrome;

3. It generally takes 1.5-6 years after menarche to establish normal menstruation.

Manifestations of abnormal uterine bleeding:

1. No menstruation (amenorrhea)

2. Irregular menstrual cycles

3. Menstrual cycle frequency< 21 days or > 45 days

4. Menstruation> 7 days

5. Heavy menstrual bleeding, subjective judgment affects the quality of life

6. Bleeding between periods

Mao Fen, director and chief physician of the Department of Gynecology of Hunan Guangxiu Hospital, reminded mothers to pay attention to whether their adolescent daughters have the above conditions, if there are abnormalities, they must seek medical attention in time, exclude blood system diseases and other organic lesions, carry out hemostatic treatment (progestogens or oral contraceptives), and then adjust menstrual cycle treatment (progestogens or oral contraceptives).

Regarding "great aunts", adolescent girls and parents need to know this, regardless of it will only hurt their bodies

What is it that girls always have menstrual pain?

1. Dysmenorrhea is accompanied by menstrual cramps, the endometrium secretes prostaglandins, and the uterus contracts excessively, causing muscle spasm;

2. The incidence rate in adolescents is about 50-90%;

3. If dysmenorrhea is obvious and affects life or study, oral painkillers and contraceptive drugs can be used to exclude secondary dysmenorrhea (obstruction from the lower genital tract, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic infection, etc.).

Teach girls to face menstruation like this:

1. Keep the vulva dry and clean, wash the vulva with the help of a special towel and clean warm water;

2. Relaxing the mood can reduce discomfort; Get enough sleep, exercise moderately (such as yoga, jogging), and avoid strenuous exercise;

3. Pay attention to keeping warm and avoid cold;

4. Eat easily digestible and light food, avoid spicy, raw and cold, keep stool smooth, and prevent pelvic congestion.

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Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Hunan Guangxiu Hospital Gynecology Mao Fen

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