
The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

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Knicks said, "Marriage is a book, the first chapter is a psalm, and the rest is plain prose." ”

How to write the book of marriage does require wisdom.

Many people in life, when they get married, love vigorously, and they are very friendly to me.

Over time, chai rice oil and salt, family chores, work pressure, gradually forgotten the original intention of marriage.

Two people who once fell in love and had nothing to say became speechless, going to work separately during the day and looking at their phones at night.

Marriage is two people, is it not negotiable that big things and small things are not negotiable? Joy is not shared? Difficult to carry alone?

The book of marriage should not only start with a mellow and strong chapter, but also make other chapters taste good.

If you want a harmonious marriage to last, both parties need to make changes at the right time.

The secret of a harmonious marriage is to change yourself.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

Change your mood and don't blame when things go wrong

Someone said: "Happiness is like an hourglass, do you think it is passing little by little?" Or is it cumulative little by little? ”

Some people's marriage hourglasses are passing little by little.

Before, there was an accident that rushed to the hot search, which made people feel sorry.

On the highway, a couple with their young children came home and got into an argument over a small matter. The two did not give in to each other, and the more they quarreled, the more severe they became.

Finally, the wife put the child in the passenger seat, jumped out of the car herself, died on the spot, and the husband was imprisoned afterwards.

But in an instant, from then on, the family was destroyed, and perhaps everyone could avoid such a disaster by saying one less word.

Husbands and wives live a life, quarrelling is also a common thing, big things to discuss, small things to give in to each other, when the opinions are not in line with each other, let go first.

The purpose of marriage is to build a harmonious family together and live a happy life. Irrational and unable to control emotions will only make the happiness in the hourglass of marriage pass away little by little, and disappear little by little.

Some couples have marital hourglasses, but they can accumulate little by little in life and getting along.

A couple gives birth to a boy after marriage, and the family regards it as a treasure. However, due to his mother's negligence, the boy accidentally took the drug and was eventually rescued.

Seeing his grief-stricken wife, the husband did not rebuke him, but put his arms around his wife and said, "Honey, I love you." ”

The loss of the child, the wife is already in pain, the husband's accusations can only increase the pain, so that the wife who is in pain can not face the future.

Children will not be resurrected by accusations, and grief will not be reduced by one point because of accusations.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

To blame an exit means to hurt, and not to blame when something happens is the most sincere tenderness to the lover. Embracing each other with tolerance and understanding can warm each other and get out of grief.

In a happy marriage, we must learn to change our emotions and not blame each other in order to go longer and more stable.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

Change your mindset and don't dwell on the past

Yuan Yongyi and Zhang Zhilin are known in the entertainment industry as "immortal lovers". In 1992, the two became acquainted when filming "The Prodigal Son of border city", and after marriage, they were very affectionate, frequently participated in variety shows, and wave after wave of dog food envied others.

In fact, Yuan Yongyi had a love history before marrying Zhang Zhilin, because Zhang Zhilin's trust gave her enough security, and she chose to be honest about her past emotional experience.

In the variety show, she also said sincerely: "At that time, I was young, and I think this is what everyone calls covetous vanity blinding the eyes." ”

She also said: "I regret telling the story, not because I am afraid that Zhang Zhilin will leave me because of my calculations, but because I am afraid of hurting my beloved Zhang Zhilin." ”

In the face of Yuan Yongyi's past experience, Zhang Zhilin did not go through the old accounts and repeatedly entangled, but more tolerant and cherished Yuan Yongyi, as long as they are together, it will always be her making trouble, he is laughing.

In a relationship, not pursuing each other's past right and wrong, not dwelling on each other's past good and bad, is the best trust. Only by trusting each other can we go long.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

Many people admire their courage and honesty, but also envy their mentality, can not look back on the past, most people avoid it, but they can face the audience bluntly revealed.

I agree with the saying: "In feelings, there is no trust in feelings, just like castles on the beach that can collapse at any time." ”

Don't dwell on the past, look forward to everything, for marriage, for life. Trust each other, but also worthy of each other's trust.

There are no unhappy marriages in this world, only unhappy couples, and whether the marriage is happy or not depends not on others but on oneself.

Entering marriage, affectionate and focused, not entangled in the past; mutual trust, three meals and four seasons, day and night together.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

Change habits and improve together

As the saying goes: "Husband and wife are in the same heart, and their profits are broken." ”

Two people working together will produce a powerful force that is enough to resist the wind and frost of the years.

When Xiaomei met Long Yao, he was tall and handsome, and Xiaomei fell in love with him at first sight. It wasn't until after she got married that she realized that Long Yao's family was really poorer than she thought.

Xiao Mei began to be diligent and frugal, but Long Yao was very lazy, and the words that often hung on his lips were: "What is urgent, the days pass slowly." ”

As the days passed, Xiaomei gradually became unable to bear the habit of glory. He had a lot of wine and meat friends, a large group of them, and the money Xiaomei painstakingly saved was not enough for Long Yao's friends to drink a meal.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

Once, when Long Yao smashed the water bottle after drinking, Xiaomei's anger finally broke out. Glory was also angry, punching the glass window, the glass was pierced, his wrist was also cut, and the blood flowed. Xiao Mei cried and begged for help to send Long Yao to the hospital.

After recuperating from his injuries and being discharged from the hospital, Long Yao saw the thin and pale Xiaomei desperately doing farm work in the field every day; he saw the skinny children writing homework on the broken dining table; and he saw the crumbling old house full of dust.

It was a "small thing" that Glory had never paid attention to before, but now it stung him deeply. Since then, Long Yao has changed, he quit smoking and alcohol, and bought a lot of freshwater aquaculture materials, and studied seriously with Xiaomei.

A year later, they contracted the pond and took out a loan to buy back the feed. The couple went in and out together, carefully managed, and carefully calculated, and earned more than 100,000 yuan that year.

In the past two years, they have expanded their farming area, and their income has increased year by year, and their lives have become better and better.

There is no marriage that never changes, only a couple who progress together.

Marriage needs to be managed, and it needs to be changed.

A family is like a boat in the sea, husband and wife cross the same boat, the sea changes, only by working together and cooperating with each other can the two people safely reach the other side of happiness.

Marriage is not a guarantee once and for all, but the beginning of mutual growth.

It has been said: "Marriage is like a seven-colored flower: the blandness of white; the warmth of yellow; the romance of blue; the warmth of red; the mystery of purple; the interlude of green; the maturity of orange." ”

A happy marriage should be spent hand in hand for decades, and the ups and downs on the way and mutual support will transform into colorful flowers with unlimited charm.

Bright colors are appearances, and bitterness and coexistence are connotations.

Life is changeable, and the harmony of marriage should change itself more.

Change emotions and do not blame when things go wrong;

Change your mindset, the past is not entangled;

Change habits, work hard, and improve together.

Touched by the hand of the son, and the warmth of the son and the old man, I only wish to be happy and happy, and I will be with you for the rest of your life.

The three changes of a person hide the results of marriage

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