
Venus had sex reassignment surgery at the age of 27, and the father watched his son become a daughter: you look at you like a girl

Once, Venus's eldest son was teased by his classmates: Your mother used to be a man, you were not born to her. The eldest son listened, ran home crying and asked Venus: Am I born to you? Venus's heart was excited, and it was time to come.

Seeing the heartbroken look of the eldest son, Venus's heart was broken, and she picked up her son and stroked his head: Come, son, I can tell you a story...

After listening to the story, the son's mood improved a lot, and after that, if anyone made fun of him again, he fought back very powerfully, so that those classmates no longer dared to laugh at him.

Venus is definitely a legend, and she lives as all women want to live.

Successful career, happy marriage, two sons and one daughter.

The pride of her parents, the model of her sister's learning.

Even her German mother-in-law is very fond of respecting this Chinese daughter-in-law, just think, how many women do not envy her?

Venus was a boy before the age of 277, but he grew up eager to be a girl.

She has an older sister who is very beautiful and also very smart.

Venus's parents are very open-minded and they respect all the choices of their two children.

My sister has been a bully since she was a child and is very good at reading.

Venus prefers to dance, and his parents also strongly support him, and let him study abroad to learn modern dance.

Venus's achievements in dance are very high, her performances are full, her popularity is getting higher and higher, and she has achieved financial freedom, so she finally has the courage to do sex reassignment surgery.

She was just 27 years old.

Transsexuality is not a simple surgical process, it takes a thousand knives, and its pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Venus also almost became disabled because of the failure of the operation.

In 1995, Venus's sex reassignment surgery was performed at Beijing Xiangshan Hospital. At that time, the hospital conducted a psychological test on her and concluded that she was fully qualified to be a woman.

Then, Venus informed his father for the first time, and the father watched his son who had been raised for 27 years immediately become a daughter, and his heart was mixed, but he was also happy for her.

Father said: When you were a child, I looked at you like a girl no matter how you were, and now, you are finally on the number, bless you.

With the support of his father, Venus is more determined in his inner choice.

Friends advised her to keep some sperm, and Venus said: That is too irresponsible, will the child call me dad or mom in the future?

During the operation, the doctor cut the throat knot, in order to maintain the original sound, Venus refused to use anesthetics, the kind of pain, unimaginable, but Venus endured for several hours.

The surgery at that time was divided into three parts, after Venus performed breast augmentation and surgery to remove hair and throat knots.

The attending physician was also hesitant to give Venus a third part of the operation. Venus did not hesitate to do this, and finally made herself a daughter body through and through.

However, during an operation, Venus almost spent her life in a wheelchair, let alone dance, because of a mistake.

At that time, the bracket of Venus's left leg slipped down to the calf, and no one noticed, causing all the nerves in Venus's calf to the tip of his toes to die. Doctors say the chances of recovery are almost zero.

But Venus did not believe in evil, she firmly believed that she would stand up, and for the next year, she insisted on rehabilitation training every day.

A year later, she threw away not only her wheelchair but also her crutches, and she danced on stage again in a glorious way.

After transgender Venus, the most afflicted is the need to take hormones every day.

Once deactivated, she becomes "asexual" and cannot identify gender.

The biggest adverse reaction caused by taking hormones is to affect life expectancy, which Venus is not worried about at all, she feels that becoming a woman in her lifetime is more meaningful than lifespan.

After becoming a daughter, Venus's dance career is like a sesame blossom, and it is getting higher and higher.

The career is like a rising Venus, but the emotional experience is quite tortuous. Several of her boyfriends were foreigners.

The criteria for Venus to choose a mate are simple, and it is good for the child. It turned out that after becoming a woman, Venus adopted three children, a daughter, and two sons.

The previous boyfriends had no patience for their children, holding their children like holding wood, without love.

Although they were good to Venus, Venus chose to break up.

Later, on the plane, she met the German Hans.

Hans fell in love with Venus at first sight, and he confessed to Venus: Let me be your man.

Venus said: I have three children, and they are different fathers.

Hans said: That's your past, I don't care, I only love you now.

Venus said: "It is not a secret, I was originally a boy, and then I became a woman." I can't have children.

Hans said: I treat these three children as my children, and I love them with you and raise them to grow up.

In a word, Let Venus fall.

And Hans did what he said, he took the three children seriously, bought them toys, and held them tenderly.

This scene made Venus feel that Hans deserved her love.

This peculiar combination of families, however, is warmer and more loving than many families. Dad is kind and kind, and Mom is also in charge. Three children read seriously.

It is so happy to have Mom and Dad company every day.

However, when the children also have troubles, when the eldest son is teased by his classmates, the mother is originally a man, he is not the child born by the mother, the heart is very sad.

Venus told her son a story: Once upon a time, there was an aunt who had a good relationship with her mother, and her mother liked children very much, so she asked her to give birth to you to her mother.

Then, your mother poured all her love into you and raised you. Your mother's love for you is no less than other children', maybe more.

Your sister and brother, like you, were born by your mother and aunt and raised by me.

You have mom and dad and sister and brother who love you, and you are the happiest child in the world.

After the son listened, his self-confidence burst out, and indeed, his mother was the greatest mother in the world.

The career is so busy, still get up at six o'clock every morning to make them breakfast, watch them go to school, and then tidy up their rooms, and at night, they have to help with homework and check their homework.

Compared to many mothers, Venus does not know how much better.

Venus had sex reassignment surgery at the age of 27, and the father watched his son become a daughter: you look at you like a girl
Venus had sex reassignment surgery at the age of 27, and the father watched his son become a daughter: you look at you like a girl
Venus had sex reassignment surgery at the age of 27, and the father watched his son become a daughter: you look at you like a girl

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