
Take a baby on the weekend, please don't use these 4 wrong ways to play games with your child

"I don't seem to matter as much as my phone"

"I grew taller and they didn't notice"

"Adults never listen to me"


This time

The uncle visits the kindergarten

I heard a lot of children's heartfelt words

Everyone's parenting

Or there may be differences

But good parenting must be intentional

It's the weekend again

Mom and Dad please

Don't walk into these 4 kinds of play misunderstandings


Take a baby on the weekend, please don't use these 4 wrong ways to play games with your child

In "Where Daddy Went"

Liu Ye played with his mobile phone

Son Nuoyi said suddenly

"Dad I had a dream

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked me to accompany you to talk about the day."

This passage of Noyi's words is heart-wrenching

Remind the uncle of a short film he once watched

The dad in the film always looks down at his phone

And neglected the growth of the daughter

One day I looked up and suddenly found it

My daughter has grown up long ago

"Accompanying" ≠ "Accompanying"

Many parents think they are with their children

I don't know

"Invalid accompaniment" is more frightening than "absence"

Li Ka-shing once said

"No matter how much success a person has in his career

Nor can it make up for the failure to educate children."

Companionship requires people

More need to be in the heart

Absent-minded "companionship"

Children can actually feel it


Take a baby on the weekend, please don't use these 4 wrong ways to play games with your child

There is an "overrun effect" in psychology

That is, too much stimulation, too much intensity, or too long-term action

Thus causing extreme psychological impatience

or the psychological phenomenon of rebellion

Target this psychology

There is a famous example

The writer Mark Twain once went to church to listen to the sermon

At first, I thought the pastor had a wonderful speech

He decided to raise some money before leaving

But with the chatter of the pastor

An impatient Mark Twain decided not to donate

The end result is

Far from donating money, he didn't donate money

He also took two dollars from the donation box

That's why it's in homeschooling

The more parents intervene, the more errors they correct

The more the child repeats the head in one place

There are not many words with weight

During parenting

Please be less error-correcting and nagging

More patience and companionship


Take a baby on the weekend, please don't use these 4 wrong ways to play games with your child

Real life

When the child is doing something

There will always be frequent instructions from parents

"Baby, eat some fruit, drink some water"

"Don't play this, that's fun, you play that"

"I'll play again later, say hello to my uncle"


So we hear it often

Parents comment on their children

"This kid does things for three minutes of heat"

I don't know

A child's concentration is closely related to the way they are raised

Montessori once said

"Unless you're invited by a child

Otherwise never bother the child."

A child who is always disturbed

It's hard to concentrate on one thing

It's harder to do one thing well in the future

The way of teaching is expensive and specialized

Don't bother

It is the best care for the child's concentration


Take a baby on the weekend, please don't use these 4 wrong ways to play games with your child

Psychologist Ta Macsansky

In the book "Keeping Children Away from Anxiety"

The term "helicopter parents" was mentioned

i.e.: always hovering around the child

Monitor your child's every move at all times

In fact

Helicopter parents do not skimp on caring for their children

They overprotect their children in their arms

They work hard for everything their children do

They gave a lot, much

But over time

This "special plane" type of parenting

It will make the child lose the courage to measure the world with his feet

Numerous studies have shown

In the home environment of helicopter parents

Growing children have great emotional ups and downs

Poor ability to accept new things

Be self-centered

There is no sense of adventure

There are no towering trees growing in the greenhouse

There are no Maxima in the courtyard

Please give your child some time and space to grow

The child's energy

Far more powerful than we thought

The well-known director Spielberg

He is very busy at work

Still signed an agreement with the company

"Even during filming

Also would like to go home every night and have dinner with the kids."

He used a short dinner time

Made deep companionship again and again

It is not easy for parents to run for life

But the best accompaniment to play

It's never about duration

True love

It's all between the bits and pieces of companionship

Life is full of miscellaneous tastes

Have fun with your kids

It's the sweetest thing in life

- END -

The picture | Uncle Qiao Zhi

Edit | YiJie Shen Simin

Audit | A Jie Zou Liping

Early education

A Jie family education

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