
Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?

Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?
Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?
Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?

First of all, the title of the topic is not an easy task, but we just have emotional management for the child

In the curriculum, I would like to give a four-step process to teach children to manage their emotions.

Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?

The first step is to teach children to recognize emotions.

We often talk about managing a person, a team, or something, on the premise that we have to know each other, right? For emotional management, being able to recognize emotions is the foundation.

However, geese, don't talk about children, many adults don't know much emotion, often moody and sad, so what about management?

So, the first step is to teach the child to recognize emotions, and when it is aware of emotions, it can be named after him.

Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?
Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?

Children express emotions

When we perceive emotions, we need to express them. Learn to express emotions in a healthy, constructive way.

Tips How do you teach your child to manage emotions?

Teach children to deal with emotions

There are good ways to deal with emotions and bad ways, and how to deal with them in the best way also requires "deliberate practice".

Recognition and emphasis on a sense of growth

I coined the word: a sense of growth. We adults are all happy to find that we have grown, and for children, growth is all they have, so it is more important. Whenever the child has progressed, we point it out in time, let him see it, tell him, do you remember, what you were like last year, last month, and now you can do it!

Progress, improvement, growth, this is the most reflective of the child's own value. Seize the moment at any time, discover specific progress, and tell your child that today's you are better than yesterday's!

Cultivate hobbies and provide opportunities to devote themselves to doing things

The cultivation of hobbies and interests cannot be overemphasized. Psychologists have found that a person with mature interests is more interested in new things and more capable of learning. Because their learning is more intrinsically motivated, they have more tenacious willpower and passion.

I think that the role of hobbies, in addition to puzzles, cultivating sentiments, leisure, etc., it can also be like a spiritual friend, let people share with it when they are happy, and talk to it when they are sad. In addition, it may also provide a new identity for you to have a richer life experience. For example, you're a teacher, but you walk out of the classroom and you might tell someone you're a baker.

But that's not all. Hobbies and interests can provide us with an opportunity to devote ourselves to doing things, and this feeling of commitment is very valuable. Some psychologists call this "feeling of well-being", which is said to be an important source of happiness. When you do what you love, you are so engrossed that you forget the time and forget your existence. Zhuangzi has described this situation several times. According to him, at this time you are connected to the "Tao", so there will be a magic play.

The secret to achieving this sense of well-being is that your technique and challenges strike a delicate balance. That said, the difficulty of what you're doing is just as easy as your level. Of course, this is the best thing you like to do. But then again, a lot of times, even for neutral things, like writing homework, if the ability and difficulty are equal, we will enjoy the process.

So we go back and think about what we should choose for our children to do. Out of love, we always want to give our children more enjoyment. However, let him passively enjoy, such as watching TV, eating, his pleasures are also there, but these pleasures are superficial and short-lived. And a little challenging thing, he is more involved. If the difficulty is too great, he will lose interest again.

In fact, when children play games, they can often experience this feeling of well-being. When my daughter plays, if I ask her if she eats apples or something, usually she doesn't listen to them at all. So children are engaged and free to play, which is very valuable, we should encourage more, less disturb.

After the children are older, they often have a lot of utilitarianism in doing things, and it is difficult to devote themselves to it with pressure. Now many interest classes have made interest less interesting. We parents should reflect more on our role in it

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