
"The Most Beautiful Mother" Class Book: More than 20 years of meticulous nurturing Six children are regarded as their own

For more than 20 years, Ban Shuju has supported a broken big family with a meager income, overcome the pressure of economy and spirit, and shouldered the burden of raising six children (four non-biological) without hesitation, and she is the "most beautiful mother" in the hearts of children. In December 2018, Ban Shuju was named the first "Top Ten Good People of Yuhe Village", in December 2019, he was named "Linyi Good People", and in September 2020, he was named a candidate for "China's Good People".

"The Most Beautiful Mother" Class Book: More than 20 years of meticulous nurturing Six children are regarded as their own

One person bears the hope of three families

Ban Shuju is an ordinary rural woman who was introduced to her husband in 1989 and lived together and kept her life in order. Soon after the marriage, the peaceful and happy days were broken by one accident after another.

Ban Shuju's husband's eldest brother and sister-in-law died of illness, leaving a 10-year-old daughter unattended, And Ban Shuju and her husband decided to take the child to their home to raise. Ban Shuju's husband's second brother was not in good health, and the second sister-in-law was a foreigner, mentally disturbed, and took medication for many years. In 2006, the second sister-in-law gave birth to twin daughters, and in 2008 gave birth to another boy. Seeing that the second brother and the second sister-in-law did not have the ability to raise children, Ban Shuju was distressed about the children, and took the three children to his own home to raise them, and also took care of the living life of the second sister-in-law. "It's not a big deal for adults to be bitter and tired, but children are so small that they can't be left alone and no one hurts." Ban Shuju said that they could not be given material wealth, but they would be able to grow up as healthy and healthy as other children.

However, misfortune is not alone, and unfortunate things have once again befallen this family. In 2009, Ban Shuju's husband accidentally encountered an accident while working at the construction site and unfortunately passed away. At that time, Ban Shuju was already pregnant with a second child (the first was a daughter), and when she heard the news of her husband's death, she suddenly collapsed to the ground. With the help of relatives, friends and neighbors, after dealing with her husband's affairs, Ban Shuju collapsed and cried several times due to excessive mental pressure. Thinking of the 5 children waiting to be fed in front of her and the children she was about to give birth, she told herself that she must be strong, and the children were still waiting for her and counting on her, and she must raise all six children with her full love.

Since then, Ban Shuju has begun the arduous road of raising six children alone, and this persistence has been more than ten years. The first few years of life were the most difficult, of the six children, except for the eldest sister and the second sister, the age difference of four children was less than two years old, and they all needed to be taken care of at all times. In the eyes of the villagers, Ban Shuju is an iron man, and all he sees is her busy figure like a top. Watching the children grow up and understand things day by day, Ban Shuju's heart is rich.

Treat yourself as if you were the most beautiful mother

The six children in the family are called Ban Shuju "mother", she does not distinguish between relatives and aliens, and treats several children "a bowl of water flat". The morning is the busiest time of the day, and every day I get up at 5 o'clock and start cooking for the children. After eating, she rode an electric car to send the second child to school first, and when she returned, a few smaller children also finished eating, and then she rode a tricycle to send the other four children to school, and then went to do some odd jobs, squeezing some time and busy with the work in the field.

Ban Shuju always did her best to think about the children, and as long as she could cope with the past, she could do anything, because to save money for the children to go to school, she wore a dress for several years, and eating a steamed bun could last a day. Even if they are poor, Ban Shuju never discounts the education of children. To be strong, she teaches her children to be self-reliant, not to accept gifts from others casually, to get what they want through their own efforts, and to be grateful for the help of others.

Ban Shuju has always taught children to know how to share and learn to be grateful in learning and life, and the six children have always rushed to do the work at home, and they all give each other a little delicious. Once, Ban Shuju saw the roadside bananas engaged in special prices, only 9 cents a pound, thinking that the child has not tasted this fruit for a long time, she bought 5 yuan fiercely, thinking that the children will be very happy to see it. Who knows to see the banana that Ban Shu is carrying in his hand, several children immediately "angry", suspect that the mother spends money indiscriminately, suspects that the mother bought her own "dislike" to eat, the second daughter is angry while "bubbling", but silently cut a banana into six petals, first give the best petal to the mother of the class, and then give the younger siblings who have never left the banana with their eyes one petal. After so many years, the aroma of bananas, mixed with heartache and relief, was deeply rooted in Ban Shuju's heart.

Material poverty cannot stop spiritual wealth

Ban Shuju's story of raising six children alone was widely praised in the local area and praised by the villagers. In the past twenty years, no matter how tired she is, she has never taken the initiative to reach out to her superiors once, and has never reflected her difficulties. No matter who asked, she always smiled and said: "My own affairs are small things, collective affairs, national affairs are big things, I will not affect everyone's big things because of my small things!" ”

"No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education", this is the bottom line criterion set by Ban Shuju for herself, and she knows the importance of knowledge culture to individuals, families, and society. Ban Shuju has always told children to study well, no matter when and where, they must put learning first. In the past, several children were relatively small, and they were all running back and forth between different schools, but now that the children have grown up, the eldest daughter has long been a wife and mother, and the other 5 children have come home from school, and it has become a custom for the mother to come home after writing homework. In front of the dim light and the mottled old dinner table, it is often the second sister who finishes her homework first, and then tutors her younger siblings to study, and the sensible second sister takes the initiative to cook after doing her homework. No matter how much grievances and difficulties he endured, He firmly promised the children that they would all complete their studies, and several children were also particularly sensible, and their academic performance in the class was among the best.

An ordinary peasant woman raised six children, the bitterness and hardships of this road only Ban Shuju herself knows, the tribulations encountered everywhere in life have solidified her weak shoulders; the footsteps of the children thriving have strengthened her confidence in life. "Children are my future, and they are also the future of our country, and raising them and teaching them well is what I should do."

Women are weak, for the mother is strong, Ban Shuju interpreted the true meaning of "love" with his own practical actions, and practiced the noble qualities of wife and motherhood with more than 20 years of hard work and wordless love. Ban Shuju is like a walking spiritual dictionary, let us re-examine what is great love, what is responsibility, what is faith, what is selflessness... Her teachings and teachings are simple and unpretentious, emitting a refreshing fragrance, and her precious qualities are transformed into the "baton" of love, which are passed down from generation to generation in the entire Meijiabu street, the entire Hedong District and even the entire social family.

Linbao Rong Media reporter Mei Xiangyu

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